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Does reflexology really work...?

22 sierpnia 2021
Reflexology, naturopathy, medical advice, biological therapy
Reflexology is a form of complementary therapy that posits specific points on the feet, hands, and ears are connected to various organs, influencing the functioning of the body's systems. The stimulation of these points through massage aims to promote health and self-healing by restoring balance in the body.

The history of reflexology dates back to ancient civilizations such as Egypt, China, and India, where practices similar to reflexology were used to alleviate pain and improve health among the wealthy. The modern form of reflexology began to take shape in the early 20th century thanks to Eunice Ingham, an exceptionally talented American physiotherapist who developed the theory that the feet are particularly sensitive to reflexes corresponding to the rest of the body.

Today, reflexology is often used as a supplement to traditional treatments, offering a more holistic and patient-centered approach that allows for deeper care of the individual. Despite the lack of unequivocal scientific evidence, the popularity of this method is growing thanks to the testimonials of people who have experienced its benefits.
Holistic approach to the patient, patient-centered method, health promotion

Scientific basis of reflexology

Although reflexology is currently a popular form of complementary therapy, the scientific foundations of this method remain a subject of debate and research. At its core lies the theory that specific points on the feet, hands, and ears correspond to different organs and parts of the body. According to this theory, these body areas are divided into zones that correspond to various organs, and their stimulation improves the health of specific organs. This idea originates from traditional Chinese medical practices, which believe in the flow of life energy (qi) in the body.

Scientific studies on reflexology yield various results. Some studies have shown that reflexology can bring relief in certain ailments such as pain, stress, and anxiety, and also significantly support sleep quality, thereby impacting overall health. It is sometimes suggested that reflexology has potential effectiveness in reducing pain and anxiety in cancer patients or in the postoperative period.

One hypothesis suggests that reflexology stimulates nerves and increases blood flow to the corresponding parts of the body. Nerve stimulation may also trigger the release of endorphins, which are the body's natural painkillers, potentially explaining the feeling of relief after such therapy. Another theory proposes that reflexology may affect the autonomic nervous system, contributing to relaxation and stress reduction, which in turn may enhance the function of internal organs, crucial for health.

Although there are promising data on reflexology, many scientists emphasize the need for better-designed scientific studies to more precisely determine the effectiveness and mechanism of reflexology. There is a need for research with larger study groups, better randomization, and control, to provide more convincing evidence to recognize reflexology as an effective therapeutic tool.
Reflexology, endorphins, happiness hormone, formula for happiness

Reflexology methods and techniques

Reflexology employs various techniques and methods aimed at stimulating specific points located on the feet, hands, and ears, which are distant parts of the body. Each of the reflexology techniques aims to bring relief to the patient's ailments.

The most commonly used method is foot massage, which is a traditional form of reflexology. The feet are considered a sort of map of the body with precisely defined points corresponding to specific organs and body systems, sometimes down to the millimeter. The therapist uses various pressure techniques, primarily thumbs, fingers, or specialized tools, to activate specific points.

A less common form is hand massage, which, like foot massage, also utilizes a map of reflex points on the hands. This is particularly useful for individuals who cannot undergo foot massage for any reason.

Another form is auriculotherapy, or ear reflexology. This technique focuses on the ear, which also has reflex points corresponding to the entire body. Auriculotherapy is often used to relieve pain, as well as in addiction therapy and weight loss.

Different forms of reflexology use various pressure techniques. The foundation is the thumb walking technique, where the therapist moves the thumb along specific zones on the foot, applying steady pressure to stimulate different areas. Sometimes, hooking and pulling is used, where the finger is shaped like a hook to press and pull the reflex area to intensify stimulation. Another technique is point rotation, involving circular movements with the finger.
Auriculotherapy, ear massage, ear canal, auricle

Reflexology and health benefits

Many people appreciate reflexology for its ability to support health and well-being. This method, rooted in Chinese medicine, is often seen as a form of relaxation, but its potential health benefits are much broader. Among them, one can include the reduction of stress and tension, achieved through nerve stimulation and relaxation. Reflexology massage can also stimulate the nervous system to enter a state of rest and regeneration.

Properly conducted stimulation of reflex points can help increase blood flow to various organs. In turn, better circulation contributes to faster transport of oxygen and nutrients to cells, which can accelerate regeneration processes, improving the efficiency of the body.

Reflexology can aid in the natural detoxification of the body by supporting the work of organs such as the liver, kidneys, and intestines. Regular sessions can contribute mainly to the elimination of toxins and better functioning of the digestive system.

By stimulating the release of endorphins, the body's natural painkillers, reflexology can be effective in alleviating various types of pain, including headaches, muscle pain, menstrual pain, and even chronic pain.

Reflexology can contribute to improved well-being and reduced anxiety, and it can also help with affective disorders. The relaxing aspect of foot massage, combined with care for the body and mind, helps to increase feelings of calm and optimism, which is associated with better health. Improving the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems can lead to better and deeper sleep.

Regular reflexology sessions can support the immune system by stimulating reflex points related to immunity. This, in turn, can help fight infections faster, increasing the body's resistance. However, it is important to remember that the best results are achieved as a complement to traditional treatment methods, and thus should be used after consultation with specialists.
Reflexology, Chinese medicine, body detoxification

Contraindications to reflexology

Reflexology is generally considered a safe therapy method, but like many forms of treatment, it also has certain contraindications. Before deciding to undergo this therapy, one should be aware of the contraindications to reflexology therapy to exercise caution.

If a patient suffers from an active infection or fever, reflexology may worsen the symptoms or spread the infection. In such cases, it is recommended to postpone the therapy until recovery. Additionally, for individuals with circulatory disorders, it is entirely discouraged, as the massage may potentially dislodge a blood clot, posing a serious health risk.

People with bone and joint disorders, such as advanced osteoporosis, bone fractures, or acute joint inflammations, which occur in the active phase of rheumatoid arthritis, may experience too much pain or discomfort during sessions.

Furthermore, during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester, certain reflex points on the feet and hands should be avoided, as they may induce contractions or other reactions that could potentially affect the pregnancy. In such cases, it is important to consult a qualified reflexology therapist as well as the pregnancy care physician.

People with cancer should consult their doctor before starting reflexology. In some cases, stimulation of certain points may not be advisable. Similarly, immediately after surgery, especially if it involves the feet or hands, reflexology may be contraindicated until full recovery.

Caution is also recommended for people with diabetes, particularly those with polyneuropathy. These individuals require a consultation with a doctor to assess the safety of the therapy. While reflexology may offer them numerous health benefits, it is important to be aware of its potential drawbacks.
Circulatory disorders, venous thrombosis, arterial thrombosis

The effect of reflexology on sleep

Reflexology can have a positive impact on sleep quality, which is very important considering that good quality sleep is crucial for maintaining good health and well-being over time. It is worth knowing what reflexology mechanisms might be responsible for this.

Many people experience improved sleep quality after reflexology sessions. This form of therapy can help individuals struggling with insomnia or sleep disorders. Reflexology helps reduce stress and tension levels, which are often the main causes of sleep difficulties.

Reflexology can stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for rest and digestion responses, thereby improving sleep. Stimulating this system promotes relaxation, helping the body transition into a state of rest. This, in turn, is essential for initiating the sleep process naturally.

Moreover, reflexology can reduce stress, which significantly affects sleep. Reflexology techniques can lower the cortisol level, the stress hormone, leading to deep relaxation. Simultaneously, reflexology massage naturally stimulates the body to release endorphins, the body's natural painkillers, which are powerful in their calming effects and also improve mood. Hence, maintaining a high level of endorphins is key to peaceful and deep sleep.

Of course, further scientific research is needed to definitively confirm the effectiveness of reflexology in treating sleep disorders, but many personal accounts and preliminary studies indicate the beneficial effects of this therapy on sleep. Individuals interested in trying reflexology to improve sleep quality should always consult a specialist. It is also important to ensure you have a functional mattress, which can help increase the amount of deep sleep.

We also encourage you to explore other articles on the best sleep and health blog, as well as the Encyclopedia of Healthy Sleep prepared by the ONSEN® team of specialists. For those who care about spine health, we recommend a set of spine exercises prepared by our physiotherapist.
Osaka Air mattress, foam mattresses, best mattresses

FAQ: Reflexology

What is reflexology?

Reflexology is a complementary therapy that involves stimulating specific points on the feet, hands, or ears. These points, called reflex points, are believed to be connected to different organs and systems of the body. Stimulation of these points is thought to improve the flow of energy, which can contribute to better health and well-being.

What does reflexology help with?

Reflexology is used to relieve a variety of ailments, such as stress, headaches, digestive problems, and insomnia. It can also promote relaxation and improve mood. Some people use it as a complement to other treatments to support overall health.

What does a reflexology treatment look like?

A reflexology session typically lasts 30 to 60 minutes. The patient lies or sits in a comfortable position, and the therapist focuses on massaging and pressing specific points on the feet, hands, or ears. Each point is stimulated individually, depending on the patient's needs and health condition.

Is reflexology effective?

The effectiveness of reflexology is a matter of debate in the medical community. While many patients report feeling better after treatment, there is a lack of strong scientific evidence to support its effectiveness in treating specific conditions. However, some studies suggest that reflexology may be helpful in reducing stress and improving quality of life.

How long does it take to see results from reflexology?

The effects of reflexology can vary depending on the individual's characteristics and the type and intensity of the symptoms. Some people feel improvement immediately, while others may need several sessions to notice a change. Regular reflexology sessions are recommended to achieve and maintain optimal results.

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