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5 reasons why a firming mattress is bullshit

20 września 2024
firming mattress, firm mattresses, bed toppers
Over the past few years, firm mattresses have purportedly been designed to improve spinal support for individuals whose mattresses are too soft. Often, manufacturers of these mattress toppers claim that the firmer the mattress, the better it is for health. It is suggested that a hard mattress supports the body better.

Unfortunately, this is an old myth that has been debunked multiple times. Despite this, it continues to be used in mattress advertisements, as it sometimes resurfaces. This myth originated from times when it was believed that stiffening aids in treatment, which led to people frequently being put in casts or fitted with corsets.

In reality, a hard mattress can do more harm than good. The human spine has lordosis and kyphosis, meaning it has natural curves. A surface that is too firm causes pressure on the body at several points, while other areas make little to no contact with the mattress. This is because there are too few weight accumulation points, while the body weight remains the same.
firm mattress topper, firming toppers, spine mattresses

1. Firmness doesn’t provide support

As we know, the human body is not flat like a board. Our spines are designed to have natural curves that play a crucial role in absorbing loads. However, when sleeping on a too firm mattress, these curves do not have the chance to receive proper support. This leads to muscle tension and spinal overload, resulting in pain and stiffness.

An ideal mattress should contour to the body without the sinking effect that occurs with memory foam, gently adapting to the body. Its purpose is to fill the space between the mattress and the spine, especially in the lumbar region. A too firm mattress does not provide this support, causing the body to literally hang on a few points, primarily at the hips and shoulders, while the spine tilts downward, leading to excessive extension. In the long term, a firm mattress exacerbates spinal issues and can lead to deformities.

The key is to maintain a balance between support and dynamism, which is not easy to achieve. After years of research, specialists at ONSEN® accomplished this by creating the Osaka Air mattress, which works with the body while maintaining optimal dynamism. It is a fully functional mattress with universal firmness.
very firm mattress, sleeping on a board, coconut topper

2. Causes circulation issues

People often turn to firm mattresses when they have a mattress that is too soft. Hoping to reduce mattress indentations at a low cost, they negatively impact their health. It is important to remember that sleeping on a hard surface can cause circulation issues. This happens because pressure on the body restricts blood flow, which may manifest as numbness in the limbs, necessitating frequent position changes during sleep.

Sleeping in one position on a firm mattress can also lead to pain and discomfort. A surface that is too firm forces the body to seek a more comfortable position, which can result in frequent awakenings. Consequently, sleep becomes shallower and less restorative, leading to feelings of fatigue in the morning.

The right mattress, such as the Osaka Air mattress, allows for better weight distribution. This effectively reduces pressure on the body, particularly at critical points. As a result, blood circulation improves, which deepens sleep and provides greater comfort. Our brand’s specialists have created a flexible mattress that evenly supports the body.
bedsores on the back, vein thrombosis, circulation problems

3. Intensifies joint pain

Interestingly, people with back pain often mistakenly assume that a firm mattress will help reduce their pain. In reality, sleeping on a firm mattress only exacerbates the problem. The same is true for hip, shoulder, or knee pain, which can become even more aggravated on hard surfaces. When the body lies on a surface that is too firm, the joints are forced to bear greater pressure, leading to a decline in their condition.

A firm mattress, by definition, does not allow for the proper distribution of body weight. This, in turn, creates uneven pressure on the joints, which can lead to their deterioration. The greatest pressure is placed on areas such as the hips and shoulders, as these are the most prominent. Joint pain becomes more noticeable, and over time, getting up in the morning becomes increasingly difficult.

A healthy mattress, such as the Osaka Air foam mattress, must support the body in such a way that its weight is evenly distributed across the surface. With the right design, it significantly helps to reduce joint pain by contouring the body in a neutral position, providing stable support where it is needed most.
morning headaches, migraines, sleep and headache

4. Lack of spine support

The most significant issue with firm mattresses is their inadequate support for the spine in nearly every segment. Some people mistakenly believe that a hard sleep surface is the best for back health, but this is far from the truth. A mattress that is too firm does not conform to the curves of the spine, often exacerbating back problems. This can lead to loss of cervical lordosis, heavily influenced by pillow choice, as well as the development of scoliosis and many other ailments.

When sleeping on a firm mattress, the spine cannot maintain its natural curvature. Over time, unnatural positions lead to overload of the intervertebral discs. Consequently, this does not reduce back pain, but rather intensifies it, especially in individuals suffering from chronic conditions that affect the spinal area.

Only well-designed high-resilience mattresses that provide adequate spinal support can adapt to the shape of the body, ensuring users receive support in key areas such as the neck, lower back, and hips, which are not supported by firm mattresses. Flexible materials, such as dense HR foam, are excellent for this purpose.
firming mattress toppers, firm mattress topper, how to firm a mattress

5. Decreases sleep quality

The ultimate proof that firm mattresses are nonsense can be found in sleep quality. It is well known that comfortable sleep is the foundation of good health, and firm mattresses simply do not offer the comfort needed for full recovery. A surface that is too firm also makes it harder to fall asleep, leading to less effective sleep.

Experience shows that people sleeping on hard surfaces often face difficulties with sleep. This includes trouble falling asleep, as well as waking up at night, which leads to sleep disturbances. Sleeping on a firm mattress is generally not restorative, and the body does not have the opportunity for proper recovery.

Choosing a mattress based on knowledge that is tailored to your needs is the key to better sleep. That’s why you should check out the Osaka Air mattress, designed specifically to support the body and provide comfort. Wake up with full energy to tackle your daily challenges.
firming mattress, sleeping on a firm surface, sleeping on a board

Choose the perfect mattress

If you are looking for the best mattress that truly cares for your functioning in every dimension, abandon the thought of firm mattresses that do just the opposite. Don’t be fooled by myths and choose the Osaka Air mattress, which is unapologetically perfect. This mattress combines the positive properties of high-resilience and thermoelastic foams, eliminating their potential drawbacks. As a result, it offers a refreshing sleep with excellent joint and spinal support, subtly contouring the body.

The Osaka Air mattress is an incredibly innovative mattress that supports the body and ensures comfort. Its technology provides air circulation, taking care of your hygiene. It also comes standard with a flexible cover, free from cotton or non-woven fabrics that compromise the mattress's functionality. This is a mattress that easily debunks the myths about the beneficial properties of hard surfaces while offering uncompromising comfort, translating it into ideal sleep.

We also encourage you to explore other articles on the best sleep and health blog, as well as the Encyclopedia of Healthy Sleep prepared by the ONSEN® team of specialists. For those who care about spine health, we recommend a set of spine exercises prepared by our physiotherapist.
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FAQ: Mattress firming

What can I do to make my mattress firmer?

To make your mattress firmer, you can use a mattress firming topper. However, it won’t provide the full functionality of a proper mattress. Additionally, for most people, this isn’t the best solution, as overly firm mattresses are extremely unhealthy.

Can a firm mattress cause back pain?

Yes, a mattress that is too firm can often lead to back pain because it doesn?t provide adequate support for the natural curves of the spine. It?s a myth that the firmer the mattress, the healthier it is.

Is sleeping on a firm mattress really healthy?

Contrary to the still popular myth, sleeping on a very firm mattress isn?t healthy. For many people, it causes back and joint pain, as well as circulation issues and sleep disturbances. It?s best to opt for mattresses of medium firmness.

How do you know if your mattress is too firm?

Your mattress is definitely too firm if you feel joint discomfort, wake up with back pain, or experience numbness in your limbs. Similar symptoms can also occur with a mattress that?s too soft, so it?s worth staying alert.

How does a firming mattress topper work?

A topper is designed to increase the firmness of a mattress when it is really too soft. However, in many cases, firming toppers are too hard and reduce sleep quality instead of improving it.

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