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Do you sleep without a pillow?

10 lutego 2024
Sleeping without a pillow, sleeping on one's back, lying on the stomach
A properly chosen sleeping pillow plays a crucial role in ensuring healthy sleep and comfort during nighttime rest. Its functions go far beyond merely providing a support for the head with the right firmness. A suitably chosen pillow can influence body posture, including reducing muscle tension and protecting the spine. It's worth noting that the lack of a proper pillow can lead to health issues related to the spine and neck.

During stomach sleeping, when the head is often turned to the side, the human spine prefers no pillow or a very flat pillow to avoid other misalignments. In this sleeping position, sleeping without a pillow helps maintain the natural curvature of the spine. However, this is one of the few situations where sleeping without a pillow is recommended, while for most sleeping positions, the support of a good pillow is crucial.

It's worth emphasizing that not only the height of the pillow matters, as great importance should be attached to the properties and material from which the pillow is made. A properly chosen sleeping pillow should provide proper support for the neck while maintaining softness and flexibility. The ergonomic properties of each pillow are essential to ensure full comfort during sleep.
Sleeping flat, sleeping on the stomach, lying on the back

Positions for sleeping without a pillow

For most of us, sleeping without a pillow is incomprehensible. However, there are situations in which sleeping without a pillow brings certain benefits. Such an exception is stomach sleeping, where this form of sleeping is even recommended. In this specific sleeping position, the head is turned to the side, causing significant rotation of the vertebrae in the cervical spine. Completely eliminating the pillow, or possibly using a very flat pillow, helps maintain its curvature.

In the case of sleeping on the stomach, the head is already turned, subjected to rotation. Additional tilting it backward by using a pillow introduces very unhealthy tension and retraction of the cervical spine. That is why people preferring this sleeping style should generally sleep without a pillow or on a low pillow to avoid difficulties related to neck retraction.

It is worth noting that the stomach sleeping position is not recommended for the general population due to potential neck and spine issues, including damage. Prolonged maintenance of this position leads to misalignment of the vertebrae, as well as pressure on the joints. The decision to sleep without a pillow will be decidedly better in this case.
Sleeping without a pillow, neck pain, spine cracking

Sleeping after spine surgery

Sleeping after spine surgeries can be problematic because each surgery comes with specific guidelines regarding the way and position in which patients should spend their sleep time. Especially after surgeries related to the cervical or lumbar spine, it is often recommended to sleep without a pillow. This is related to caution since this aims to minimize pressure on the operated areas, allowing the spine to stabilize.

Sleeping without a pillow after spine surgery is a temporary solution. In the first few days after the procedure, it can help avoid additional pressure on delicate surgical structures. However, every decision regarding sleep should be consulted with the surgeon who performed the operation. This specialist can adjust recommendations to the individual needs of the patient and the specifics of the particular surgery. Complete adherence to medical recommendations after spine surgery is crucial for a quick recovery and preventing potential complications.
Sleeping flat, spine surgery, spine procedure

The importance of a pillow when sleeping on the side

Worldwide, side sleeping is one of the most commonly preferred sleep positions. A properly chosen orthopedic pillow plays a crucial role in ensuring a healthy and comfortable rest. The main function of the pillow during side sleeping is primarily to provide support to the head and spine in a way that maintains them in a straight line. This principle helps maintain a natural curvature of the spine, preventing potential discomfort associated with improper posture.

The height of the pillow is essential because it is responsible for providing support to the head and spine during side sleeping. For most people, specialists recommend a pillow height of around 10-12 centimeters to keep the head high enough to be in a straight line with the spine. A properly chosen sleeping pillow not only protects the spine but also reduces pressure on the neck and shoulders.

An additional element enhancing the comfort of side sleepers is placing a small pillow between the knees. This approach helps maintain balance in the hips, reducing pressure on the joints and lumbar spine. The overall alignment of the body in a single line from head to feet during side sleeping promotes healthy sleep and reduces muscle tension.
Sleeping without a pillow, sleeping on the side, healthy sleeping positions

The value of a pillow while sleeping on the back

The second popular position is back sleeping, considered by some to be one of the healthiest sleeping positions. While sleeping on your back, it's essential to choose the right sleeping pillow that meets ergonomic conditions. It's crucial for the face to be directed straight towards the ceiling, helping maintain the natural curvature of the spine. The head during lying down should not tilt towards the chest or in the opposite direction.

The head must have solid support for the cervical spine to regenerate. Therefore, the height of the pillow plays a crucial role. It's essential not only for the head to not tilt towards the chest but also for the physiological positioning of both shoulders. Special shoulder profiles, as found in ONSEN® pillows, assist in achieving this. Hence, it's not advisable to invest in memory pillows that excessively sink.

The right pillow should be soft and flexible while providing the user with adequate support; hence, it must be sturdy. Individuals who usually sleep on their back or side may experiment with different pillow models to find the one that best adapts to their needs. It's also worth using our pillow selection guide to choose the perfect one for yourself.

We also encourage you to explore other articles on the best sleep and health blog, as well as the Encyclopedia of Healthy Sleep prepared by the ONSEN® team of specialists. For those who care about spine health, we recommend a set of spine exercises prepared by our physiotherapist.
Bed pillows, bedroom pillow, comfortable sleep

FAQ: Sleep without a pillow

Is it worth sleeping without a pillow?

Generally, it's not advisable to sleep without a pillow, although some people prefer it. Sleeping without a pillow is recommended only for stomach sleepers, as it brings certain benefits to them. For others, the disadvantages of this sleeping position far outweigh the advantage of conforming to a habit.

Is sleeping without a pillow healthy?

Sleeping without a pillow is healthy for stomach sleepers because it helps reduce the potential adverse effects of this spine-damaging sleeping position. However, it is not recommended for other sleepers, as only a properly chosen pillow that matches the body's anatomy can provide adequate support for the head and spine, taking into account the curves of the shoulders and neck.

Why do people sleep without a pillow on their stomach?

Sleeping without a pillow on the stomach helps maintain the natural curvature of the spine and reduces pressure on the neck. It also aids in protecting the cervical spine. Sleeping on the stomach causes the head and spine to rotate. Additional bending backward caused by a pillow would lead to retraction of the cervical spine, which is considered highly dangerous for many people.

After which surgeries should one sleep flat?

After some surgical procedures, especially those related to the head, neck, or face, a doctor may recommend temporarily sleeping flat and without using a pillow. This is to avoid additional pressure on the operated areas. Therefore, it is always essential to pay attention to the recommendations of specialists, including orthopedists or neurosurgeons.

In which position should one avoid sleeping?

Sleeping on the stomach is not recommended due to potential spine and neck problems. This position can lead to improper alignment of the vertebrae and pressure on the joints, damaging the cervical spine. It is advisable to avoid prolonged sleeping in this position and to change habits for healthier ones.

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