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How long we can go without sleep to still live and be healthy?

16 września 2020
How much can one not sleep, lack of sleep, sleep deprivation
It is well-known that sleep is incredibly important, and we need to sleep every day. However, many of us sometimes wonder how long one can go without sleep, contemplating the apparent time-saving aspect of staying awake. Many people also suffer from insomnia, including chronic insomnia. Science provides answers to this question and explains how long a person can endure without sleep without experiencing its negative effects.

Although scientists cannot yet provide a definitive answer to the question of the evolutionary role of sleep, current research clearly indicates that sleep plays a key role in the proper functioning of the nervous system, as well as in the regeneration process of the entire body. Prolonged sleep deprivation has a negative impact on daily functioning, but in certain situations, it poses a serious threat to life and health.

Sleep is undoubtedly essential for maintaining optimal cognitive abilities in all living organisms, including thinking, learning, memory, and decision-making. Lack of adequate sleep can lead to a decrease in concentration, slowed reaction time, and cognitive dysfunction, which can have colossal consequences. Already after 18 hours without sleep, a person exhibits symptoms comparable to alcohol intoxication, disrupting daily activities.

It is worth noting that prolonged sleep deprivation has serious health consequences. Individuals experiencing sleep deprivation are more susceptible to inflammation, cardiovascular diseases, and also have reduced immunity. Moreover, too little sleep can lead to hormonal imbalances, negatively affecting metabolism and appetite regulation. In addition, a sleep-deprived person may pose a danger on the road, as their behavior is similar to that of a drunk driver, so they should not drive.
Sleep deprivation, lack of sleep, insomnia

Sleep deprivation study

Scientific studies in the form of experiments examining how long one can go without sleep may be controversial. To maintain research ethics, they are usually terminated immediately when there is a threat to the health or life of participants. Additionally, each scientific study undergoes peer review by university committees to protect against ethical violations.

The first attempt to assess the effects of sleep deprivation was conducted in 1896 in the United States. At that time, three participants were fully deprived of sleep for a whopping 90 hours. It was noted that the participants experienced hallucinations and significant deficits in attention. Subsequently, the impact of prolonged sleep deprivation on humans continued to be studied. Therefore, in the 1960s, a series of additional experiments were conducted, depriving volunteers of sleep for up to 7 days.
How much can one not sleep, consequences of lack of sleep, morning fatigue
Within the first 24 hours of the conducted study, no significant changes in the behavior of the participants were noted. However, they began to experience feelings of fatigue, and in some, an increase in muscle tension and tremors started to manifest. Unaware of how much longer they could go without sleep, they willingly continued the study. In the following hours, this resulted in impairment of limb movements, and sleep deprivation intensified symptoms related to the reduction of muscle tension, leading to tremors.

After the third sleepless night, participants became increasingly irritated and agitated. They struggled to perform assigned tasks that required concentration or calculations. On the fourth day of the study, the need for sleep became almost uncontrollable, but a method was found to address it. To ensure the continuation of the investigation into how long one can go without sleep, observers were hired to actively prevent participants from falling asleep.

The fourth day without sleep caused some participants to experience microsleep episodes and even conscious dreaming. Suddenly, participants interrupted their activities and stared into space, disrupting the execution of tasks that required focused attention. Electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings showed delta waves, which are characteristic of deep sleep, even though it did not occur.

Alongside the escalating irritation, participants began to experience much stronger hallucinations and a sense of unreality regarding their surroundings. Some also began to experience the hat illusion, which involves feeling pressure around the head as if wearing a too tight hat.

On the fifth day without sleep, previously appearing symptoms intensified, and hallucinations were joined by sensory hallucinations. The performance of any intellectual tasks became impossible for the participants. They became distrustful and suspicious. Some convinced themselves that someone wanted to kill them, intensifying their sense of anxiety. On the sixth night, symptoms of psychosis and depersonalization appeared in the participants.
Sleepless night, irritability, sense of anxiety, without sleep

11 days without sleep is possible

At the same time, American professor William Dement conducted a different experiment to determine how long one can go without sleep, employing slightly different research methods. A seventeen-year-old boy from California participated in the study. As we learn from the published study results, this was Randy Gardner. He managed to endure without sleep for a whopping 264 hours, causing a significant stir in the United States. Interestingly, both the teenager himself and the scientist attempted to convince the public that sleep deprivation is relatively harmless, which turned out to be untrue.

During the study, the well-being of the examined boy was described as good, even though simple computational tasks, such as subtracting from memory, exceeded his intellectual capabilities. Moreover, already after the first four sleepless nights, the boy began to experience increasingly strong hallucinations and depersonalization. He believed he was a famous black football player and even talked to a road sign, demonstrating these symptoms.

In 2007, aiming to enter the Guinness World Records, a 42-year-old man from Cornwall stayed awake for 266 hours. Based on his case, it is widely accepted that the maximum time of wakefulness a person can endure without sleep is up to 11 days. However, due to the significant health risks associated with prolonged sleep deprivation, the category for the longest time without sleep was removed from the Guinness World Records.
How much can one not sleep, maximum time without sleep, insomnia treatment

Experiments on animals

ONSEN® vehemently opposes animal testing. Since its inception, we haveconsistently stood in opposition to such practices. Our mattresses, like all our products, are completely vegan. Their production does not harm animals or the natural environment. We are against cruelty, especially in the context of a certain experiment on rats, which proved not only immoral but also yielded no useful insights into sleep.

The results of these unethical experiments only demonstrated that, in most cases, rats can stay awake for up to 14 days, after which they die. However, the animal kingdom is full of amazing adaptations, allowing some species to exhibit remarkable resistance to sleep deprivation. For example, some birds during migration periods sleep only an hour a day, and marine mammals have developed the ability to engage in unihemispheric slow-wave sleep, where one brain hemisphere sleeps while the other remains active.
Dreams, meaning of dreams, dreaming about animals, sleeping

When insomnia kills

It is important to note that sleep deprivation, i.e., the intentional or forced deprivation of sleep, is something different from insomnia, which is the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep throughout the night. However, the health risks associated with both situations are similar. Therefore, it is important to care for sleep hygiene and address difficulties with a specialist.

When thinking about how much one can go without sleep, it is impossible not to mention the unfortunate phenomenon called fatal familial insomnia. This is an extremely rare and incurable brain disease with a genetic basis. Symptoms usually appear between 30 and 60 years of age. Affected individuals experience similar symptoms to those in the experiments mentioned earlier, including hallucinations, concentration problems, and psychotic states that cannot be alleviated. Unfortunately, there is still no effective treatment for this condition.

Interestingly, the use of sleeping pills induces a coma-like state in these patients. Therefore, doctors focus on symptomatic treatment to improve the patient's well-being in the last months of life. In scientific articles, you can find a case of a patient who died after six months of constant insomnia, which must have been a considerable torture.
Sleeping pillows, spine pillow, pillow store

Lack of sleep in psychology

As rightly pointed out by health and rehabilitation psychologist, Mr. Mateusz Nesterok, the lack of sleep poses a significant challenge to the biopsychosocial functioning of an individual, including their health. The consequences of chronic sleep deprivation are well-documented in psychology and encompass a wide range of unpleasant outcomes that individuals may face.

The first noticeable effect of sleep deprivation is its impact on cognitive functions. Sleep-deprived individuals often struggle with concentration difficulties and impaired memory, leading to a considerable reduction in adaptive abilities, including problem-solving and stress management. Additionally, sleep deprivation results in mood disorders, irritability, and distress, negatively affecting overall health.

As emphasized by the psychologist, insufficient sleep often has a direct impact on a person's physical health. Studies indicate that a lack of sleep can lead to a weakened immune system, increasing the risk of infections and other illnesses. Furthermore, sleep deprivation is associated with hormonal problems, disrupting hormonal balance. This, in turn, significantly influences the body's regenerative processes, adversely affecting them. Sleep deficiency is also linked to an increased risk of developing lifestyle diseases, including diabetes and obesity.

In psychology, sleep deprivation is closely related to mental health problems such as depression and anxiety disorders. Inadequate sleep affects hormonal balance, leading to neurochemical dysregulation associated with brain function. Individuals dealing with lack of sleep often experience an exacerbation of existing mental health disorders symptoms or are more susceptible to their development.
How much can one not sleep, familial fatal insomnia, sleep hygiene

The best mattress for sleeping

As sleep specialists, we do not recommend repeating the experiments described above on yourself. We encourage, however, to sleep on the Osaka Air mattress, which is also suitable for various other activities. You can use it for daytime relaxation, both with family and alone, or for successful intimacy without the risk of sinking in and creaking.

Our offered best mattress has been created using the unique and rarely used design thinking method, guaranteeing not only an aesthetic appearance but above all functionality and the highest quality. Every detail has been carefully thought out to provide unforgettable experiences both during sleep and other activities.

ONSEN® aims to provide customers with complete confidence in their purchase. Therefore, we offer the possibility of returning any product within 100 days. This guarantee eliminates all risks associated with the purchasing decision, giving customers the assurance that they are making the best choice. We offer not only a mattress but also an experience of sleep and relaxation that exceeds the boldest expectations.

We also encourage you to explore other articles on the best sleep and health blog, as well as the Encyclopedia of Healthy Sleep prepared by the ONSEN® team of specialists. For those who care about spine health, we recommend a set of spine exercises prepared by our physiotherapist.
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FAQ: How long we can go without sleep

How long can a person endure without sleep?

Currently, the longest time a person has endured without sleep is 266 hours, approximately 11 days. However, it should be emphasized that such extreme sleep deprivation is harmful to health and can lead to serious consequences.

How to survive sleep deprivation?

The best way to endure sleep deprivation is by refreshing oneself with a cold shower, ensuring good hydration, and providing the body with nourishment in the form of a light but protein-rich meal. It is also helpful to expose oneself to natural light, which reduces the secretion of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep and wakefulness.

Can you die from lack of sleep?

Yes, it is possible to die from lack of sleep because the body does not regenerate, and its organs are unable to rest. Death due to lack of sleep most commonly affects individuals suffering from fatal familial insomnia, who die from exhaustion.

What are the dangers of sleep deprivation?

Sleep deprivation poses the risk of extreme physical exhaustion, which also results in psychotic symptoms and a range of life-threatening somatic symptoms. Lack of sleep weakens a person's cognitive abilities, and their cognitive processes begin to deteriorate. Reduced cognitive abilities, impaired cognitive functions, hallucinations, paranoia, and problems with the immune system are just some of the threats associated with prolonged sleep deprivation.

What happens after 24 hours without sleep?

After 24 hours without sleep, the body begins to show the first signs of extreme fatigue. This may include hallucinations, paranoia, impaired motor skills, irritability, and difficulties with concentration. These symptoms are a signal that sleep deprivation is seriously affecting the body's functions.

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NoSleep write:
Zdecydowanie. Jestem przekonana z własnego doświadczenia i z bycia świadkiem takich sytuacji, gdzie nie śpi człowiek nawet 17 dni. Stan jest bardzo halucynogenny, paranoiczny. Można nawet dodać, że zdarza się silnie euforyczny. Samopoczucie psychiczne (przeważnie dobre) temu sprzyja. Bardzo upośledzone myślenie. Proste rzeczy przerastają możliwości. Brak koncentracji w trakcie robienia jednej czynności - po ułamkach sekundy zajmujemy się czymś zupełnie innym. Zapomina się, co się robi. Stan po takim czasie bez snu nie jest bezpieczny dla nas samych. Można zrobić sobie krzywdę przez przypadek, zupełnie bezmyślnie. Czas odsypiania trwa nawet i tydzień, z przerwami na jedzenie i potrzeby fizjologiczne. Ogromne wycieńczenie dla organizmu.
Added: 3 grudnia 2023, 03:23. Add an answer
ONSEN® Expert write:
Jak najbardziej! Nie polecamy tak długo nie spać. Sen jest bardzo ważny dla zdrowia i właściwej regeneracji.
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