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5 signs it's time for a new mattress

20 czerwca 2024
Time for a mattress, changing the mattress, how often to replace a mattress
No one doubts anymore that a good mattress is one of the most important elements influencing the quality of sleep. However, people often forget about the importance of replacing their mattress, which can lead to health problems and decreased comfort in life. An unsuitable mattress can cause back pain and reduce sleep efficiency, thus diminishing the possibility of proper regeneration. It's crucial to know when it's time for a new mattress so you can replace it in a timely manner.

If you experience back pain or allergy problems, it may be a sign that your old mattress needs replacing. It has most likely lost its properties, reducing its functionality. In this guide, we present five key signs that indicate it's time to purchase a new mattress.
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Back and joint pain

The first sign that it's time for a new mattress is often the appearance or worsening of back and joint pain upon waking, which results from inadequate support. Over time, a mattress loses its elasticity as foams degrade. This happens very quickly with closed-cell foams, while in mattresses with open-cell foams, it can take decades. This loss of elasticity affects the mattress's ability to support the spine in its natural position. Inadequate support can lead to muscle tension and discomfort, which disrupts sleep.

The Osaka Air mattress addresses these issues by being designed for optimal spinal support. Its innovative construction ensures even weight distribution, helping to minimize back and joint pain. The Aero 3D technology effectively enhances air circulation, increasing sleep comfort.

In the creation of the ONSEN® mattress, a unique design thinking methodology was utilized, allowing for the consideration of users' actual needs to create a product that meets them. As a result, this mattress is fully comfortable while supporting sleep hygiene, which is crucial for the body's regeneration that sleep provides.
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Visible deformations and dents

The impact that mattress indentations have on sleep quality is well-known. Visible indentations and sagging on the mattress surface are clear signs that it has lost its original structure. Such deformities lead to improper body alignment during sleep, resulting in discomfort. Ultimately, this can cause spinal issues that may require treatment.

The iconic Osaka Air mattress, favored by discerning individuals, is equipped with innovative Aero 3D mesh, which supports air circulation and moisture wicking, while also slightly firming the mattress. This ensures the mattress retains its shape and elasticity over time, contributing to its durability and user comfort for many years.

At ONSEN®, we prioritize longevity in all our products. Our approach of the infinite game, beyond being a significant business philosophy, allows us to create mattresses that last for many years, providing users with the highest comfort in sleep. Our flagship Osaka Air mattress is a perfect example of this commitment.
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Allergy or asthma problems

Do you feel that your old mattress is a haven for allergens? It's time for a mattress that is not friendly to dust, mites, or insects, which negatively affect health, especially for those suffering from allergies or asthma. Replacing such a mattress is crucial for maintaining proper sleep hygiene as well as respiratory health.

By using exclusively open-cell foams, such as HR and V foams, the Osaka Air mattress is significantly less prone to accumulating dust and allergens inside, and additionally ensures air circulation. The integrated Aero 3D technology supports moisture wicking, limiting the growth of mold and mites.

An appropriate foam mattress, such as the ONSEN® mattress, can significantly improve the sleep quality of allergy sufferers. Investing in a new mattress means not only better comfort but also health prevention that brings tangible benefits in daily life. The features of the Osaka Air mattress support biopsychosocial functioning by increasing the amount of deep sleep.
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Frequent awakenings at night

Does your old mattress cause frequent wake-ups at night, making you unable to get a good night's sleep? If you wake up due to discomfort or pain, it is a sign that your mattress is not fulfilling its role. This condition can lead to chronic fatigue, reducing the quality of life.

Thanks to its layered construction and quality materials, our Osaka Air mattress minimizes pressure points, which supports relaxation and allows for easy changes in sleeping positions. This makes sleep more restorative, and nighttime wake-ups occur less frequently.

It's essential to understand the significant impact of a mattress on sleep efficiency, improving overall sleep quality. This translates to better well-being and more energy throughout the day. Investing in a high-quality mattress is an investment in health and comfort, which everyone deserves.
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Advanced age of the mattress

Experts recommend replacing your mattress every 7-10 years, depending on its quality and usage. For instance, many spring mattresses need to be replaced sooner due to sagging springs. Of course, even the best mattress will eventually lose its properties. For the functional Osaka Air mattress, this is at least 15 years.

Modern mattresses, such as the ONSEN® mattress, offer advanced technologies that significantly improve sleep quality, increasing the amount of deep sleep. Investing in a new functional mattress provides not only comfort but also support for spinal health.

Replacing your mattress is a decision that brings tangible health benefits, translating to comfort. Choosing a functional Osaka Air mattress means investing in a product designed for long-term use and maximum comfort that lasts throughout the night. It's not worth waiting until your old mattress starts negatively affecting your health.

We also encourage you to explore other articles on the best sleep and health blog, as well as the Encyclopedia of Healthy Sleep prepared by the ONSEN® team of specialists. For those who care about spine health, we recommend a set of spine exercises prepared by our physiotherapist.
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FAQ: Time for a new mattress

Why does a mattress turn yellow?

A mattress can turn yellow due to sweat, the use of cosmetics, or the aging of materials. However, it is important to note that any polyurethane foam (T, HR, or V) naturally yellows due to oxidation and UV exposure. Placing the mattress in a shaded area and using a good cover, as well as frequent washing, will help prevent yellowing. Generally, yellowing does not affect the mattress's performance.

Why does a mattress squeak?

A mattress only squeaks if it is a spring mattress, such as a pocket or multipocket one. This is caused by the natural properties of the steel used to make the springs. Sometimes, the squeaking might not come from the mattress but from the bed frame or base. It is worth checking this.

Why does a mattress get moldy?

A mattress gets moldy due to moisture, which can result from a lack of proper ventilation, sweat, spilled liquids, or high humidity in the room. Mold develops more quickly in mattresses with coconut, buckwheat, or other natural materials, as these cannot be fully cleaned and even when cleaned, they have a porous structure that provides an ideal environment for mold and other microorganisms. Therefore, it is better to choose foam mattresses, especially the hypoallergenic Osaka Air mattress.

Why does a mattress sag?

A mattress sags when its foams or springs lose elasticity and do not return to their original shape. This is rarely due to long-term use; more often, it is due to low-quality materials. For spring and T foams, sagging can occur after a few months of use. In contrast, very dense HR foams can last for decades.

How often should you replace your mattress?

As a rule, mattresses should be replaced every 10 years at most, depending on their quality and usage. Many mattresses need to be replaced after just 2 years due to poor quality. However, very good functional mattresses can be replaced every 15 years.

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