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How often you should replace Your mattress?

6 kwietnia 2021
Most often it is said that the mattress should be replaced at least every 6-8 years. However, this time is very generalized and does not apply to every mattress. Most of the cheapest mattresses are not suitable for use, often after a year. However, the high price will also not protect us from the low quality of the product.

How often you need to replace your mattress depends on a number of factors. In fact, at the time of buying a mattress, we should know after what time it should be replaced. This is mainly due to the materials from which it is made.

The mere fact of entering this page proves that your mattress is probably ready to be replaced. This is a decision that should never be delayed. Your daily biopsychosocial functioning depends on the mattress.

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More about how to choose a mattress: