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How long does it take to make an orthopedic pillow?

20 czerwca 2023
Orthopedic pillow, spine pillows, comfortable sleep
In many cases, orthopedic pillows are created by cutting a simple shape out of a block of visco foam or sometimes latex. Typically, these sleep pillows take the form of a wave or soap bar, as these shapes are relatively easy to achieve. Additionally, the entire marketing hype surrounding them often leads to these specific shapes of orthopedic pillows being the most commonly sold.

The final production cost of such pillows usually does not exceed 30 Polish złoty, and they can be mass-produced. They also do not require a tedious design process, which often consumes a significant amount of time and money for the manufacturer. Therefore, it is precisely the orthopedic pillows in shapes resembling a soap bar or wave that are the most popular.

However, a manufacturer that truly values the health and comfort of its customers, such as ONSEN®, does not introduce such pillows into its product offering. Our carefully crafted orthopedic pillows are created according to the design thinking methodology and the jobs to be done philosophy, making them exceptionally functional. The shapes of our orthopedic pillows are tailored to human anatomy, truly making a positive impact on health.
Pain-free sleep, orthopedic pillows, ergonomic pillow

Understanding the needs of orthopedic pillow users

Following the methodology of design thinking, the first stage in the creation of a new model of orthopedic pillow in our company is always empathy. To create an exceptional sleep pillow, it is essential to deeply understand the needs and expectations of the users. Therefore, empathy is a crucial stage in the design process, allowing us to understand the diverse health issues as well as the sleep preferences and individual requirements of people dealing with various spine problems or migraines.

We engage in conversations and research to gain the best understanding of the experiences and challenges faced by our potential customers. We conduct extensive and in-depth interviews with individuals suffering from spinal conditions such as back, neck, or joint pain. We aim to learn how these ailments affect their daily lives, what factors exacerbate the symptoms, and what could provide them with relief. We also focus on healthy individuals who want to take preventive measures against these conditions.

It is also important to analyze statistical data and scientific research findings related to spinal health. This allows us to acquire knowledge about the most common problems, trends, and needs of individuals who are potentially interested in effective orthopedic pillows. Collaborating with doctors, physiotherapists, and psychologists specializing in health and rehabilitation plays a significant role in this process.
The creation of an excellent orthopedic pillow involves the participation of an entire team of people who care about the comfort and health of the users.
Through active listening and observation, we strive to deeply understand the details that matter to our target audience. We read stories of how someone regained their health thanks to a properly designed orthopedic pillow, and we also engage in conversations with our existing customers. We study user opinions and reviews in great detail to learn about the features and functions valued by users.

This process of empathy allows us to identify key factors that can be improved in terms of sleep quality and spinal health for our customers. Understanding these needs is the foundation of our work, and each stage of pillow design is shaped to meet these requirements and provide the greatest comfort and spinal support.

Our goal is to create an orthopedic pillow that not only relieves the spine and promotes proper sleeping posture, but also adjusts to the individual needs and preferences of users. Through extensive understanding of these needs, we create products that have a positive impact on the quality of our customers' lives.
Orthopedic pillows, physiological pillow, headache

Defining goals and requirements for sleeping pillows

The next stage in the creation of anatomical pillows tailored to the diverse needs and ailments of users is the definition phase. It is during this phase that we focus on precisely determining the goals and requirements that will serve as the foundation for our intensive work. Our aim is always to create pillows that not only provide comfortable sleep but also contribute to improving spinal health and reducing related discomfort.

The foundation of this stage, guided by design thinking, is the analysis of accumulated knowledge about body anatomy, spinal structure, and ergonomics of sleep products. We conduct experiments and research and draw on available expert knowledge to identify factors that impact spinal health during sleep. We consider various aspects such as proper body posture, spinal relief, neck and back support, as well as ventilation and pillow hygiene.

The next step involves analyzing the expectations and preferences of our potential users. We conduct surveys, interviews, and observations to gain a comprehensive understanding of their priorities and needs related to both sleep and spinal health in a broader sense. This includes preferences for firmness, shape, size, and materials used in the creation of orthopedic pillows.
The primary functionality of an orthopedic pillow is to maintain the head and neck in an anatomically correct position throughout the night.
Based on the collected data and knowledge, we also establish specific goals that we want to achieve in the project of the new orthopedic pillow. This mainly involves providing optimal support for the spine, as well as intermediate goals such as reducing back pain, improving sleep quality, or universality in terms of sleeping positions.

The requirements for our orthopedic pillows are determined based on the goals and expectations of real people. We determine what features and functions are necessary to meet the identified requirements. These often include elements such as the proper pillow shape, high-quality materials, appropriate flexibility, and ease of maintenance, but there are also less common needs that we strive to address.

All the collected information is analyzed and serves as a basis for subsequent stages of the design process, such as ideation, prototyping, testing, and implementation. Precisely defining specific goals and requirements allows us to focus on creating orthopedic pillows that meet expectations while contributing to healthy sleep and improved quality of life for consumers.
Anatomic pillow, shoulder pain, draft

Creative ideas for new orthopedic pillows

In the ideation stage of designing ergonomic orthopedic pillows, we open ourselves in the team to creative and innovative ideas that allow us to develop solutions that bring relief and improve the health of our users' spine. We aim to create pillows that not only serve the purpose of support but also provide nighttime comfort and a positive impact on sleep quality.

Our design team deeply engages in creative thinking and idea generation. Whether it's changes in shape, materials, or functions, or completely new innovative concepts, we strive to go beyond established patterns and allow ourselves to explore various possibilities.

We seek inspiration in medicine, physiotherapy, and psychology, as well as in the realm of design and engineering. It's important for us to always stay true to the main goal, which is creating orthopedic pillows that address problems and meet the needs of their users. That's why we evaluate ideas through the lens of health and sleep comfort.

Ideas that are creative and based on scientific knowledge are an invaluable driving force in the entire design process of orthopedic pillows. Through openness to innovation, research, and experimentation, we strive to create products that stand out in the market, even exceeding the most detailed customer expectations, in order to provide them with relief and comfort throughout the day.
The production of each of our orthopedic pillows begins with an idea. At the outset, we ask ourselves WHY we are doing it.
During the ideation stage, we encourage the entire design team to actively participate and share creative ideas. This is when we organize sessions of intensive brainstorming, allowing the team to express their proposals and perspectives on the problem at hand. We believe that the diversity of perspectives and experiences leads to the most innovative solutions.

Our goal is to go beyond the standard boundaries of designing orthopedic pillows and apply a fully fresh approach. We often search for and investigate new technologies that can add new functionalities to our sleeping pillows. One example is the Skin+ technology, which nourishes and regenerates the skin. We also actively monitor the possibility of incorporating eco-friendly solutions, including various biodegradable and renewable materials, as we strive to live in harmony with nature.

We are not afraid to explore even the most daring ideas proposed by our team. Creativity requires thinking outside the box and taking risks. These ideas are evaluated for their functionality and feasibility, as well as compliance with safety standards and their real impact on users' health.

Listening to and considering the opinions of potential customers as well as existing customers is important to us. That's why we conduct internal market research and frequently conduct interviews and surveys to learn what people need and expect from orthopedic pillows. This first-hand knowledge helps us shape ideas in a way that truly meets their needs and solves their problems.

Creative ideas are the foundation of innovation in designing orthopedic pillows. We strive to create products that are not only effective in supporting the spine but also provide users with exceptional comfort and satisfaction. Through the ideation stage, filled with inspiring conversations and exploration of various possibilities, we create modern sleeping pillows that push boundaries. They also change the way people experience sleep and care for their spinal health.
Spine pillow, orthopedic pillows, neck pain

Creating molds and prototypes for spine pillows

During the prototyping stage of our orthopedic pillows, we transition from concepts to specific forms and prototypes that allow us to better understand and evaluate our products. Our main focus is on functionality and comfort, which is our top priority. This stage of design thinking is crucial in the entire design process as it enables us to thoroughly verify our ideas and adapt them to the actual needs of users.

The first step in creating forms and prototypes is transforming our creative ideas into concrete models. Utilizing highly advanced design tools and techniques, we develop detailed plans and form projects that will be used in the production of our orthopedic pillows. These forms are created with consideration for the anatomical requirements to support the spine and provide optimal sleep comfort.

When creating prototypes, we employ various materials and production techniques that allow us to have a broad perspective on actual models. We create prototypes of pillows that are close to the final product but still allow us to make changes and refine details.

During the creation of prototypes, we test different combinations of materials, thicknesses, and shapes to ultimately find optimal solutions. We conduct tests for comfort, spine support, breathability, and durability. We also analyze aesthetic aspects to ensure our pillows have an attractive appearance and fit well in customers' diverse bedrooms.

Once the prototypes are ready, we conduct comprehensive tests involving active participation and feedback from our team, experts, and potential users. Their opinions and suggestions are invaluable to us in the continuous improvement process of our pillows and aligning them with the expectations and needs of our customers.

Creating forms and prototypes for spine pillows is a tedious process that involves constant testing, modifying, and refining. The goal is to create pillows that are not only ergonomic and healthy for the spine but also provide exceptional sleep comfort. Therefore, each created prototype is assessed for quality, functionality, and adherence to the established objectives defined in earlier stages.
Prototypes serve as the originals for every ONSEN® orthopedic pillow, which undergo thorough testing.
During the creation of spinal cushion forms and prototypes, our team collaborates closely with experts in the fields of medicine, physiotherapy, and ergonomics. The multidirectional communication and knowledge exchange we employ ensure that our orthopedic pillows meet the highest health standards.

In the prototyping process, it is crucial to also take into account the opinions of users. That is why we organize user tests where individuals with different needs and preferences can test our prototypes and share their feedback. Their input is invaluable and helps us in improving our products.

The creation of cushion forms and prototypes for spinal support is a key stage in the design process that transforms our concepts into reality. This enables us to provide orthopedic pillows that not only meet their expectations but also provide them with relief, comfort, and health during sleep.
Orthopedic pillow, foam pillows, restful sleep

Evaluating the comfort and ergonomics of orthopedic pillows

During the testing phase of sleeping pillows, we place great emphasis on evaluating their comfort and ergonomics to provide users with the most optimal sleep and spinal support. This stage is extremely important to us as it allows us to effectively test our designs under real-life conditions and identify areas for improvement.

Before conducting the testing, we establish precise criteria and indicators to help us assess the comfort and ergonomics of the pillows. We aim to ensure that our pillows are appropriately tailored to different users' postures and preferences, so we conduct tests with individuals of diverse heights, health conditions, and pillow preferences.

We analyze various aspects of comfort and ergonomics of the pillows. We also verify whether our orthopedic pillows provide adequate support for the spine, particularly in the neck, head, and shoulder areas. We examine how the pillows respond to different sleeping positions and movements. Special attention is given to ensuring even weight distribution and pressure relief on specific points.

We also assess the breathability of the pillows and pillowcases. It is important that the materials used allow for proper air circulation and moisture wicking to keep users comfortable. We also consider the hygiene and ease of cleanliness of the pillows, examining how easy they are to wash or clean, and whether the materials are resistant to allergens and microorganisms.
Before releasing an orthopedic pillow to the market, we must ensure that its use positively affects the health and comfort of users.
In the process of evaluating the comfort and ergonomics of orthopedic pillows, we utilize various methods and tools. We conduct research during which we measure the chemical and physical parameters of the pillow core and the pillowcases we use, using specialized equipment.

Our goal is to create functional orthopedic pillows that not only support a healthy spine but also provide individuals with maximum sleeping comfort. Therefore, testing the comfort and ergonomics of our pillows is an integral part of our design process. This ensures that our orthopedic pillows meet the highest standards.

After gathering the results from the tests, we analyze the collected data and user feedback to identify areas where our pillows can be further improved. This may involve adjusting the firmness and flexibility of the materials or sometimes even changing the shape or support zones for specific body parts. That's why the shapes of the pillows we offer are unconventional yet fully anatomical.
Foam pillow, memory pillows, morning neck pain

The process of introducing orthopedic pillows to the market

The implementation stage of introducing the orthopedic pillow to the market represents the final element that allows us to transform our innovative ideas into actual products that are ready for use by customers. This includes not only the production and distribution of the pillows but also educational activities aimed at building consumer awareness.

Once our orthopedic pillows are ready after obtaining test and analysis results, our team determines their price with consideration for the broader consumer interest. Therefore, the profit margin on our products is very low. The price of our offered pillows and mattresses corresponds to their quality.

Next, we proceed to mass production of the pillows. We collaborate with renowned suppliers of highly elastic foams who possess the necessary experience and can meet our quality specifications. They are molded from special molds, and each piece must be identical. Thanks to the ensured repeatability of quality provided by us, our pillows always have the same parameters within a given model.
The implementation of an orthopedic pillow for sale is preceded by a series of activities that have a significant impact on the final outcome.
After completing the implementation activities, we proceed with introducing our orthopedic pillows to the market. At this point, they become available to customers who can purchase them primarily online through our own online store, but also through sales platforms such as Allegro, Empik, or Amazon, or at our local company store in Toruń at Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie 71G.

However, our commitment does not end with the introduction of pillows to the market. We conduct constant customer opinion monitoring and analyze data regarding satisfaction and difficulties, if any. Acting within the infinity game framework, we strive to continuously improve our pillows and mattresses, addressing the needs and problems of our customers.

The introduction of mattresses and pillows to the market is also an opportunity to build long-term relationships with our customers. We also take all actions to provide them with the most excellent experience and satisfaction with our products. We care about professional customer service, providing advice and information on using pillows and offering support in case of any encountered difficulties or questions. We also conduct educational activities, from which customers can benefit free of charge.
Orthopedic pillow, neck stiffness, sleep hygiene

The impact of our philosophy and methodology on product quality

Our philosophy and methodology are crucial for delivering high-quality orthopedic pillows and mattresses. We focus on providing products that actively meet the expectations and needs of our customers.

We rely on a constant pursuit of innovation and improvement. We invest in research and stay updated on the latest advancements in the field of health to introduce modern solutions in our products. This enables us to deliver pillows and mattresses that fully comply with the latest standards and technologies.

We prioritize high-quality materials, which directly guarantee the durability, comfort, and safety of our pillows. Our memory foams, used in the production of pillows, are carefully selected to provide specific properties, breathability, and hypoallergenicity. This ensures optimal spinal support and sleep comfort.
Thanks to our commitment to strong values, our mattresses and pillows are unique.
We conduct rigorous tests and continuously monitor the quality of our products to ensure that our pillows meet all requirements for comfort, ergonomics, and durability. We test our pillows under various sleeping conditions, taking into account different sleep positions and user preferences.

We are also open to feedback and suggestions from our customers. Their opinions are invaluable to us and serve as a valuable inspiration for ongoing improvement of our products. We regularly gather customer feedback.

We rely on the molding of orthopedic pillows using specially prepared molds based on a real human model. This process allows us to achieve excellent customization to the body's contours and provide optimal support for the spine. Thorough monitoring of the production process ensures that each pillow meets our stringent quality standards.
Orthopedic pillows, reduced lordosis, neck tension

Benefits of molding orthopedic pillows in molds

The process of molding orthopedic pillows in molds, although more costly, brings numerous benefits to users. Molded orthopedic pillows allow for precise customization to the body's curves, providing optimal support for the spine, shoulders, and head, which directly contributes to a healthy and comfortable sleep experience.

By utilizing molds based on the human body model, our orthopedic pillows are created with consideration for various needs and preferences of users. The molds are adapted to body structure, allowing us to create pillows in multiple sizes and shapes that perfectly fit individual dimensions and curves.

Additionally, this process enables quality control of the materials used. We have full control over the composition and properties of the utilized high-resilience foam, allowing us to select materials of high quality. This, in turn, translates into the durability, comfort, and effectiveness of the orthopedic pillows.

Through molding in molds, the production of pillows becomes more consistent. Each pillow is created in an identical form, minimizing differences in quality and properties among individual specimens. This ensures a consistent experience for users and guarantees high product quality.
Molding the orthopedic pillow from a mold allows us to achieve a fully anatomical shape of the product.
The benefits of molding orthopedic pillows in molds make this process preferred by reputable manufacturers of orthopedic pillows, although they are still few in number. Thanks to precise customization and quality production, these pillows provide users with optimal support, comfort, and a healthy sleep.

Polish orthopedic pillows produced by ONSEN® are an innovative solution for individuals seeking sleep comfort and support, as well as the fulfillment of their needs and addressing specific problems. They are technologically advanced sleeping pillows designed to serve as comfortable head and neck support. They have been adapted for individuals who sleep on their side and back.

They work excellently in treatment and rehabilitation of the cervical spine. They have a positive impact on improving the health condition of individuals suffering from migraines, neck stiffness, neck pain, snoring, or sleep apnea. Maintaining the proper position of the head and neck during sleep also alleviates symptoms of reflux.

Currently, our offering includes:
  • Yoko orthopedic pillow - also available in the Skin+ version for individuals with a smaller body build;
  • Asana orthopedic pillow - also available in the Skin+ version for individuals with an average body build;
  • Enso orthopedic pillow - also available in the Skin+ version, a two-sided orthopedic pillow for individuals with an average body build, which is the most versatile choice;
  • Hiro orthopedic pillow - also available in the Skin+ version for individuals with a larger body build.
All our pillows are functional and fully tailored to the human anatomy. Like other ONSEN® products, they are covered by a warranty of up to 15 years and a program allowing for 100-day trial and return, which eliminates any risk associated with the purchase.

We also encourage you to explore other articles on the best sleep and health blog, as well as the Encyclopedia of Healthy Sleep prepared by the ONSEN® team of specialists. For those who care about spine health, we recommend a set of spine exercises prepared by our physiotherapist.
Orthopedic pillow, side sleeping, back sleeping, back pain

FAQ: The process of creating orthopedic pillows

What pillow is good for spine problems?

For spine problems, it is recommended to use an anatomical orthopedic pillow made of high-density foam. Thanks to its elasticity, dynamics, and proper shape, these pillows provide support and relief for the spine.

Which pillow should I choose for a neck spine issue?

For a neck spine issue, it is advisable to select an orthopedic pillow with an ergonomic profile that provides proper support for the cervical vertebrae. Such pillows help maintain the natural curvature of the neck and reduce muscle tension. Pay attention to choosing pillows made of high-density foam, which ensures the right dynamics and airflow.

Which pillow is best for neck pain?

Well-designed orthopedic pillows are the ones that provide support for the neck. They should be made of high-density foam, which is the only material that ensures optimal dynamics and allows for air circulation. Typically, pillows for neck pain have profiles with protrusions and indentations that help maintain the shoulders in a physiological position. As a result, they alleviate pain and other discomfort.

How to sleep to avoid neck pain?

To avoid neck pain while sleeping, it is advisable to choose an appropriate orthopedic pillow with an anatomical shape that provides proper support for the cervical spine. Make sure the core of such a pillow is made of open-cell high-density foam. Additionally, avoid sleeping on your stomach and try to maintain a physiological alignment of the spine during sleep.

Is it worth buying an orthopedic pillow?

Purchasing a suitable orthopedic pillow can be worthwhile for individuals suffering from spinal conditions, as well as those experiencing neck, shoulder, or migraine pain. Orthopedic pillows made of high-density foam offer proper spinal support, help maintain correct body posture, and provide relief from pain and muscle tension.

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