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Which sleep herbs are effective?

6 grudnia 2021
Herbs for sleep, sleep tea, sleeping pills
Increasingly, herbs for sleep are becoming an alternative to modern medicine, which offers a wide range of pharmacological agents with sedative effects. These do not satisfy individuals seeking natural ways to improve their health. Herbal medicine, a part of alternative medicine, utilizes the power of plants to treat various ailments, including sleep difficulties. Herbs for sleep are valued by proponents of natural treatment methods who prefer gentle and less invasive options.

Improving sleep quality through phytotherapy is a practice rooted in ancient traditions. Many cultures over the centuries have used local plants not only to treat physical ailments but also to promote relaxation and peaceful sleep with great success.

Of course, different herbs for sleep work in various ways. Some have properties that may help regulate neurotransmitters such as GABA, contributing to increased calmness and relaxation. Others work through a general effect on the body's relaxation state, helping to reduce stress and tension, which are common causes of sleep problems.
Herbs for better sleep, phytotherapy, herbal medicine

List of proven sleep herbs

Herbal medicine recognizes many herbs for sleep that have gentle sedative properties. They support healthy and peaceful sleep without strongly affecting human functioning. The most commonly used herbs for sleep include:
  • Valerian (Latin: Valeriana officinalis), also known as valerian root, is one of the most commonly used herbs for improving sleep. It has a calming effect, which helps alleviate tension and anxiety, consequently making it easier to fall asleep.
  • Lemon balm (Latin: Melissa officinalis), also known as lemon herb, has calming properties. These can help with relaxation and reduce stress, promoting better sleep.
  • Lavender (Latin: Lavandula angustifolia) - The aroma of lavender is widely used in aromatherapy to improve sleep quality. Inhaling lavender oil before bed can help relax the body and mind.
  • Hops (Latin: Humulus lupulus) - commonly associated with beer production. It also has calming properties, making it often used in herbal blends intended to improve sleep.
  • Passionflower (Latin: Passiflora incarnata) is often used to treat insomnia, especially when it is caused by excessive stress. Passionflower is known for its soothing effect on the nervous system.
  • Oats (Latin: Avena sativa) have a calming effect and can be helpful in reducing tension, thereby improving sleep.
  • Spanish sage (Latin: Salvia lavandulifolia) has strong relaxing properties and is often used in therapies aimed at improving sleep quality.
Using these herbs in the form of infusions, baths, or essential oils can significantly improve the quality and quantity of sleep. However, it is important to remember to consult a doctor before starting to use any herbs, especially if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Make sure that the herb for sleep does not interact with any medications you are taking.
Herbs for a good night's sleep, valerian, Valeriana officinalis

Safety of sleep herbs

Occasional use of herbs for sleep can be an effective method to improve sleep quality, but like any form of treatment, it requires proper knowledge and caution. Before starting to use herbal infusions, it is essential to familiarize yourself with some key safety principles.

Always seek medical advice before starting any herbal regimen, especially if you suffer from chronic diseases, or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. Some herbs can interact with medications, altering their effectiveness or causing side effects.

When beginning to use a new herb for sleep, start with small doses to see how your body reacts. Some sleep herbs may cause allergic reactions or other undesirable effects. Additionally, some herbs for sleep are not intended for continuous, long-term use. Prolonged use can lead to dependence or tolerance, as well as other health problems.

Although herbs are completely natural, this does not mean they are free from side effects. For instance, the popular valerian can cause dizziness, stomach upset, or a feeling of grogginess. Ensure that you purchase herbs for drinking from reputable suppliers. Herbal products should be free from contaminants and artificial additives, which is crucial for their effectiveness and safety.
Sleeping herbs, lemon balm, lemon balm infusion

Recipes for homemade infusions

Preparing a relaxing herbal tea for sleep is a simple and natural way to improve the quality of your nightly rest. To create an effective and pleasant-tasting beverage, simply choose one herb or combine several herbs with calming properties.

Start by selecting base herbs such as lemon balm, valerian, lavender, or hops, which are known for their relaxing effects. Then take an equal amount of each chosen herb. Usually, one teaspoon per cup of tea is sufficient. Importantly, pour hot water over them, but not boiling water. This helps preserve their delicate essential oils, which are key for aroma and therapeutic properties.

After pouring hot water over the herbs for sleep, let the tea steep covered for about 15 minutes to allow the herbs to fully release their aromatic and medicinal components. After this time, strain the tea into a cup. If you prefer a sweeter taste, you can add a teaspoon of honey or xylitol, avoiding traditional sugar.

This prepared sleep tea is best consumed about 60 minutes before the planned bedtime to allow your body to calm down and prepare for rest, as the effect will not be immediate. Regularly drinking well-brewed herbal tea can support better sleep onset, leading to more restorative sleep.
Herb for sleep, tea before bed, better falling asleep

Herbs for sleep and sleep hygiene

Herbal medicine must be combined with sleep hygiene, which refers to a set of practices and habits that are key to maintaining regular and healthy sleep. Herbs for sleep can play an important role in supporting the body's natural processes, helping to achieve deeper rest.

Herbs such as valerian, lemon balm, lavender, and hops are valued for their natural calming properties, which can help reduce stress and anxiety, often the cause of sleep problems. Incorporating them into your evening routine can significantly improve sleep quality.

Herbs provide a natural alternative for those who prefer to avoid pharmacological sleep aids. Although herbs are gentler, their regular use can bring lasting benefits, most often without the risk of dependence and without the side effects typical of synthetic drugs prescribed by doctors.

It is important to remember that despite the many benefits, herbs for sleep will not replace comprehensive sleep hygiene. It is also essential to take care of other elements such as avoiding stimulants before bed and regular physical activity. When combining good practices with the use of herbs, sleep quality can significantly improve.
Tea for sleep is not everything!
In addition to using various herbs and routine practices, the quality of sleep can be significantly improved by ensuring an appropriate pillow and mattress that are fully functional. It is especially important to invest in a comfortable mattress that adapts to the shape of your body and provides proper support. Equally important is an anatomic pillow that should keep the head, neck, and spine in a natural position, preventing pain and discomfort that can disrupt sleep.

Sleep quality is also affected by work ergonomics. Prolonged sitting in an improper position can lead to back and neck pain and other musculoskeletal disorders, which can make falling asleep difficult or cause awakenings during the night. Therefore, it is important for the workspace to be well organized. The appropriate profiling of an adjustable desk and its height are essential. Additionally, ensure that the office chair allows you to maintain the natural curves of the body.

We also encourage you to explore other articles on the best sleep and health blog, as well as the Encyclopedia of Healthy Sleep prepared by the ONSEN® team of specialists. For those who care about spine health, we recommend a set of spine exercises prepared by our physiotherapist.
Sleeping mattress, foam mattresses, mattress store

FAQ: Herbs for sleep

Which herbs help with falling asleep?

The most commonly mentioned herbs that help with falling asleep include valerian, lemon balm, lavender, hops, passionflower, common oats, and Spanish sage. These herbs are known for their calming properties, which can aid in falling asleep.

What is the best tea for sleeping?

The best teas for sleeping are blends of herbs such as valerian, lemon balm, lavender, and hops. However, it's important to remember that these may affect everyone differently. Therefore, it's worth finding a sleep herb or blend that works well for you.

How to sleep on a bad mattress?

Ideally, you shouldn't sleep on a bad mattress. While you can use sleep herbs or sleeping pills, they won't change the negative impact a bad mattress has on your health. The conditions caused by an unsuitable mattress can significantly reduce the quality of life.

Does drinking chamomile at night help?

Chamomile is widely considered a herb that aids in relaxation and improves sleep, though its sedative properties are milder than those of valerian or hops.

What to drink for insomnia?

Due to their relaxing properties, infusions of herbs such as valerian, lemon balm, lavender, or hops can help with insomnia. However, it is always worth finding and treating the underlying cause of insomnia, which may sometimes require psychotherapy or pharmacotherapy.

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