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Is it worth taking advantage of mattress promotions?

15 lipca 2024
cheap mattress, mattress promotion, good and cheap mattresses
Promotions on mattresses are enticing us with discounts of up to 70%. We often wonder if these really are bargain prices or hidden traps. How can stores afford such large discounts and still stay in business? What lies behind the high markup on these products?

It's important to know that mattress prices in stores are often significantly inflated compared to their actual value. This situation takes advantage of the fact that many consumers are unaware that the retail price of a mattress includes not just the production cost but also a significant store markup. The markup on the price at which the mattress store purchased the mattress can be as high as 500-700%! This makes the big mattress promotions that seem like good deals just an illusion of savings.

Consider the example of some popular furniture store chains that advertise standard mattress prices outside of promotions at 8000-9000 PLN, frequently offering huge discounts exceeding half. Even more surprising is that the production cost of a market mattress often amounts to only 300-500 PLN. These mattresses are typically made from T foams with low density and variable firmness. This illustrates the enormous mattress margins imposed by stores.
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Why are mattress promotions so significant?

For many people, mattress promotions can seem extremely beneficial. Especially when the offered discounts reach up to 70%, increasing consumers' willingness to make purchases. However, where does the possibility of offering such large discounts come from in mattress stores? The secret lies in the huge margins imposed by sellers.

An example worth mentioning is a mattress for 5000 zlotys, offered by several brick-and-mortar stores. Its manufacturer does not provide the full parameter of the foams used in it. However, its weight is very low, indicating their low density and thus questionable durability. Upon closer inspection, it is evident that it is made of T foam, a cheap closed-cell foam. The cost of producing a standard 160x200 mattress of this model does not exceed 500 zlotys, even assuming inflated costs borne by the manufacturer.

Even more intriguing are mattresses for 10,000 zlotys, as they have even higher margins. Producing a popular 160x200 mattress so that, using the best materials and reasonable margins, it costs above 6000 zlotys is practically impossible. Everything above this price is probably the store and manufacturer margin, which pays for flashy marketing.

It is worth remembering that mattress margins in traditional stores are so large because they allow stores to flexibly set prices, creating the illusion of promotions. Thanks to high margins, even with big discounts, stores still make a profit. These promotions aim to attract customers and consequently increase sales, but rarely reflect the actual value of the product. In a store that has many mattress models, the priority is to sell the one that brings the most profit. The customer is just a number in the table that should be as large as possible.

On the other hand, truly good mattresses, the production cost of which reaches several thousand zlotys, naturally have to have smaller margins to keep their prices attractive. Therefore, they are often discredited by sellers who only have them in the store for this purpose. That is why it is worth making an effort to gain reliable knowledge before buying a mattress to avoid overpaying for marketing tricks, allowing you to focus on the actual quality of the product.
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Composition and quality of a mattress - what do sellers not tell you?

When buying your new mattress, we often don't know exactly what is inside it. Sellers very rarely provide detailed information about the mattress composition, and even less frequently disclose the quality of the materials used. Instead, they use absurd proprietary names that are part of manipulating the customer. Meanwhile, most available sleeping mattresses contain poor-quality foams or quilted covers with low durability. These are outright scams because the average consumer is still unable to assess the quality of a mattress before purchase.

The lack of transparency in the composition of mattresses is a common problem. Many people decide to buy based on advertisements and assurances from sellers, without having full knowledge of what they are actually buying. This leads to customers often overpaying for low-quality products that, in the long run, do not meet their expectations and quickly lose their properties.

Stores often use various marketing techniques to hide the true quality of their products. Among them, the most commonly used are misleading descriptions, lack of information about the foams, and the inability to test the mattress before purchase. These are just some of the methods that can mislead consumers. It is important to be a well-informed consumer, thoroughly checking what is really inside the purchased product, not just a mattress.
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How much mattress is in a mattress?

It is worth asking yourself how much of a sleeping mattress is truly made of valuable materials, and how much is just marketing and margin passed on to the customer? Unfortunately, for the majority of mattresses we see in online and brick-and-mortar stores, a large portion of the price is not the cost of the mattress itself, but a whole pyramid of margins and additional fees. This means that the actual value of the mattress is minimal compared to the price the customer pays.

Therefore, when considering the purchase of a mattress, it is important to pay attention to what you are actually buying. Very often, the price of the mattress does not reflect the true quality of the product, but rather the costs of advertising and store margins, along with a substantial margin for the manufacturer. Customers may feel deceived when they discover that the new mattress they paid thousands of zlotys for is worth only a fraction of that price. Therefore, it is worth carefully analyzing offers, including paying attention to the actual material parameters.

Purchasing a mattress should be an investment in health and sleep comfort for a longer period, not just a few months. That is why it is worth choosing functional mattresses that offer honest value for money. Avoid overpaying for marketing tricks, and instead focus on the real quality of the mattress. This will allow you to enjoy better sleep and a longer mattress lifespan without feeling cheated.
mattress promotion, mattresses on sale, mattress ranking

How can you be sure that ONSEN® is an honest alternative?

The questionable appeal of mattress promotions lies in the fact that they may seem profitable, but in reality, they hide huge markups and unethical business practices that need to be openly discussed. Many manufacturers use poor-quality materials and inflated prices, concealing the true value of their products. As a result, consumers end up paying a high price for a mattress that fails to meet expectations and quickly sags.

ONSEN® sells its best mattress exclusively directly, without intermediaries, which allows for cost reduction, including margins. As a result, hundreds of thousands of customers have discovered that they can buy a top-quality mattress at a truly fair price. The Osaka Air foam mattress is a smart choice because it allows you to invest in a product that lasts for many years, providing comfort and healthy sleep. By choosing the ONSEN® brand, you are not paying for marketing tricks and hidden margins, but for the actual value of the mattress.

Customers who opted for the Osaka Air mattress appreciate its durability and comfort. In many reviews, they express that the high quality of materials and meticulous craftsmanship of every detail of this iconic mattress translate into better sleep and the product's durability. Thus, investing in the ONSEN® mattress is always the most profitable choice.
Big promotions on mattresses are a trap.
The dubious attractiveness of mattress promotions may seem appealing, but in reality, they hide huge margins and unfair trading practices that need to be openly discussed. Many manufacturers use poor materials and inflated prices, concealing the true value of their products. As a result, you pay a high price for a mattress that does not meet expectations and quickly deteriorates.

It's important to pay attention to honest brands that offer a fair approach to selling mattresses. ONSEN® is an example of a Polish manufacturer that emphasizes quality and transparency. The most functional Osaka Air mattress is an investment in comfort and health, without hidden costs and tricks. This way, you can be sure that you are paying for the real value and functionality of the mattress, not for an illusion of luxury.

It's always worth thinking twice before taking advantage of seemingly attractive and ubiquitous mattress promotions, which are only a bargain for the store, not for the customer. It is better to choose proven quality and a fair approach, opting for reliable and functional products that truly meet your expectations and last for many years. A conscious decision about buying a mattress should be well thought out.

We also encourage you to explore other articles on the best sleep and health blog, as well as the Encyclopedia of Healthy Sleep prepared by the ONSEN® team of specialists. For those who care about spine health, we recommend a set of spine exercises prepared by our physiotherapist.
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FAQ: Mattress promotions

Is it worth buying a cheap mattress?

Price is a relative concept. Generally, it's not worth buying cheap mattresses because high-quality foams and other materials come at a cost. However, some expensive mattresses do not differ significantly from cheaper ones. Therefore, it's important to make a smart choice. It's crucial to thoroughly check the composition and materials used in its production.

Is it possible to buy a cheap and good mattress?

Yes, it is possible to find a relatively cheap and good mattress, although it won't be the cheapest option. A smart choice would be the Osaka Air mattress. The key is to look for mattresses without high markups and marketing tricks, and instead choose products with transparent compositions and genuinely good reviews.

Why are mattress promotions so big?

Mattress promotions are often due to high markups imposed by stores. Stores can offer significant discounts because the original prices are artificially inflated, which means that even with large discounts, they still make a profit.

How to recognize a good quality mattress?

Good mattress quality can be recognized by its transparent composition, detailed information about the materials used, and positive reviews from other users, provided these reviews are not sponsored. Avoid mattresses with misleading names and those that do not offer the possibility to test the product in your own bedroom.

What features should a good mattress have?

A good mattress should have the right firmness, good circulation, and be made of high-quality materials such as high-density open-cell foams. It is important that it provides proper support for the spine and a comfortable sleep, characterized by optimal firmness and an effective ventilation system. Another important element is a fully flexible high-weight cover.

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