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Which mattress for the lumbar region is worth considering?

20 listopada 2023
Lumbar section, lower back pain, spine mattress
The lumbar region plays a crucial role in movement, stability, and maintaining an upright posture for every individual. It also serves as a specific foundation for the rest of the spine, influencing the ability for each of us to perform a wide range of movements and distribute the body's weight to other elements. Similar to the rest of the spine, the spinal cord responsible for transmitting nerve signals between the brain and the rest of the body passes through it.

Taking care of the lumbar spine is essential for maintaining physical fitness, especially in daily activities, including physical work and sports. Pain in this area can result from strain, injuries, or incorrect habits, but it can also have various other causes, including not maintaining proper sleep hygiene.
Lumbar spine, back pain, spine pillow

What is the lumbar spine responsible for?

As most of us already know, the lumbar spine plays a crucial role in movement and body stability throughout the day. It consists of five vertebrae labeled L1 to L5, located in the lower part of the spine. It is closely associated with many functions of the human body, which we describe below.

The lumbar spine serves as the foundation for the entire spine, providing it with proper stability and effectively enabling the maintenance of an upright posture. It is especially important in performing daily activities such as walking or sitting, as its functions are most visible during these times.

Additionally, the lumbar spine allows a range of motion, enabling individuals to perform rotational or bending movements, among others. This is crucial for maintaining the full functions of the body, particularly in physical activities such as physical work or sports.
Caring for the lumbar spine is important for maintaining physical fitness.
Another characteristic of the lumbar spine is its incredibly high ability to bear the weight of the body, especially when lifting objects. It provides balance and stability, protecting against excessive strain.

It's important to know that within the lumbar spine runs a crucial part for all vertebrates, the spinal cord, which is, of course, a component of the nervous system. The spinal cord is responsible for transmitting signals between the brain and the rest of the body. Therefore, protecting the spinal cord is essential for the proper functioning of the body, and it is the spine that enables this.

Remember that the lumbar spine closely and continuously collaborates with muscles and neighboring spinal segments, forming a comprehensive system. Its condition affects the overall balance of the body and can have serious consequences for other parts of the spine, and not only.
Lumbar section, lower back pain, aching lower back

How to deal with lower back pain?

In today's times, lower back pain is a common problem resulting from various causes related to lifestyle. The pain can be due to strains, injuries, degeneration, or incorrect habits affecting posture. Therefore, it's essential to know ways to alleviate lower back pain.

The key is to avoid incorrect positions that can affect the spine. In the case of acute pain, it's crucial to give the spine time to regenerate. During this time, it's important to avoid prolonged sitting or standing in one position to avoid straining it. This also applies to nighttime sleep, where, of course, the mattress plays a crucial role, particularly in providing support. Supporting the lumbar region with a pillow or a roll can stabilize its position.

Performing exercises to strengthen the muscles around the spine can be helpful in maintaining its stability. Activities such as swimming, yoga, and walking can alleviate pain. Just half an hour of aerobic exercise a day can make a difference. Physical therapists, available in the specialists database, can help in developing a plan and apply techniques like massage or physiotherapy.

In the case of the spine, controlling body weight is also crucial, as excess weight increases the load on the lumbar region, leading to lower back pain. Avoiding strains, such as lifting heavy objects without using proper technique, and maintaining a balance between physical activity and rest are other key aspects of spinal health and protection.
Lumbar spine, pain in the lower back, aching spine

Is a firm mattress good for the lumbar spine?

Even today, in some circles, there is unfortunately a prevalent belief, associated with myths from the past, that only a firm mattress is the key to a healthy spine. It claims that the firmer the mattress, the better for the spine, especially in the lumbar region. However, this is a myth that is not supported by reality. Modern medical knowledge, including orthopedic research, strongly contradicts this untruth, also demonstrating that a firm mattress can cause more harm than good.

The mistaken belief in the supposed benefits of using firm mattresses has its roots in ancient medical practices, when immobilization was commonly applied in the treatment of various injuries, such as fractures, dislocations, or sprains. It is from this ancient rhetoric that the belief arose that a very firm mattress is beneficial for the spine, providing it with immobilization that was thought to have a healing effect.

Modern expert knowledge unequivocally proves that the best for the spine is anatomical support and contouring, which allows maintaining a physiological position. A firm mattress does not provide the appropriate support for the lumbar spine, leading to incorrect posture and muscle tension, causing various discomforts.
Too firm a mattress is definitely not good for the spine!
Hard mattresses are characterized by a lack of flexibility, which in a very significant and dangerous way can limit support for natural lordosis and kyphosis, affecting points of weight accumulation. As a result, the body position during sleep is incorrect. Proper distribution of body weight on the mattress surface is important for maintaining spinal health.

The fact that hard mattresses do not contour the body, meaning they do not adapt to it, causes discomfort for many people, affecting the quality of sleep. It should be noted that we all have similar spines, although our bodies are different. A properly designed and made functional mattress should adapt to them.

Certainly, the idea of a hard mattress as a solution for the spine is a myth that does not have confirmation in modern science. For the health of the lumbar spine, it is important to find the best mattress, which combines proper support with flexibility, adapting to the individual needs and issues of each of us.
Lumbar section, lower back pain, treatment of spine pain

What mattress to choose for the lumbar spine?

A conscious, and therefore knowledge-based, decision to choose a functional mattress for the lumbar spine can significantly impact sleep quality and, through psychosomatic mechanisms, overall health. It's worth knowing that the mattress firmness can be ideal and universal.

Numerous studies and hotel tests have shown that a functional mattress with a firmness of 6.5 is the golden mean for health and comfort. It is a universally intermediate-firm medium-firm mattress that offers a unique balance between comfort and proper support for the entire spine.

Our offered spine mattress is an excellent choice. It provides, of course, proper support for the lumbar region and the entire body, crucial for maintaining correct posture throughout the day. Thanks to its moderate firmness based on a unique design of its layers, the mattress adapts to the natural curves of the spine throughout its use, translating into a healthy sleep.
Maintaining lumbar spine health requires maintaining sleep hygiene.
Importantly, mattresses from the Polish brand ONSEN® are characterized by high dynamics and flexibility, and at the same time, they shape the body of the sleeping person in a healthy and incredibly comfortable way. This effectively reduces pressure points between the mattress and the body, allowing for optimal blood circulation and increasing the regenerative capabilities of the body. Moreover, they minimize muscle tension, which is particularly important for people with pain.

Applying a high level of sleep hygiene in life is important. It includes ensuring ergonomic support on a mattress and choosing a properly constructed and designed orthopedic pillow, which will help prevent pain associated with spinal disorders. Both the mattress with a firmness of 6.5 and a properly selected anatomical orthopedic pillow are an ideal choice for those looking for health and comfort, ensuring peace for years.

We also encourage you to explore other articles on the best sleep and health blog, as well as the Encyclopedia of Healthy Sleep prepared by the ONSEN® team of specialists. For those who care about spine health, we recommend a set of spine exercises prepared by our physiotherapist.
Orthopedic mattress, mattresses for the spine, lower back pain, lumbago

FAQ: Lumbar spine section

What to do when the lumbar spine hurts?

When you experience pain in the lumbar spine, it's worth paying attention to whether you're sleeping on a functional mattress. Also, consider your sleeping position. When experiencing lumbar spine pain, it is important to rest and avoid prolonged sitting. Applying cold or warm compresses can be helpful, as well as performing gentle exercises to strengthen the muscles surrounding the spine. Of course, it's always advisable to seek medical and physiotherapeutic consultations.

What does pain in the lumbar spine indicate?

Pain in the lumbar spine can result from various factors, including discopathy, strain, and injuries. It can also be a consequence of a sedentary lifestyle and improper sleep hygiene. This condition may manifest as discomfort, sharp pain, or numbness in the lower back.

Which vertebrae make up the lumbar spine?

The lumbar spine consists of five vertebrae: L1, L2, L3, L4, and L5. It is the region of the spine located in the lower back, below the thoracic section.

What are the symptoms of lumbar spine damage?

Symptoms of lumbar spine damage may include lower back pain, limited mobility, as well as numbness or tingling in the legs and difficulties in maintaining stability while walking. In such a situation, it is important to consult a doctor promptly.

Which mattress will help with the lumbar spine?

The mattress selection process for the lumbar spine should primarily focus on a mattress with a firmness level of 6.5 on a 10-point softness scale. It should be made of HR foam layers with the appropriate density and firmness, and the second layer should contain V foam. A good mattress for the lumbar spine should provide proper support, be dynamic, and adapt to the natural curves of the spine.

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