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Getting up from bed for seniors

20 grudnia 2023
Edges of the mattress, mattress for the elderly, orthopedic pillows
Choosing the right mattress for an elderly person is not an easy decision. The mattress must meet several criteria, including providing spinal support, which means it needs to be functional and have the right firmness, but above all, it must facilitate easy getting up, which is related to its edges. Such a mattress can ensure healthy sleep, comfort, and safety for seniors, helping them enjoy a better quality of life in their later years.

If the sides of the mattress easily bend or deform, this can lead to uncomfortable and significant loss of body support when getting up or sitting down, resulting in injuries and accidents that we want to avoid. Functional mattress edges remain resistant to deformation, which is particularly important for models of mattresses used by older individuals.
Mattresses for elderly people, senior pillow, adult mattress

Most common ailments of seniors

As societies age, the prevalence of various ailments and health difficulties among older individuals also increases. One of the main trends that gains significance is the rising percentage of civilization diseases. This worrisome phenomenon poses a challenge not only for the elderly themselves but also for the healthcare systems and society as a whole. It is also a challenge for ethical mattress manufacturers who want to assist them.

Civilization diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, or obesity, as well as various heart and respiratory diseases, have become a plague among the elderly. This alarming increase in diseases can be the result of various factors, including changes in lifestyle, diet, and a lack of physical activity, all of which are a part of the natural aging process.
Lifestyle diseases have become a sign of our times.
Common and frequent diseases that occur in older individuals are, of course, also a result of sleep hygiene, or the lack thereof in the past. There are also many other risk factors associated with the development of civilization diseases in seniors. Among the most important ones are:
  • Inadequate diet, as irregular and unhealthy eating habits can lead to overweight, obesity, and other metabolic disorders;
  • Low physical activity, as a sedentary lifestyle among older individuals still dominates, which can increase the risk of many diseases;
  • Smoking, as older people who continue to smoke expose themselves to a higher risk of heart disease, cancer, and other health problems;
  • Alcohol consumption, as it has a detrimental impact on the health of seniors;
  • Genetic inheritance, as genetic factors also play a role in the development of civilization diseases.

The increase in the number of civilization diseases among seniors has a significant impact on their quality of life. These serious conditions can ultimately lead to chronic health problems, necessitating long-term treatment, hospitalization, and increased dependence on the care of others. This, in turn, leads to a decrease in the independence and quality of life of seniors.

In the face of this epidemic of civilization diseases among seniors, there is an urgent need for preventive and educational actions, including proper care for their sleep quality, which plays a crucial role in their well-being. Improving the awareness of seniors regarding a healthy lifestyle, including promoting physical activity, a healthy diet, and medical check-ups, are key aspects in addressing this issue.
Edges of the mattress, mattress for the elderly, difficulty getting up

Mattress for an elderly person

A mattress is one of the most important elements that affect the quality of sleep and comfort. As we age, our body's needs change, and as a result, choosing the right mattress becomes critical for ensuring healthy sleep and avoiding health problems related to the spine and skin.

What guides the choice of a mattress for seniors is providing proper support for the spine and body in physiological positions. Seniors often suffer from various spinal ailments, including back pain and posture issues. Therefore, a mattress must conform to the body's shape, ensuring even weight distribution and eliminating pressure points.
Mattresses for the elderly must meet their standards and requirements.
Anti-bedsores properties are a key element of mattresses for older individuals. Prolonged lying in one position can lead to pressure sores, which is particularly dangerous for seniors with limited mobility. Therefore, mattresses for seniors often feature technologies that counteract bedsores, reducing the risk of their occurrence by altering the pressure on various parts of the senior's body during sleep.

The notion that mattresses for seniors cannot be too soft is significant. An excessively soft mattress may not provide adequate support for the spine and can lead to poor body posture during sleep. On the other hand, a mattress cannot be too hard because it lacks comfort and can cause muscle pains. Therefore, there is a need to find a golden mean that provides the perfect firmness. Such is the medium-firm mattress from the Polish company ONSEN®.

An important aspect of a mattress for older individuals is the ease of getting out of bed. Seniors require additional support to avoid effort and the risk of falling when getting up. Only mattresses with the right firmness and construction can significantly facilitate this task, which is extremely important for maintaining independence and safety.
Mattresses for elderly people, foam mattress, best mattress manufacturer

Mattress edges for seniors

When choosing a mattress, we often focus on its surface, forgetting that the edges of the mattress play an equally important role, especially when it comes to the comfort and support of older individuals. The idea that the edges of the mattress cannot be made of different materials than the rest of the mattress has deeper significance than it might seem.


The edges of the mattress serve a crucial function in maintaining body support during sleep. In the case of innerspring mattresses, which often have soft edges made of T foam, there is a high risk that these areas will become depressed and less comfortable than the central part of the mattress. This can lead to back pain and poor posture, especially in older individuals who may be more susceptible to such problems.
The edges of a mattress for seniors must not sag.
The idea of the necessity of having sturdy edges applies to the fact that the sides of the mattress should be made of materials and construction that provide stability and support. Meanwhile, older individuals often need additional support in a mattress when getting out of bed or sitting on its edge to avoid sinking into it. Sturdy edges provide this stability, which can significantly facilitate daily activities.

Therefore, it's important to remember that mattresses with sturdy and dynamic edges not only support the spine and body during sleep but also significantly ease getting up from the bed. For seniors who may have limited mobility, this is a crucial feature. The resilience of the edges allows for better distribution of body weight when getting up and prevents hands from sinking into the mattress, which can reduce the risk of falls and injuries for such individuals.
Edges of the mattress, mattresses for elderly people, mattress for the disabled

Top layer of the mattress

The top layer of a mattress for an older person plays a crucial role in providing comfort and support for the spine and healthy sleep in seniors. Therefore, it's worth remembering that the belief that memory foam is unsuitable for seniors has its justification, and the choice of high-resilience foam can bring many benefits.

The widely advertised memory foam, also known to many people worldwide as viscoelastic foam, is a popular material used in many models of mattresses on the market. However, it has certain characteristics that can pose difficulties for seniors and others. This foam reacts to body temperature, softens and conforms to the weight applied.

Another issue with memory foam is that it doesn't always provide adequate support for the spine of older individuals. Seniors often suffer from back pain and posture problems, so it's necessary for a mattress to deliver stable spinal support, especially in the lumbar and cervical areas.

A dynamic material is high-resilience foam, which reacts to pressure and immediately returns to its original shape after the load is removed. This means it provides stable spinal support, eliminating back pain and posture problems. Moreover, it doesn't succumb to the influence of body temperature like memory foam, so seniors have no issues getting up.
Mattresses for seniors, foam mattress, problem with getting up

Mattress filling

The mattress filling is one of the most important factors that influence its quality, comfort, and durability. However, some types of fillings, such as T foam or springs, may not be suitable for seniors due to their properties, especially when it comes to their healthy sleep and spinal support.

Closed-cell T foam, which is a popular mattress filling, has its significant limitations. One of the most commonly observed problems with closed-cell foam is its low durability. This foam tends to deform quickly, especially in areas where the body exerts pressure on the mattress. For seniors who need to get proper rest, mattress deformation can lead to uncomfortable sleep, as well as spinal health problems and other bodily discomforts.

Another type of mattress filling that may not be suitable for seniors is springs in any form. In the case of old-fashioned spring mattresses, the problem is that the springs act as a whole, not conforming to the natural curves and contours of an older person's body. This means they do not provide the necessary spinal support in a physiological position. Additionally, springs tend to wear out quickly, leading to discomfort.
Edges of the mattress, night sweats, muscle stiffness

The ideal mattress for a senior

It is worth understanding that a healthy lifestyle can significantly impact the prevention of civilization diseases in seniors and help maintain their health and independence in later years of life. Therefore, education aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle in this age group is extremely important for society as a whole, including seniors who are an important part of it.

When looking for the perfect mattress for seniors, it's worth paying special attention to the Osaka Air mattress, an innovative product from the Polish brand ONSEN®. This memory foam mattress is considered the best choice for older individuals. It has undergone a comprehensive design, research, and testing process conducted by qualified experts. This process was based on the principles of design thinking and aligned with the useful philosophy of jobs to be done, strongly focusing on solving problems and meeting the needs of various user groups.

Our best memory foam mattress not only offers full comfort but also unprecedented durability on the European market. Made from modern high-quality materials, this mattress maintains its shape and properties for a long time. The firmness level of 6.5 has been carefully selected to meet the expectations of most individuals, whether they sleep on their side or back, or prefer the not-recommended stomach sleeping.

We also encourage you to explore other articles on the best sleep and health blog, as well as the Encyclopedia of Healthy Sleep prepared by the ONSEN® team of specialists. For those who care about spine health, we recommend a set of spine exercises prepared by our physiotherapist.
Senior mattress, pressure relief mattresses, medical store in Toruń

FAQ: Getting up from bed for seniors

How to help a senior get out of bed?

When assisting older individuals in getting out of bed, ensure stable support first and foremost. Make sure the bed is positioned close to a wall or another stable support that the senior can use for support when getting up, and that the mattress has firm edges. Ensure the mattress is suitable. Choose a mattress that facilitates getting out of bed, considering its firmness and dynamics. You can also use special handles by attaching them to the bed or in the bathroom.

What features should a mattress for elderly individuals have?

A mattress for seniors should provide proper support for the spine and body in generally accepted physiological positions. Additionally, a mattress for an older person should have mechanisms to prevent pressure sores, which is particularly important for individuals with limited mobility. The edges of the mattress for seniors should be stiff, dynamic, and resistant to depressions, providing stability and support. The firmness of mattresses for seniors should be tailored to the anatomical structure of the body and should be around 6,5.

What firmness should you choose for a mattress for seniors?

The firmness of a mattress for seniors should be adapted to the sleeping position they typically adopt. Generally, seniors who sleep on their backs or sides should choose a mattress with a firmness level between 6.0 and 7.0 on the mattress firmness scale. For some slim individuals who prefer sleeping on their stomachs, a slightly firmer surface is recommended, always exceeding 6.0 on the same scale.

What should a mattress for an elderly person be made of?

A mattress for an elderly person should be made of high-quality materials that provide adequate support and comfort. These should be foam mattresses with high-resilience foams that meet the specific requirements for seniors. It's worth familiarizing yourself with the layered construction of the Osaka Air mattress, which is an ideal choice for older individuals.

Should seniors sleep on a soft mattress?

Seniors should not sleep on soft mattresses but on medium-firm ones. A soft mattress is inappropriate because it doesn't provide proper support for the spine and body. Therefore, it's important to adjust the mattress's firmness to the sleeping position and the senior's comfort to ensure a healthy sleep and avoid spinal health problems.

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