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Rheumatism (RA) – symptoms, causes, treatment

20 marca 2022
Rheumatism, RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis), Rheumatoid Joint Inflammation
Rheumatism can cause many difficulties that we have to deal with every day. Although the number of people with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) continues to rise, current treatment methods are not yet able to fully overcome it. However, there are ways to live with rheumatism healthily and comfortably by alleviating its symptoms.

Individuals with rheumatism are advised to pay attention to sleep hygiene and also prioritize physical activity and diet. The key to managing rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is to fully comply with medical recommendations and stay informed about the latest scientific knowledge in this field.
Symptoms of rheumatism, RA, joint inflammation, numbness of limbs

What are the symptoms of rheumatism?

Rheumatism, especially rheumatoid arthritis (RA), is a common chronic disease that can affect various areas of the body. The symptoms of rheumatism can be diverse and sometimes nonspecific to this condition. However, there are several primary symptoms of rheumatism that should immediately raise our awareness.

The main symptom of rheumatism experienced by most patients is pain accompanied by joint stiffness. Individuals with this condition especially feel it after a prolonged period of inactivity. The pain usually affects the joints of the hands, wrists, knees, and hips. It may be intensified in the morning or after a period of rest. It can also be associated with joint inflammation, which often causes swelling and redness. Touching the affected joints is painful, and they become very difficult to move.

People with rheumatism often experience difficulties in performing simple tasks such as grasping objects, writing, or opening jars. Joint stiffness and pain can affect mobility and thus limit daily activities. Rheumatism can also cause a feeling of chronic fatigue and overall malaise.

Patients with rheumatism frequently complain of lack of energy, drowsiness, and exhaustion. Many individuals with rheumatism suffer from insomnia and other sleep difficulties. Furthermore, joint pain and discomfort can make it challenging to find a comfortable sleeping position, leading to disrupted sleep patterns. The lack of restorative sleep can worsen the symptoms of rheumatism and impact the biopsychosocial functioning of the patient.

Some patients with rheumatism experience skin changes such as red patches, nodules, or rashes. They are more likely to occur on the skin near the affected joints. Additionally, other nonspecific symptoms of rheumatism include loss of appetite, weight loss, morning stiffness, or generalized muscle weakness. Like the aforementioned symptoms, these should also be promptly discussed with a doctor.
Diagnosing rheumatism, RA, how to overcome rheumatism

How is rheumatism diagnosed?

The diagnosis of rheumatism, specifically rheumatoid arthritis (RA), is a complex process that requires the evaluation of various factors. Among them, the first and most important step is for the doctor to conduct a detailed medical history interview. This includes questions about the symptoms as well as their severity and frequency. Providing valuable information to the doctor would also involve indicating factors that worsen or alleviate the symptoms of rheumatism.

A rheumatologist should perform a physical examination, during which they conduct an organoleptic assessment of the joints. They pay attention to signs of inflammation, such as tenderness, swelling, or redness. They may also assess the range of motion of the joints and check for the presence of other cutaneous or general symptoms.

There are several laboratory tests that can aid in diagnosing rheumatism. The first and foremost is testing the level of rheumatoid factor (RF). Antibodies against neutrophil cytoplasmic antigens ANCA (pANCA and cANCA) are often examined as well. Other tests conducted include the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and the level of C-reactive protein (CRP), which can indicate the presence of inflammation in the body.

When rheumatism is suspected, imaging studies of the affected structures are typically performed. This primarily involves magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), while computed tomography (CT) is less commonly used. Previously, X-rays (radiography) were widely employed, and sometimes ultrasonography (USG) was used, but these tests are now considered less precise for diagnosing rheumatism.

In the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the ACR and EULAR criteria based on population data are also used. They are applied to patients who clinically exhibit synovitis (inflammation of the synovial membrane) in at least one joint and also in individuals with synovitis that cannot be explained by other diseases. These criteria take into account the presence of specific clinical symptoms and laboratory test results conducted during the diagnostic process.
Causes of rheumatism, RA, what triggers rheumatism

What causes rheumatism?

Rheumatism, also known as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), is a chronic disease whose causes are not fully understood. It occurs when the immune system attacks our synovial membranes, causing inflammation and damage. Although the exact source of rheumatism is not yet fully understood, there is already a list of factors that can contribute to the development of this disease.

One of the main factors is genetics. There is a strong association between the occurrence of rheumatism and inherited risk factors. Individuals who have family members suffering from this disease have a greater likelihood of developing it. Research suggests that specific genes related to the immune system may be responsible for a predisposition to rheumatism. However, this is only the case when there is also an environmental factor responsible for activating the gene.
Rheumatism has many causes, not all of which are fully understood.
Environmental factors can also contribute to the development of rheumatism. In particular, certain bacterial infections and viral infections, including common respiratory diseases, can trigger rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in individuals who are already susceptible to this condition. Environmental pollutants, such as tobacco smoke and other toxic substances, can also increase the risk of developing rheumatism.

The immune system plays a crucial role in the development of rheumatism. Although it is not clear why the immune system starts attacking the body's own tissues, there is evidence that factors such as stress and anxiety may contribute to it. This is related to psychosomatics, which affects its dysfunctional functioning. As a result, chronic inflammation occurs, which unfortunately leads to damage to the joints and other tissues.
Treatment of rheumatism, RA, medications for rheumatism

Can rheumatism be effectively cured?

As a rule, rheumatism is not a disease that can be completely cured. It is a chronic condition that can lead to permanent damage to joints and other tissues. Therefore, the main goal of treating rheumatism is to continuously monitor symptoms and slow down the progression of the disease.

Currently available treatment methods for rheumatism primarily focus on relieving pain, reducing inflammation, and maintaining joint mobility. The foundation of rheumatoid therapy includes anti-inflammatory drugs, especially nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) are also used, which directly affect the immune system and inhibit inflammatory processes.

Physiotherapy and rehabilitation also play a significant role in the treatment of rheumatism. Exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles around the joints and improving mobility and physical fitness are essential. These exercises help reduce pain and ultimately contribute to improving the patient's quality of life.

When pharmacological treatment and rehabilitation do not provide sufficient improvement, surgical treatment may be considered. Surgical procedures for rheumatoid arthritis often involve arthroscopy, but may also include endoprosthesis implantation or tissue removal if they are severely damaged.

Each patient with rheumatism is unique, so the effectiveness of treatment may vary depending on individual factors as well as the severity of the disease. Therefore, early detection and appropriate treatment are crucial in controlling symptoms and delaying disease progression.

It is also important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including proper sleep hygiene and regular physical activity. For rheumatism, a healthy diet and avoiding substances, including alcohol and cigarettes, are also important. Furthermore, collaborating with a rheumatologist who can implement an appropriate treatment plan and monitor the disease is essential.

Rheumatoid joint inflammation, neck stiffness, swollen joint

Is psychological assistance needed for rheumatism?

As noted by Mateusz Nesterok, M.Sc., a health and rehabilitation psychologist collaborating with us, individuals with rheumatism may require psychological assistance. This is because the disease not only has physical consequences but often psychological implications as well. Over time, it can lead to severe pain, limited mobility, and functional impairment. Thus, rheumatism affects the quality of life and the ability to perform daily activities for the patient.

Many patients with rheumatism experience stress, anxiety, and frustration related to the potential loss of health and independence as well as the daily limitations imposed by the nature of this disease. In such individuals, depression and other disorders often develop. Therefore, psychological support for individuals with rheumatism can be extremely valuable.

A psychologist can help the patient in coping with various emotional aspects of rheumatism. Through individual or group therapy, the psychologist can assist the patient in understanding and accepting their condition, as well as teach techniques for stress management and develop healthy strategies for pain management, ultimately contributing to an improved quality of life.

Furthermore, a psychologist can help patients with rheumatism in dealing with pain and fatigue, which are common symptoms of rheumatism. Among the psychological methods, mindfulness and various breathing and relaxation techniques are mentioned. Stress management training can also prove to be highly beneficial. For some patients with rheumatism, cognitive-behavioral therapy is conducted, leading to better functioning. Collaborating with a psychologist can result in reduced pain and improved well-being for many individuals at any stage of the disease.
How to sleep with rheumatism, joint pain, bone pain

How can sleep quality be improved in rheumatism?

Improving the quality of sleep for individuals with rheumatism is essential for their overall well-being and health. Maintaining proper sleep hygiene, which translates into better body regeneration during the night, is fundamental for their daily functioning. Additionally, the comfort provided by restorative deep sleep significantly improves their health and mood.

For rheumatism, it is crucial to go to bed and wake up at regular times. This applies not only to workdays but also to sleep time during the weekends. Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule helps regulate the internal biological clock, which has a positive impact on the body and all its processes.

It is important to limit stimulants, including caffeine and alcohol, before sleep. These substances have a negative impact on falling asleep and can significantly disrupt sleep structure. They can be replaced with relaxation techniques, such as meditation and yoga. However, it's important not to push oneself too hard. Too much intense physical activity before sleep can make it difficult to fall asleep. Additionally, warm baths can be helpful in relaxing tense muscles.
The quality of sleep, including factors such as diet, mattress, and pillow, has a significant impact on rheumatism. Adhering to the principles of healthy and comfortable sleep is key to reducing its symptoms.
If rheumatic pain interferes with falling asleep, consult a doctor or psychologist to assess available options for pain relief or developing strategies for coping with pain. This may involve breathing techniques as well as other psychological methods, as well as various types of pharmacological measures. The use of compresses, ointments, or massage is often recommended as well.

New data indicate that high-quality hemp oils containing a high concentration of cannabidiol (CBD) are highly effective for some people with rheumatism. Particularly recommended are oils produced using supercritical carbon dioxide extraction (CO2), which also contain cannabichromene (CBC), cannabigerol (CBG), and other components that make up the full spectrum of cannabinoids. These may have potentially beneficial effects in alleviating symptoms associated with rheumatism and other diseases. This is due to their anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and immunomodulatory properties, which directly translate into pain and inflammatory relief.

However, having the proper orthopedic mattress is of fundamental importance in the case of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), as it properly supports the body and ensures proper spinal support. Therefore, it is important to choose a mattress and pillow that are fully in line with human anatomy and also possess functional features that address the difficulties that may arise with rheumatism.

In the bedroom of individuals with rheumatism, it is important to ensure both a calm atmosphere, which includes minimizing light and noise, as well as the use of health-promoting sleep products. Therefore, it is recommended for patients with rheumatism to use the Osaka Air mattress, which remains the most functional mattress on the Polish market. It provides stable body support throughout the night and maintains proper air circulation. Its layered construction has health-promoting properties and significantly contributes to improving sleep quality for both sick and healthy individuals.

Besides having a functional mattress for rheumatism, it's also important to take care of the anatomical support for the neck and head. This is made possible by having the right orthopedic pillow tailored to the physiological structure of the human body. ONSEN® is probably the only manufacturer of orthopedic pillows in Poland that uses highly elastic foam with an open-cell structure. Additionally, the selection of our pillows is very intuitive.

It's worth remembering that our mattresses and pillows are sold exclusively directly, and customers are entitled to up to 15 years of warranty based on exceptionally clear and transparent terms. There is also a possibility to return them within 100 days after delivery, as well as the option of purchasing through our installment payment system offered in cooperation with several banks.

We also encourage you to explore other articles on the best sleep and health blog, as well as the Encyclopedia of Healthy Sleep prepared by the ONSEN® team of specialists. For those who care about spine health, we recommend a set of spine exercises prepared by our physiotherapist.
Mattress for rheumatism, orthopedic mattresses, rheumatoid joint inflammation

FAQ: Rheumatism

What is rheumatism?

Rheumatism, also known as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), is a chronic autoimmune disease characterized by persistent inflammation of the joints. Currently, rheumatism is one of the most common diseases.

Can rheumatism be cured?

Rheumatism is not fully curable. However, the symptoms of rheumatism can be controlled, and its progression can be slowed down. Holistic treatment approaches that combine pharmacology and physiotherapy are commonly used. Additionally, individuals with rheumatism are often advised to seek the help of a psychologist.

How to determine if one has rheumatism?

To determine if someone has rheumatism, it is necessary to consult a doctor. A specialist can conduct a medical interview, physical examination, and order laboratory and imaging tests. These often include assessing the concentration of uric acid in the blood and the presence of rheumatoid factor (RF). The Waaler-Rose reaction is also evaluated. Magnetic resonance imaging is often recommended as the best imaging test.

At what age does rheumatism start?

Rheumatism can occur at any age, but it most commonly begins after the age of 30. Typically, the first symptoms of rheumatism appear before the age of 50. However, rheumatism is increasingly affecting younger individuals, including children who are diagnosed with juvenile idiopathic arthritis.

What are the symptoms of rheumatism?

Symptoms of rheumatism can include joint pain and swelling, morning stiffness, weakness, fatigue, fever, and loss of appetite. People with rheumatism may also experience skin problems, heart and lung issues, and problems with other organs. The symptoms can vary depending on the individual case and the severity of the disease. Sometimes, the initial signs of rheumatism are nonspecific and require further diagnostic evaluation.

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