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What are the effects of using a pillows for infants?

20 stycznia 2024
Pillows for infants, children's pillow, baby crib
We emphasize that infant pillows are not safe. Furthermore, standard orthopedic pillows are recommended exclusively for individuals over 18 years old, whose spines are fully developed. They should definitely not be used for children. In some cases, anatomical pillows can be used for adolescents, but under strict supervision.

Unfortunately, some parents of infants, especially those new to the role, are unaware of the natural processes that occur in the body of an infant or child. This often triggers understandable fear when they accidentally discover that their baby's head is slightly flattened after lying on their back for a long time. The consequence of these emotions can be the purchase of a pillow for a flat head, which can harm the child.

The market for unhealthy infant pillows is still popular in Poland, even though the Western world long ago moved away from such products. There are indeed many doubts about how much and in what way they could help. At the same time, many scientific studies have shown that such pillows can be potentially harmful and even deadly.
Baby pillow, children's pillows, cribs

Flat head in babies

The commonly used term flat head in infants refers to a situation where the back of the baby's head or the entire skull becomes flattened due to continuous positioning in one posture. However, this is a natural phenomenon that occurs in the infant period. It usually does not represent anything extraordinary, and typically resolves on its own over time.

A slightly more flat head in an infant results from the presence of fontanelles in their skulls, which are still unossified connections between its individual parts. These flexible structures connect the various skull bones of the child, and their presence is due to the need for the baby's head to pass through the birth canal during childbirth.

As a rule, fontanelles in children gradually close, and this process usually lasts until 18 months of age, but sometimes it can be prolonged. Therefore, the baby's head remains very flexible by nature. It is susceptible to various deformations even up to two years after birth. The period of shaping the child's head is part of its natural development.
Flat head in a child, plagiocephaly, asymmetrical head

Effectiveness of pillows for flat heads

Currently, there is a lack of scientific studies confirming the effectiveness of pillows for flat head promoted by their manufacturers. It's worth noting that, although they may sometimes receive positive reviews from parents, any visual improvement in the child's head shape is due to the natural development of the child and not the result of pillow use.

On the other hand, there are publications by scientists demonstrating that pillows designed to shape an infant's head are ineffective. In a fairly extensive review of scientific studies covering almost 400 different scientific publications related to positional plagiocephaly, other methods of "treating" flat heads in infants were also considered, such as positioning, physiotherapy, or corrective helmets, which some parents also use.

The results presented in this review of scientific studies unequivocally confirmed that the use of pillows for infants had no statistically significant effect. In reality, their use does not improve the appearance of the infant's head. At the same time, it can cause significant harm to the infant, which may become apparent in the future.
Infant pillow, baby mattress, baby cribs

Use of pillows for infants

The use of orthopedic pillows for infants can be potentially dangerous. It is recommended that in the first few months of life, infants should sleep on the flattest surface possible, preferably on a firm mattress. This is suitable for infants because their natural spinal curves have not yet developed. Any kind of sleeping pillows are unnecessary and may pose a risk to the baby's health.

Let's avoid blankets, pillows, or duvets, as well as other soft items, including plush toys, which can cover the baby's face. These can hinder unobstructed breathing, leading to oxygen deprivation. Babies also do not need special orthopedic pillows, which can obstruct air access.

Specialized products, such as orthopedic pillows, are designed for adults with spinal problems. They are also suitable for those who want to prevent spinal diseases as a preventive measure. They are definitely not suitable for infants because their spines are in the shaping phase, making a flat surface the best for them. Therefore, investing in so-called infant pillows is senseless.
Crib death, SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome), infant oxygen deprivation, infant diseases

Infant pillows and sudden infant death syndrome

The results of scientific studies suggest that the use of pillows for infants increases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). For this reason, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children sleep only in an environment devoid of soft objects or objects that impede airflow, especially pillows.

This aspect has also been addressed by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission, which closely collaborates on infant safety with the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. Based on the collected data, they issued a scientific recommendation regarding the sleep conditions of infants. According to this recommendation, infants should sleep only on a firm, fitted mattress, without pillows, blankets, or wedges. Also, without any soft objects that could resemble pillows.

After further research and analysis of cases of sudden infant death syndrome, a second scientific article was published on the subject. It is recommended not to place any objects in the baby's bed, such as pillows or stuffed animals. These are unnecessary for the child, serving only as decoration for parents but mainly posing a potential threat to the infant's safety.
Research indicates that infant pillows increase the risk of sudden infant death syndrome.
Currently, many scientific studies have confirmed that bedding can be dangerous for infants, even when placed underneath or out of their reach. Various elements of bedding, such as pillows, comforters, and blankets, are the most common cause of blocking the airways of infants, leading to suffocation, classified as SIDS.

To confirm information about pillows for infants, it is worth reviewing an extremely extensive database of scientific articles related to this phenomenon:
They show that the use of pillows for infants can interfere with a child's breathing. The respiratory system of infants and young children differs from that of adults, and their airways are narrow. As a result, a pillow under the head disrupts the free flow of air, which can lead to oxygen deficiency in the child, with the consequence of death.

Infants cannot change position or communicate discomfort independently. Therefore, the use of pillows and similar items is extremely risky, as oxygen deficiency can leave permanent neurological damage to the child. Everything indicates that it is safer to leave the infant in the crib without additional pillows and bedding that may harm them.

We also encourage you to explore other articles on the best sleep and health blog, as well as the Encyclopedia of Healthy Sleep prepared by the ONSEN® team of specialists. For those who care about spine health, we recommend a set of spine exercises prepared by our physiotherapist.
Mattresses, children's mattress, Polish mattress manufacturer

FAQ: Pillows for infants

Will the asymmetry of the baby's head even out?

Yes, the asymmetry of the baby's head should even out. A flat head in infants is a natural phenomenon related to flexible connections in the skull. The baby's head gradually shapes itself until 18 months of age, and changing sleep positions as well as alternating lying on the stomach and side help minimize this asymmetry.

Can a baby sleep on a pillow?

No, pillows for babies, especially orthopedic ones, are unnecessary and can be dangerous to the baby's health. Experts recommend that infants sleep on a flat surface, preferably on a firm mattress. They should sleep without additional pillows, providing proper support to the spine and protecting against Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

Does a pillow for a flat head really work?

No, scientific studies do not confirm the effectiveness of pillows for a flat head. A review of studies involving nearly 400 scientific publications showed that using pillows for infants had no statistically significant effect on improving the appearance of the baby's head.

What are the risks of using pillows for babies?

Using pillows for babies can pose various health risks, including disrupting the free flow of air, which can lead to oxygen deprivation. Studies indicate that pillows for babies increase the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS).

Why should a baby sleep flat?

A baby should sleep on a flat and firm surface because its head and spine are in the shaping phase, and the flexible connections in the skull are still closing. Additionally, placing the baby's head flat helps it breathe, while bending it towards the chest makes it difficult for the baby to breathe. Extra elements are unnecessary and increase the risk of SIDS.

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