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Why foam firmness matters?

30 czerwca 2024
Foam hardness, foam in a mattress, mattress properties
It is important to realize that foam firmness is a crucial factor affecting comfort and sleep quality. Choosing the right mattress firmness can significantly improve your health and reduce back pain. Understanding why foam firmness is important will help you make a sensible and informed choice when buying a mattress, avoiding sales tricks.



Foams used in mattresses and pillows vary in firmness, which directly affects their functionality. Well-chosen foam firmness will provide proper spinal support, which translates into healthy sleep and better well-being, as long as the entire parameter is appropriate.
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Comfort and body support

Foam firmness is important for providing body support at the right level. For this reason, ONSEN® mattresses have been carefully designed with optimal spinal support in mind. Properly selected foam firmness helps maintain the natural curvature of the spine, which reduces the risk of back pain, minimizing the risk of other ailments.

Well-chosen mattress firmness allows for even weight distribution, preventing the formation of pressure points if properly balanced. This reduces the risk of bedsores and improves blood circulation. This is especially important for people who spend a lot of time in bed due to illness or recovery.

High-resilience foams, such as HR30100 used in the first layer of ONSEN® mattresses, offer dynamic support that adapts to body movements during sleep. This allows for free movement, which is crucial for comfort and healthy sleep.
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Temperature regulation and air circulation

Another important aspect of foam firmness is its impact on temperature regulation and air circulation. It is worth investing in open-cell foams, like those used in ONSEN® mattresses, as they provide excellent ventilation, allowing air to flow outwards. This ensures that heat and moisture are effectively dissipated, helping to maintain a comfortable temperature during sleep.

Foam firmness can also affect the breathability of the entire mattress, although not as strongly as density. High-resilience foams with medium to high firmness often offer better air circulation compared to soft foams, which can retain more heat. This is important for people who tend to sweat at night and those who prefer cooler sleeping conditions.

Innovative solutions, such as the Aero 3D mesh used in ONSEN® mattresses, further enhance air circulation, increasing comfort and sleep hygiene. Functional Osaka Air mattresses are designed using design thinking principles to provide not only optimal support but also a healthy sleeping environment, which is one of their key features.
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Longevity and durability

The firmness of foam also has a significant impact on the durability of the mattress, though it is less than density. It is the density of the foam that determines the lifespan of the mattress. However, higher firmness foams, such as the HR50190 used in the final layer of the Osaka Air mattress, are characterized by greater resistance to deformation and wear. This ensures that these products maintain their properties for many years, leading to greater user satisfaction.

Fully functional mattresses made from appropriately firm and dense foams are less prone to sagging and loss of shape, which can be a common issue with low-density foams and poorly selected firmness. This makes investing in the Osaka Air mattress with universal firmness much more cost-effective in the long run than purchasing a bad mattress, regardless of its price.

It's also important to note that it is the type and density of the foam that affects its ability to return to its original shape. Contrary to what dishonest sellers might say, foam firmness has little impact here. The best options are high-resilience foams, which regain their shape almost immediately after pressure is released, which is extremely important for maintaining comfort and aesthetics.
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Proper mattress firmness

The firmness of foam is a crucial factor affecting sleep quality, comfort, and spinal health. Choosing the right mattress or pillow, such as those offered by ONSEN®, should take into account the individual needs and preferences of each user. The appropriate foam firmness provides full comfort, but also supports the health and longevity of the products. The best firmness is around 6.5/10, as it meets the needs of 97% of the population. Generally, only young and athletic individuals who sleep on their stomachs might consider choosing firmer mattresses.

Investing in high-quality products ensures healthy sleep, resulting in improved well-being throughout the day, which impacts productivity. Therefore, it is worth spending time on education and selecting the best mattress to provide the best conditions for regeneration and rest.

It's important to note that some stores try to discredit knowledge about foams. Some sellers deliberately mislead consumers, openly claiming that foam parameters do not exist. Others say that only the density parameter exists, and firmness is a myth. Mattress firmness is often presented as H2 or H3, which aims to confuse customers.

Remember, the complete foam parameter should consist of a letter designation (V, T, or HR) and a four-digit sequence, where the first two digits indicate density in kg/m³, and the next two digits indicate firmness in kPa. In some cases, it may have three digits for firmness in N, resulting in a five-digit sequence. A well-informed consumer is more reasonable when buying a mattress, giving themselves a chance to make the right choice.

We also encourage you to explore other articles on the best sleep and health blog, as well as the Encyclopedia of Healthy Sleep prepared by the ONSEN® team of specialists. For those who care about spine health, we recommend a set of spine exercises prepared by our physiotherapist.
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FAQ: Foam firmness

What does T35 foam mean?

T35 foam refers to traditional foam with a closed-cell structure, characterized by poor quality. Although this designation does not include a hardness parameter, the type of foam itself disqualifies it from use in good mattresses, at least those that are intended to be comfortable and durable.

Is T25 foam good?

No, T25 foam is closed-cell and has low density, which makes it degrade quickly. Although this is only part of the full foam parameter, as it lacks hardness, the properties of T foam make it unsuitable for producing mattresses that are meant to provide comfort and longevity.

What foam hardness is suitable for a mattress?

The suitable foam hardness for a mattress varies in each layer. In the first layer, HR foam with a hardness range of 100-120 newtons at a density of 30 kg/m3 is recommended, but only if proper foams are also used in the subsequent layers. A functional mattress, to provide appropriate comfort and support, must have a structure resembling a cake, with well-designed layers.

What does foam density mean in a mattress?

Foam density in a mattress refers to the amount of foam used to produce one cubic meter of the mattress or its specific layer. Density does not directly affect the hardness of the mattress but has a significant impact on its durability. It is important to note that the letter designation does not refer to foam density but to its type. Therefore, it is not true that "foam density is denoted by the letter T," as some sellers claim. The letter T indicates the lowest quality traditional closed-cell foam.

Is foam hardness the same as foam density?

No, foam hardness and foam density are two different parameters. Density refers to the amount of material used to produce the foam, while hardness is measured in kilopascals or newtons. The assertion by some sellers that "the higher the foam density, the harder and more durable the mattress" is incorrect, and such sources of information should be avoided.

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