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We are the generation of change!

25 marca 2024
Generation of change, strength of the group, company philosophy
This article will be different than usual, as it serves as a kind of call to action. It is an appeal to action, which we address to you, our sensible audience. We want it to be a true inspiration for actively engaging in the changes of which we are a part. My name is Mateusz Nesterok, I am a health psychologist and activist. I am also responsible for editing the blog at ONSEN®. Therefore, from this place, I invite you to deeply reflect on what the following text says.

For the brand ONSEN®, the vision of a better tomorrow, full of justice and honesty, is a very important idea that we successfully realize. It is also a continuous manifestation of our desires and aspirations. Our dream is to create a world where every person will have a chance to fulfill their dreams, aided not only by our products but also by the reliable knowledge we share.

We are aware that positive changes must start now. We cannot rely on false beliefs that great changes take time, that several generations must pass. It is our generation that must change the world, also for the next generations. These, in turn, must improve it and not shift the responsibility onto their descendants.

This vision is not a utopian dream, but a stimulus for action. Looking at the reality around us, too often we see inequalities and injustice, also in trade. We do not have to accept this, so we take active actions to change the industry. But not only the industry, but also the way sleep is perceived by society as a whole.

Creating a better world requires courage, determination, and commitment, of which we are not lacking. Often we must push the boundaries of our imagination to always look at the world from the perspective of possibilities, not through the prism of limitations. But we are also determined to act effectively for the good of society.

As we are visionaries, we do not allow ourselves at ONSEN® to be poisoned by pessimism or helplessness. The vision of changing the world requires us to have a positive approach and also faith in our customers, who play a crucial role in this. We know that every step forward, every small initiative contributes to building a better tomorrow.

Importantly, the idea of the infinite game means that we have a goal, but it is an unattainable goal that constantly motivates us. We focus on achieving the goal, although it evolves just like the development of humanity. Despite many difficulties and adversities, we persist tirelessly in this vision, believing that all efforts will bear fruit. However, it is the ONSEN® community centered around us that has the most to say. By acting together with you, we are creating a solid foundation for positive change.

Let us remember that the vision of a healthier world is not just a dream. It is an important mission for all of us, for which we must take responsibility. So let us not be afraid to accept it, to fill every day of our lives with it. Because we are the generation of change, and our vision is the beginning of a revolution. It is not just about a revolution in the world of sleep, but also in every other aspect. We spread universal ideas, encouraging everyone to embrace them.
Better tomorrow, infinite game, fulfilling dreams

Crossing the boundaries of imagination

At ONSEN®, we know that boundaries don't exist, and if they did, it's only because someone allowed them to. However, pushing the boundaries of imagination is not just the exploration of new intellectual horizons, but also a step towards breakthrough, which we definitely need. Human history is full of excellent examples that demonstrate how such thinking leads to groundbreaking achievements in various fields.

Genius minds, such as Albert Einstein or Nikola Tesla, surpassed the understanding of the world at that time. Their thoughts decidedly transcended boundaries set by others. It seemed that they were going beyond rational thinking, undoubtedly eliciting smiles from their opponents. However, thanks to this, they discovered the laws of physics that radically changed our perception of reality. They didn't yield to limitations of imagination, rejecting boundaries. Instead, with their characteristic determination and passion, they sought to unravel mysteries.

Also in modern times, we see a continuation of this spirit. Excellent examples are brands such as Apple or Tesla, which have set entirely new standards. These are brands that started with WHY, which then allowed them to offer products based on the needs and problems of potential customers. As a result, they managed to create something that changed the daily lives of many people worldwide. Their approach to design was based on pushing the boundaries of imagination to create something entirely new.

In particular, Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla, is a good example of this. He is a true inspiration for people, resulting from going beyond established patterns. Thanks to this, Tesla has become a pioneer in the field of renewable energy and electric mobility, motivating others to change. His vision of the future transcends the boundaries of average thinking, aiming to achieve a cleaner planet, despite many disruptions.

Pushing boundaries requires courage, determination, and an open mind, which are qualities or competencies that can be acquired through training. Therefore, it's not just a matter of science or technology, but also a specific life attitude that allows us to look at the world from a completely new perspective. When we dare to dream, and then increasingly push the boundaries of imagination, we open up unlimited possibilities that can change the course of history. It is imagination that is the driving force of progress and innovation, leading humanity towards a better future.
Crossing boundaries, innovators, visionaries

The strength of an individual is the strength of society

In a world based on media discourse, which is unfortunately often distorted, we sometimes forget the tremendous power of an individual. Yet, it is precisely from individuals that whole societies are composed, so it is worth pushing our own boundaries. With great determination in action, individual success can be achieved, influencing the surroundings. This, in turn, is an important step in changing the world for the better. Also in business, one can observe that the greatest global transformations stem from inspiration and determination.

An excellent example of a contemporary company that has made global changes is, for instance, Apple, founded by Steve Jobs. It was his vision and determination that led to the company's success. He became an icon, who even after death is renowned for the genius and unwavering will that created the foundation of one of the most innovative and influential companies in the world. Steve Jobs proved that one person can change the entire technological future of the world.

Elon Musk is also a visionary, who started his business adventure with PayPal, a service many people still use today. He is also the founder of Tesla Motors, SpaceX, and other companies that have a strong impact on society. His ideas and ambitions related to acquiring eco-friendly energy and space colonization not only inspire but also mobilize other people to take action for environmental protection and space exploration. His perseverance in achieving goals translates into shaping the future for many generations to come.

It's not the well-known names that cause someone to achieve success and change the world. It is the power of the individual, along with the idea of directing it properly. Therefore, each of us has the potential to influence the world around us. Hence, daily decisions matter, including the approach to acquiring knowledge, as well as professed values and thoughtful actions taken in various situations. Pushing our own boundaries is a quest for excellence that requires determination. However, it makes life-changing possible, for oneself and others.

Remember that we are all part of society, so every decision we make matters. Every person who acts with passion and commitment can become a catalyst for social change. Just look at historical examples to understand this power. Also, don't forget that every day we are creating history, the course of which can be changed. Each new day is a unique opportunity to achieve something good.
Vision of the future, passion, commitment, running a company

From vision to action

We believe that every vision aimed at helping the world is beautiful. They can be compared to rays of sunshine that cut through the darkness associated with uncertainty. They direct the attention of visionaries towards a better future they aspire to build. Therefore, they should not be abandoned, but rather attempted to be realized to become a reality.

ONSEN® is a company that offers innovative solutions related to sleep and ergonomics. Our main goal is to disseminate credible knowledge on topics related to health, technology, or law. We aim to protect consumers from making bad choices, which translates into providing them with healthy sleep and ergonomic work for many years. We aim for our products to fulfill specific tasks, which also involves solving specific difficulties. We achieve this through jobs to be done, a methodology rooted in the heart of the brand. We are also grateful for our loyal community, which constantly supports us in our actions.

We operate similarly to Apple, which, thanks to Steve Jobs' philosophy, always emphasized understanding the needs and problems of its customers. It was not just about creating products, but about providing tools that, through their functionality, facilitate life and enable goals to be achieved. Every Apple product has been designed from the beginning of the company's existence with the idea of how to meet the user's needs, making them an integral part of life for millions of people worldwide.

In the same spirit, Tesla under the leadership of Elon Musk operates, which also understands the concept of jobs to be done, which we use. It is not just about selling electric cars, but about increasing society's mobility in a sustainable way. This ultimately involves limiting climate change through new technologies. Tesla introduces new thinking about energy and transportation to the global village, and by combining bold visions with concrete actions, this brand consistently fulfills its assumptions, although they are exceptionally ambitious.
Education, understanding, reading books, digital world

Education as the foundation of change

Education is our key tool, as it enables the creation of lasting social changes, which impact shaping the future. It is also the foundation on which new ideas, innovations, and progress are built, something we strongly value. However, we live in a society where consumer rights are often disregarded, mainly due to a lack of knowledge. At ONSEN®, we realize the potential of education, which is why we place great emphasis on delivering knowledge that everyone can use in any way they choose. We never persuade anyone to make purchases specifically from us.

Our dream is to provide reasonable people with credible knowledge to challenge the status quo. This statement embodies the essence of the ONSEN® brand philosophy, which also aims at building a community of conscious, active, and healthy individuals, yielding excellent results. Sales fuel us to deliver functional products and grow, but primarily, we focus on the intellectual development of our audience, inspiring you to think differently and collectively create a new reality where ergonomics and sleep are more appreciated.

Education is the foundation of change, which should not be limited to schools alone. Especially in times when the education system lags behind social changes. It is a lifelong process taking various forms. Particularly in a digital world, where access to knowledge is easier. Harmful environments introducing misinformation are more active, so it's worth developing the ability for critical analysis of content found on the internet.

This perception of social education is universal as it applies to many areas of life. Our standard product is mattresses, but the worldview we present applies to every industry worldwide. It is also related to activism or politics, as well as any other human activity. It is always worth developing skills through effective education to then be able to apply them in practice, contributing to the development of humanity.

Throughout life, it's worth engaging in education to develop skills and competencies. It's also worth promoting progress and innovation, even if some ideas seem difficult to implement. Only by pushing boundaries can we truly make the world a better place. Striving for development and broadening horizons is important for creating a good future for all of us.

Activism, civil society, human rights

Activism is a necessity

Today, the world is facing challenges to which activism seems to be the answer. These challenges have social, ecological, or political dimensions, and some of them concern consumer rights. Therefore, we believe that our activism is necessary to effectively protect your interests. Although we focus on the mattress industry, we understand and support other initiatives as well. We are committed to environmental protection and human rights, which are also essential for building a better tomorrow.

In the face of many difficulties that the planet and society are grappling with, it's important not to be just a passive bystander but to start acting actively. Every individual is an important voice that has the power to change the status quo. History shows us many examples of how activism has brought about positive changes, whether in civil rights movements, emancipation efforts, or environmental initiatives, all of which have a tremendous impact on shaping the world. Their actions have set new standards of conduct even for the political class.

Remember that social activism is not only about protests or demonstrations taking place on the streets. It also involves daily actions taken by all of us. Sometimes it's also carried out by non-governmental organizations and local communities, as well as by ethical companies like ONSEN®. The new face of activism is facilitated by the development of technology and social media, as they enable each of us to reach millions of people. This, in turn, allows us to inspire them to take action in the fight for common values and goals.
Equality, fraternity, solidarity, cooperation

The importance of solidarity and cooperation

As citizens of Europe, we know that solidarity and cooperation are the foundations upon which the community is built. In a world undergoing continuous globalization, too many problems have a transnational character. All kinds of social, economic, and ecological difficulties are becoming increasingly significant over time. That's why solidarity and cooperation are so important, as ultimately only on them can we build a sustainable society, which we undoubtedly need.

Solidarity is about working together for the common good. It is also about being ready to support others in difficult times. Well-understood solidarity effectively eliminates social inequalities through the synergy of different entities. These entities may differ in many aspects, but a common goal makes them work together. It is thus a way of harnessing diversity and complementarity to create something greater than the sum of its parts.

History also shows that solidarity and cooperation have contributed to positive changes in many cases. The existence of many resistance movements and activist groups is living proof that people can cooperate. Especially for the common good, when they understand it and sincerely want to achieve it. Therefore, even today, as we face numerous challenges, these values are essential for progress. Only through collective action can we oppose misinformation. We can be an active part of a community where everyone helps each other in a sense of justice.

Therefore, it's important that we nurture these values in our own daily lives. Every gesture of solidarity, every moment of cooperation, matters greatly. We don't have to be great leaders or heroes to influence the world. Just being willing to act for the common good already has great power. Every small element, like creating the Osaka Air mattress, can change the lives of many people.
Changing the world, Generation Z, generational differences

We change ourselves and the world around us

ONSEN® is quite a unique brand that has emerged on unique foundations. In the realities of the social market economy in the 21st century, unfortunately, the social aspect of business is often forgotten, focusing solely on profits. However, we have always successfully pursued a social mission, which we talk about at every step. We also know that each of us has the potential for change, both ourselves and the surrounding world.

The ability to effect change with almost unlimited scope is an extraordinary power that distinguishes humans from other animals. It enables effective and lasting action that changes the world on various levels. However, it is important to remember that the process of change starts with ourselves. We must be ready for self-criticism and self-reflection, that is, to assess our own attitudes, beliefs, and actions. This should bring about determination to change in order to become better.

The philosophy applied in ONSEN® in a way stems from the infinite game, which strongly influences our actions. It suggests that we have no competition, so we are not participating in a finite game. We engage in an infinite game, constantly improving ourselves. We do not look at other companies, let alone compete with them. We have enough determination to continuously develop, thereby influencing the world. Every step towards a better understanding of customer expectations and challenges is of great importance to us.
We are involved in production and sales. But above all, we change the world.
Creating the ONSEN® community around us, we are aware that changing the world would make no sense without loyal customers who share the same values. Change also means collaboration with others, because only in a group can we influence the environment. Therefore, we rely on respect, empathy, and cooperation, which are the driving force behind our activities. We demonstrate by our example that a company can be run with full honesty.

Almost all major changes, which are read about in history textbooks, began with individuals or groups who dared to think differently. These people had the motivation and determination to change the face of the world or a part of it. They started with small steps, which then turned into great leaps. This is exactly how the ONSEN® brand works together with its community focused around it. Together, we want to revolutionize the way we think about sleep, as it is still an underestimated activity.

Together with you, we raise social awareness by actively engaging in actions for the common good. We spread knowledge about ergonomics of life and sleep, but we also address other topics, as long as they can help our customers function better. We do this out of a sense of internal obligation, which we fulfill as part of the ONSEN® brand's activities. However, it is you, our customers, who pass on this valuable content, even though you are not obliged to do so. And for that, we sincerely thank every person involved. The community we create together is a chance to create a better tomorrow for ourselves and for future generations.

We also encourage you to explore other articles on the best sleep and health blog, as well as the Encyclopedia of Healthy Sleep prepared by the ONSEN® team of specialists. For those who care about spine health, we recommend a set of spine exercises prepared by our physiotherapist.
ONSEN® mattress, foam mattresses, Polish mattress manufacturer

FAQ: Generation of change

Is ONSEN® a teal organization?

Yes, ONSEN® is a teal organization. Teal organizations are characterized by a flat management structure, a high degree of employee autonomy, and operations based on shared values and missions. Employees are involved in the decision-making process, and the company focuses on long-term development, innovation, and harmony between professional and private life. This is what ONSEN® stands for, bringing together like-minded people with convergent ideals.

Does ONSEN? make custom-sized mattresses?

Yes, ONSEN® offers custom-sized mattresses. We can make a mattress of any size. This allows us to meet the individual needs and preferences of our customers, ensuring optimal comfort and support during sleep, regardless of the surface.

What makes ONSEN? the most comfortable mattresses for sleeping?

ONSEN? creates one of the most comfortable mattresses, the Osaka Air, by combining functionality based on the jobs-to-be-done methodology and thoughtful design in line with design thinking. All these elements make the ONSEN? mattress the most comfortable for sleeping, distinguished by its highest functionality.

What is ONSEN?'s business goal?

ONSEN? is not driven by the traditional business goal of profit, as the company's activities are based on the concept of the infinite game. Our operation involves providing valuable knowledge and creating innovative, functional products. Together with our community, we participate in changing the status quo and creating a better reality.

What distinguishes the Osaka Air mattress from other mattresses?

The functional foam mattress Osaka Air stands out with its innovative design and construction. It has a structure made of four layers of open-cell high-resilience foams, reinforced with viscoelastic foam and includes a unique Aero 3D mesh for optimal air circulation. It's the most functional mattress available on the Polish market. The medium firmness of the mattress (6.5/10 or H3) provides spine support in its natural position and allows for free change of body position during sleep. The entire production takes place in Poland under strict quality control.

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