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How to recognize and treat chronic fatigue?

25 stycznia 2024
Chronic fatigue, CFS, chronic fatigue syndrome
Chronic fatigue is a psychophysical state that affects an increasing number of people worldwide. It has a significant impact on the daily life and biopsychosocial functioning of these individuals. In the face of the contemporary fast pace of life, many of us experience periodic fatigue related to intensive work and stress, often associated with insomnia. However, for some people, fatigue becomes chronic, meaning it persists for a long time and does not subside.

Although chronic fatigue itself is not a singular condition, but always results from the complexity of situations and conditions, its impact on quality of life can be enormous. People dealing with chronic fatigue often experience not only physical exhaustion but also difficulties of a psychological and social nature, altering their lives. Therefore, the proper diagnosis and treatment of chronic fatigue pose a challenge.
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Main causes of chronic fatigue

As a rule, chronic fatigue can result from various factors, both of a physical and psychosocial nature. The increasing number of cases of chronic fatigue makes it worthwhile to understand the main causes of this phenomenon in order to manage it effectively.

One of the most common causes of chronic fatigue is chronic illnesses. It is important to carefully observe symptoms because even seemingly normal infections, including commonly occurring viruses like SARS-CoV-2, EBV, or cytomegalovirus, often permanently weaken the body. Conditions such as diabetes, lupus, or rheumatoid arthritis (RA) also contribute to chronic fatigue as they have a significant impact on energy levels.

Another cause is hormonal disorders that affect energy levels. Thyroid disorders, especially hypothyroidism, are primarily associated with constant fatigue. Irregular hormonal fluctuations in women, such as the inevitable onset of menopause, also impact various aspects of life, contributing to chronic fatigue.

A significant reason for chronic fatigue is also the lack of essential nutrients, especially iron, magnesium, B vitamins, and vitamin D. A proper diet is crucial in this regard, and in some cases, considering dietary supplements under the supervision of a specialist may be beneficial. Continuous fatigue will subside when deficiencies in vitamins and minerals are addressed.

The last of the causes of constant fatigue is the failure to maintain proper sleep hygiene, which is also related to lifestyle. Nowadays, the lives of many of us pose significant challenges directly related to stress and pressure, which consume us. These challenges are often associated with depression and emotional tension linked in some way to professional and personal life, affecting well-being. Chronic fatigue is also linked to insomnia, which reduces the ability to regenerate.
Chronic fatigue, CFS, excessive stress

Treatment methods for chronic fatigue

Effective treatment of chronic fatigue always requires an individual approach that takes into account both physical and psychological aspects, embracing a holistic perspective. Only such an approach can help in improving the quality of life for individuals dealing with constant fatigue. Therefore, the most crucial aspect is treatment of the root causes, focusing on the source.

Identifying and treating the underlying illnesses, the primary causes that trigger chronic fatigue, is key. Depending on the cause, pharmacotherapy or psychotherapy, or other forms of treatment, may be required. This includes, for example, hormone therapy to address hormonal imbalances.

In cases where deficiencies in vitamins or minerals are identified, and sometimes other nutrients, intensive supplementation under the supervision of a specialist may be necessary. This can help restore the body's balance, including replenishing missing micro and macronutrients. It is advisable to consult a doctor to tailor the treatment accordingly.
Chronic fatigue can have somatic or psychological causes.
Conditions such as depression can also induce chronic fatigue, much like other psychological difficulties. This includes inappropriate stress coping strategies leading to emotional tension. In such cases, psychotherapy can be helpful, aiming to increase self-awareness and effectively teach stress management and coping skills, ultimately improving overall well-being.

Physical activity can be beneficial, bringing numerous advantages, such as improved fitness, which helps better deal with constant fatigue. Of course, engaging in physical activity during a depressive episode or other affective disorders might be challenging. Therefore, it's essential not to force anyone into it unless they express a willingness to participate.

Combatting fatigue involves relaxation techniques, including those based on Far Eastern methods. Effective options include meditation and yoga, helping to reduce stress levels and enhance well-being. Additionally, mindfulness allows better control of stress by strengthening mindfulness, providing greater self-control.
Chronic exhaustion, chronic fatigue syndrome, dietary supplements

Managing fatigue and stress

The prevalent fast pace of life nowadays causes an increasing number of people worldwide to realize that chronic fatigue and constant stress are significant challenges. What's concerning is that it occurs widely and continues to expand, impacting the mental well-being of both individuals and society as a whole. Hence, having effective psychological strategies to prevent fatigue is crucial.

Proper planning and organizing of one's work are essential. It's well-known that complex schedules and a multitude of responsibilities can generate chronic stress, leading to a sense of constant fatigue. Creating clear plans and priorities helps reduce feelings of overwhelm.

Maintaining the right approach to tasks, devoid of unnecessary fear, is crucial. Attempting to control everything around invariably leads to excessive stress. Developing a flexible approach to tasks, which also involves mastering the skill of delegating tasks, and effective learning of full acceptance of what cannot be controlled, can be beneficial.

Preventively, rest and sleep are crucial elements of life. Ensuring regular sleep is key to maintaining energy and the ability to cope with stress healthily. Creating a peaceful sleep environment, establishing consistent sleep hours, and avoiding caffeine before bedtime can help improve sleep quality.

Another aspect is maintaining a healthy diet, which is also crucial. It affects energy levels, translating into adaptive abilities. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid an excess of caffeine, simple sugars, or heavy, hard-to-digest meals, which will improve energy balance.

Improving fatigue and stress management skills is a conscious effort and practice. Implementing healthy habits and effective strategies can significantly enhance the quality of life and the ability to cope with challenges. Social support is also beneficial since sharing emotions with others or a therapist reduces psychological burden, allowing for a better balance.
Chronic fatigue, school pressure, bullying

Chronic fatigue in children and adolescents

Even in children and adolescents, the modern lifestyle increasingly induces chronic fatigue. This is influenced by the repressive education system, but not only. They are constantly overwhelmed with extracurricular activities, in which they do not always participate willingly and voluntarily. The rich digital life, involving the use of electronic devices, is also tiring.

The impact on fatigue in children is also attributed to other elements of life. Among them, there are mentioned improper diet and lack of physical activity, which can directly affect the fact that they do not get adequate sleep, disrupting regeneration. However, a thorough understanding of the causes and effects of chronic fatigue in children and adolescents is crucial to ensure optimal conditions for their development.

Helpful in eliminating chronic fatigue in young people will be, first of all, taking care of lifestyle hygiene, including dietary habits and physical activity. An essential part of it is sleep hygiene, the care for which is one of the foundations. In addition, it is necessary to minimize stress by reducing tasks throughout the day. This will help increase energy levels in children and adolescents.

It is worthwhile to introduce a healthy balance between studying, relaxation, and activity. This will help maintain an optimal state of health in each of its three elements, namely in the psychological, physical, and social spheres. Developing skills in dealing with stress, which cannot be avoided in life, will also be useful.
Continuous exhaustion, chronic fatigue syndrome, natural energy boosters

The impact of sleep quality on chronic fatigue

More and more people are aware that sleep quality plays a leading role in well-being. It affects both physical and mental health, which then has a significant impact on social functioning of each individual. Some individuals suffering from chronic fatigue ignore this fact, living in error and exacerbating the problem. On the other hand, other people come across this text wanting to help themselves.

To ensure sleep hygiene, it is worth adopting a series of practices that will provide it. This will help improve sleep quality and, consequently, better regeneration. Therefore, it is essential to maintain regular sleep and a consistent routine, while also avoiding stimulants such as caffeine, which disrupts the sleep structure. Thanks to this, you will significantly enhance sleep comfort, providing yourself with better rest.

The basis for sleep is a functional mattress that provides comfort and support for the spine. Indeed, good mattresses are the key, as our readers, who are conscious and rational individuals, have known for a long time. Only mattresses with the right firmness and elasticity can help maintain correct body posture during sleep, which is crucial for reducing back pain resulting in improved sleep quality.

Chronic fatigue that plagues many people can also be alleviated with a properly chosen orthopedic pillow, which also plays an invaluable role. It supports maintaining the correct position of the head and neck during sleep. An incorrectly chosen pillow can be attributed not only to neck pain but also to breathing problems during sleep. Therefore, it is worth adjusting the pillow to your preferences and needs.
Chronic fatigue may result from improper sleep hygiene.
The ability to fall asleep and maintain sleep, especially deep sleep, is influenced by temperature regulation. Only full thermal comfort ensures optimal sleep conditions, minimizing chronic fatigue. Therefore, remember that the temperature in the bedroom should not be high, and proper room ventilation additionally improves air quality.

Exposure to blue light from electronic screens before bedtime can disrupt the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for regulating sleep. Therefore, it is worth limiting the use of electronic devices at least an hour before bedtime. Instead, engage in a regular routine, such as reading, a relaxing bath, or meditation, to signal to the body that sleep is approaching. This helps prepare the body for rest and contributes to improving sleep quality.

Proper care of sleep hygiene, including the right choice of mattress and pillow, are very important steps in combating chronic fatigue. Investing in healthy sleep translates into well-being and, therefore, an improvement in the quality of life. Efficient sleep on the best mattress enhances the regenerative capabilities of the body, allowing you to reach a higher level of biopsychosocial functioning.

We also encourage you to explore other articles on the best sleep and health blog, as well as the Encyclopedia of Healthy Sleep prepared by the ONSEN® team of specialists. For those who care about spine health, we recommend a set of spine exercises prepared by our physiotherapist.
Mattresses, foam mattress, selecting a mattress based on weight

FAQ: Chronic fatigue

What is chronic fatigue?

Chronic fatigue is an undesired psychophysical condition in which an individual experiences persistent feelings of exhaustion, despite ensuring an adequate amount of sleep and rest. It is characterized by the endurance of symptoms for at least six months and can significantly impact daily biopsychosocial functioning.

What are the symptoms of chronic fatigue?

Symptoms of chronic fatigue may include a constant feeling of tiredness, lack of energy, difficulties with concentration and other cognitive processes, muscle and joint pain, and sleep disturbances. It is important to be vigilant and attempt to alleviate these symptoms before chronic fatigue leads to other types of ailments.

What can be the cause of chronic fatigue?

The causes of chronic fatigue are diverse and may involve chronic illnesses, hormonal disorders, or nutritional deficiencies. Chronic fatigue can also be induced by stress, insomnia, or social difficulties. Every cause of constant fatigue is significant and should be addressed.

Which doctor should I see for constant fatigue?

In the case of constant fatigue, it is advisable to consult with a primary care physician (PCP). An internist can also be helpful in conducting a more thorough analysis of chronic fatigue. If hormonal, neurological, or psychological causes are suspected, consulting an endocrinologist, neurologist, psychiatrist, or psychologist is recommended. Laboratory blood tests and imaging studies may sometimes be useful.

How to get rid of chronic fatigue?

Getting rid of chronic fatigue requires identifying and treating the underlying causes of this condition. It is crucial to consult with a doctor for appropriate diagnostic tests. Additionally, lifestyle changes such as a healthy diet, regular physical activity, and proper sleep hygiene are important. Often, returning to good health may require the intervention of specialists.

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