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What are the most common causes of spine pain and how to protect it?

5 lipca 2023
Back pain, sore back, spine mattress
Back pain has a significant impact on the daily functioning of physical, mental, and social aspects of many individuals. Anyone who has experienced back pain is well aware of how strongly it disrupts even the simplest activities such as walking, sitting, or sleeping. Back pain can lead to a loss of physical functionality and limitations in performing regular daily tasks at home and work, as well as affecting mood.

Daily experienced back pain can affect the quality of sleep, causing fatigue and irritability. It can also limit the ability to perform activities, including tasks such as lifting or climbing stairs. Furthermore, long-term back pain can lead to social isolation and limitations in participating in social or recreational activities.

Statistics regarding the prevalence of back pain are alarming. According to data published by the World Health Organization (WHO), currently around 80% of the adult population worldwide experiences back pain at some point in their lives. It is one of the most common causes of disability and work absenteeism globally. It affects not only individuals but also national healthcare systems and economies as a whole.

Understanding the impact of back pain on the daily functioning of a broad spectrum of individuals affected by this problem is crucial for taking actions aimed primarily at relieving pain, preventing, and treating it. It is also important to emphasize the role of education and information in increasing public awareness of back pain prevention and effective management strategies.
Back pain, painful spine, orthopedic mattresses

What is the structure of the spine?

The spine is an incredibly important element of the human body, playing a key role that includes maintaining proper posture and effectively protecting the spinal cord while allowing movement. It consists of several bones called vertebrae, which are connected by flexible tissues and joints, forming a unified structure.

The human spine is composed of 33-34 vertebrae distributed along the body's axis. Their arrangement provides the spine with flexibility and the ability to perform various movements in multiple directions. It is divided into five main segments:
  • Cervical vertebrae, of which there are 7, forming the natural cervical lordosis;
  • Thoracic vertebrae, of which there are 12, forming the natural thoracic kyphosis;
  • Lumbar vertebrae, of which there are 5, forming the natural lumbar lordosis;
  • Sacral vertebrae, which are fused into a single bone called the sacrum;
  • Coccygeal bone consisting of several fused vertebrae.
The vertebrae are composed of the vertebral body and vertebral arch, which surround the spinal canal located inside. It is within this canal that we find the spinal cord, which is one of the components of the nervous system and its main task is to transmit signals between the brain and the rest of the body. Protecting the spinal cord is one of the most important tasks of the spine.

Between the vertebrae, there are intervertebral discs that serve as shock absorbers. They consist of fibrous rings and a gel-like nucleus. These discs absorb forces acting on the spine during movement and help maintain an appropriate distance between the vertebrae.

The vertebrae are connected by spinal joints, which allow movement. The two main types of joints are intervertebral joints that occur between adjacent vertebrae and the sacroiliac joint that connects the sacrum to the pelvis. These joints provide stability and mobility to the spine.
Back pain, discopathy, spinal vertebrae

What are the most common causes of back pain?

Back pain can have various causes. It is often caused by muscle overload and prolonged tension resulting from using incorrect movement patterns or an increasingly sedentary lifestyle. Additionally, excessive physical activity or sudden strain can also induce muscle tension and discomfort in the back.

Another cause of back pain is damage to the intervertebral discs. These discs act as shock absorbers between the vertebrae. Therefore, conditions such as discopathy or conditions like herniated disc can cause compression on the spinal nerves, resulting in back pain. Often, the damage to the discs is caused by overloads, injuries, or degenerative processes occurring in the spine.

These can be associated with degenerative changes in the spinal joints, which occur with age and are known as osteoarthritis. Degeneration can cause severe pain, stiffness, and loss of mobility in the spine. Factors such as aging, joint overload, or obesity can accelerate the degenerative process.
Back pain can have many causes. Therefore, it is important to consult a doctor for any abnormalities in its function.
Spinal deformities, such as scoliosis, which is associated with abnormal curvature of the spine, can also lead to back pain. Scoliosis develops during childhood and adolescence, but it can also occur in some adults. Spinal curvature can cause uneven loading on the vertebrae and back muscles, leading to discomfort.

Inflammatory conditions of the spinal joints, as well as disease groups such as spondyloarthropathy, which also involves inflammation of the peripheral joints, can also affect back pain. These are primarily autoimmune diseases that cause inflammation of the joints and periarticular tissues, directly leading to pain, stiffness, and limited mobility of the spine.

In rare cases, back pain may be associated with a tumor. These can be metastases to the spine, also known as spinal metastases or bone metastases. They mainly occur when a primary cancer develops in another location but spreads to the spine. They can originate from various types of tumors, most commonly from breast, lung, prostate, kidney, thyroid, or lymphatic system cancers. A tumor that invades the spine can compress the nerves, causing back pain. It can also lead to weakening of the spinal structure, resulting in vertebral fractures and increased pain.
Structure of the spine, disc degeneration, lower back pain

What factors aggravate back pain?

Incorrect posture and poor postural habits also influence back pain. Prolonged maintenance of incorrect posture, such as slouching, leaning forward, or twisting the spine, often leads to intense tension and strain on the back muscles. Improper positioning during sitting or walking can also contribute to back pain.

Additionally, prolonged sitting at a desk or in an improper position can strain the spine and consequently lead to back pain. Lack of regular physical activity results in weakness of the back and abdominal muscles, which can also affect spinal stability and lead to discomfort.

Excess weight or overweight can also cause back pain, as the additional body mass increases the load on the spine, especially in the lumbar region. The extra weight can cause strain on the back muscles and increase the risk of damage to intervertebral discs, leading to back pain.

For many individuals, back pain is caused by the use of inappropriate furniture, particularly chairs or beds. This is also related to the use of an inadequate mattress and pillow, which results in poor ergonomics and insufficient back support, burdening the spine and contributing to discomfort. An unsuitable mattress and pillow do not provide adequate support and proper alignment of the body during sleep, resulting in tension and back pain.
Back pain, osteopath, chiropractic, physiotherapist

What tests should be done for back pain?

When experiencing back pain, especially if it is persistent or worsening, it is important to consult a doctor. They will conduct initial examinations and a medical interview to gather information about symptoms, medical history, and risk factors. A visit to the doctor and a physical examination can provide significant diagnostic clues for further management.

The doctor will assess the range of motion of the spine and check for the presence of any changes in its structure that may cause pain in specific areas, as well as muscle tension and mobility restrictions. They may also diagnose any neurological signs, such as weakness or numbness in the limbs.

One of the most commonly used imaging studies is an X-ray of the spine. It can help in the identification of structural changes such as fractures, degeneration, or spinal curvature. However, there is a shift away from this method now, focusing on more detailed imaging techniques. Among them, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT) are popular. MRI allows for a detailed evaluation of the soft tissues of the spine, such as intervertebral discs and nerves, while CT provides detailed images of the bony structures.

The diagnosis of back pain usually requires a visit to the doctor and the performance of a detailed physical examination and imaging studies. Depending on the cause of the pain, treatment methods may include pharmacotherapy, physiotherapy, manual therapy, or surgical intervention. It is also important to introduce healthy habits, including the adoption of proper sleep hygiene, which can help prevent recurrences of back pain.
Painkillers, diet for the spine, spinal anatomy

How to overcome back pain?

Overcoming back pain typically requires regular physical activity. However, it should not be excessively strenuous and should be done in consultation with a doctor or physiotherapist. It is also beneficial to familiarize yourself with exercises for the spine, which can help reduce pain. These exercises help strengthen and stabilize the muscles, providing better support for the spine.

In addition to improving physical health, it is also crucial to take proper care of mental health, including maximizing stress reduction. Strong tension and stress can affect the severity of back pain. Therefore, it is worth finding relaxation techniques that work for you, such as meditation or yoga. Taking care of your mental balance can help reduce tension and alleviate pain.

It is important to remember that maintaining proper posture is fundamental for spinal health. Try to maintain good posture both while working and during rest or physical activity. Avoid prolonged sitting in an unfavorable position and always remember to maintain a physiological alignment of the spine.
A functional mattress and pillow can be key to getting rid of back pain.
Ergonomics is essential both in the workplace and at home. Adjust your workstation to minimize tension and strain on your spine. Always use ergonomic desk, chair, and other tools that help maintain proper posture and provide spinal support.

Taking care of proper sleep hygiene is also extremely important for the spine. Therefore, choose an appropriate orthopedic mattress and pillow that provide proper and physiological support for the spine and allow it to fully regenerate during sleep. It is also worth noting that a mattress that is too soft or too firm negatively affects sleep quality and significantly aggravates back pain.

Many specialists recommend the Osaka Air mattress as the most functional and technologically advanced mattress for the spine. Each layer of this mattress has a specific functionality based on a design thinking process. It is medium-firm, providing proper body and spinal support throughout the night.

We also encourage you to explore other articles on the best sleep and health blog, as well as the Encyclopedia of Healthy Sleep prepared by the ONSEN® team of specialists. For those who care about spine health, we recommend a set of spine exercises prepared by our physiotherapist.
Orthopedic mattress for back pain, anti-decubitus mattresses, medical store

FAQ: Spine pain

What can cause back pain?

Back pain can be caused by various factors. The most common causes of pain are muscle strain and tension, herniated discs, spinal joint degeneration, spinal curvature, and inflammatory joint diseases. It can be associated with scoliosis, discopathy, or flattened or increased lordosis. However, other factors such as injuries, infections, osteoporosis, or inflammatory conditions can also cause back pain.

How to quickly get rid of back pain?

Getting rid of back pain quickly can be challenging because effective treatment requires identifying the cause of the pain. In the case of sudden back pain, it is important to rest, avoid activities that worsen the pain, and apply ice or heat to the affected area. If the pain persists or worsens, it is recommended to consult a doctor who can order appropriate tests and recommend suitable treatment methods such as physiotherapy, medication, or manual therapy. It is also important to maintain good ergonomics throughout the day and ensure proper sleep hygiene on a functional mattress and orthopedic pillow.

When is back pain dangerous?

Back pain can be dangerous if it is accompanied by certain alarm symptoms such as sudden weakness in the limbs, loss of bladder or bowel control, unexplained weight loss, or fever. These symptoms may indicate serious health problems such as spinal nerve damage, spinal infection, or cancer. If such symptoms occur, it is important to seek immediate medical attention.

What is the best mattress for back pain?

The best mattress for back pain is a high-quality foam mattress with a layered construction, where each layer has a specific functionality. It should be a medium-firm mattress that adequately supports the spine, provided that its dynamics allow for it. It is generally accepted that the best mattress for the spine has a firmness level of 6,5.

Can back pain indicate cancer?

Whether back pain can indicate cancer depends on the individual situation. In most cases, back pain is caused by other factors such as muscle strain, disc damage, or joint problems. However, in rare cases, back pain can be a symptom of cancer, especially when additional alarm symptoms are present, such as unexplained weight loss, night sweats, neurological changes, or abnormal laboratory test results. If you have concerning back pain or other unpleasant symptoms that persist, it is recommended to consult a doctor. The doctor will be able to perform appropriate tests and assess whether the back pain may be related to cancer or another serious condition. Remember that early detection of cancer increases the chances of successful treatment, so it is important to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

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