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Sleep hygiene, the art of getting enough sleep

10 września 2023
Sleep hygiene, psychology, therapy
In today's busy world, full of daily challenges and responsibilities, we often forget about one of the most important aspects of our lives, which is proper sleep hygiene. Sleep is not just a time for rest but also a key element of human physical and mental health.

Therefore, in collaboration with Mr. Mateusz Nesterok, an experienced psychologist specializing in the field of health psychology and rehabilitation, we have decided to take a closer look at this issue. His experience and knowledge in the field of psychology are invaluable when it comes to understanding the impact of sleep on our health. He is also involved in research related to sleep psychology, helping many people improve the quality of their lives through more efficient sleep every night.

Sleep hygiene, although often overlooked in daily health care, actually has a tremendous influence on the quality of life. It is an area that is just as important as a healthy diet or regular physical activity, and perhaps even more so, as sleep affects many other aspects of our functioning.

We will explore the importance of sleep hygiene, but we will also provide specific steps you can take to improve the quality of your sleep. In addition, you will learn why sleep is so important, what the key principles of healthy sleep hygiene are, and what benefits you can gain by taking care of this important part of your life. You will also discover that proper sleep hygiene can bring benefits not only to your body but also to your mind and emotions.

We encourage you to read this article, which may become a valuable inspiration for you to take steps to improve the quality of your sleep and overall well-being. Together, we will cross not only the threshold of the bedroom but also the threshold of reliable knowledge about how sleep affects our lives and why we should all pay more attention to it.
Insomnia, psychological therapy, psychologist

Regular sleep is the key to biological harmony

Regular sleep plays a crucial role in maintaining biological harmony within the body. Our biological clock, known as the circadian rhythm, is precisely synchronized with the sleep-wake cycle. When we adhere to consistent sleep and wake times, we are, in this way, assisting our body in maintaining proper functioning.

A key element of this process is the REM sleep phase (Rapid Eye Movement), which occurs cyclically during the night for each of us. It is during REM sleep that important processes such as information processing, memory consolidation, and body regeneration take place. Research has shown that the regularity of sleep, as well as the regularity of this sleep phase, affect our cognitive abilities, mood, and health.

When we consistently provide the body with an adequate amount of sleep at consistent times, we help it function better. The mind becomes more stable, and physiological processes occur more efficiently. That's why it's worth investing in healthy sleep hygiene to achieve full biological harmony and enjoy improved well-being every day.
Sleep hygiene, insomnia, sleeping pills

The bedroom as a comfortable environment

Each of our bedrooms, as our oasis of peace and tranquility, plays a crucial role in our lives and healthy sleep. Creating a comfortable environment in the bedroom has a tremendous impact on the quality of our sleep and overall well-being. Of course, the foundation of healthy sleep is choosing the right bed and mattress, which must be fully functional and comfortable, tailored to your needs.

It's also important to remember that soft and pleasant bedding is not just about ensuring comfort but also affects your sense of relaxation. Therefore, choose the right materials to ensure proper air circulation. This is also related to the appropriate room temperature. Typically, an average temperature of around 18°C (64°F) is considered optimal. It's also good to regulate the humidity level in your bedroom.
The atmosphere and furnishings of the bedroom are incredibly important.
Provide the option to darken your bedroom, especially if you're exposed to streetlights or morning sunlight. Standard curtains, blinds, or shades can help create sleep-friendly conditions. Additionally, noise reduction may be crucial for peaceful sleep. If you can't eliminate noise sources, consider using earplugs.

Try to limit the presence of electronic devices in the bedroom. It's best to avoid screens from computers, televisions, or mobile phones before bedtime because the blue light they emit can significantly disrupt the production of melatonin, the natural sleep hormone.

At the same time, a clean and organized bedroom can help you relax and focus on the process of falling asleep. Creating a comfortable environment in the bedroom is a crucial part of sleep hygiene. It's a place where we unwind and rejuvenate, so it's worth ensuring that it promotes our healthy and peaceful sleep for years to come.
Insomnia, sleeping pillow, fetal position

Eat wisely and sleep better

Diet has a significant impact on the quality and effectiveness of sleep. What you eat and drink throughout the day can significantly affect how well you sleep at night. First and foremost, consuming heavy meals right before going to bed can lead to discomfort, such as heartburn and a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Instead, try to have light dinners at least 2-3 hours before bedtime.

Most of us also know that caffeine and alcohol are substances that can disrupt sleep. Therefore, avoid coffee, tea, or energy drinks in the afternoon or evening, and alcohol during the day. If you feel thirsty or hungry before bedtime, opt for water and snacks that are light and healthy, such as fruits, natural yogurt, or nuts. Absolutely avoidsweets and heavy snacks. Remember that drinking a large amount of fluids before bedtime may lead to frequent visits to the bathroom at night.

To maintain sleep hygiene, consume foods rich in tryptophan. This amino acid is a natural precursor to serotonin and melatonin, two essential sleep-regulating hormones. Foods such as bananas, nuts, and seeds naturally contain significant amounts of tryptophan, which can help improve sleep quality. Consume them in an unprocessed and salt-free form. Consuming a large amount of salt before bedtime can lead to water retention in the body, disrupting sleep.
Sleep hygiene, diet, running, physical activity

Stay active for a healthy sleep

Physical activity is a key element of a healthy lifestyle, but often we are not aware that it also has a significant impact on the quality of our sleep. If you have trouble sleeping or want to improve the quality of your sleep, regular exercise can be your ally in sleep hygiene.

Regular physical activity helps in several important aspects that affect sleep. People who regularly engage in sports often report that falling asleep is easier, and their everyday sleep is deeper, with fewer awakenings. This makes us wake up feeling more rested.

Physical exercises assist in reducing stress and tension. This, in turn, promotes relaxation, which is essential for peaceful sleep. Furthermore, performing exercises at consistent times of the day helps regulate the internal biological clock. As a result, the body can better adjust to consistent sleep and wake-up times.
Movement will replace almost any medicine, while all medicines taken together will never replace movement.
Wojciech Oczko
However, it's important to adapt the type and intensity of activity to your individual preferences and body capabilities. You don't need to be a professional athlete to reap the benefits of healthy sleep. Even daily walks, yoga, swimming, or gymnastics can bring positive effects.

However, it's worth remembering that intensive training right before bedtime can stimulate the body and make falling asleep more difficult. Therefore, it's best to exercise during the day or in the evening, but a few hours before bedtime.

Physical activity is an integral component of a healthy lifestyle that can significantly improve the quality of sleep for everyone. So, if you want to sleep better and enjoy peaceful sleep, don't forget about regular exercise. It's a natural and effective way to enhance sleep and overall well-being.
Meditation, mindfulness, the impact of stress on sleep

Combat stress before falling asleep

Stress is one of the main enemies of peaceful sleep. The thoughts, tensions, and worries that often plague people's minds can make falling asleep difficult and result in restless sleep. Therefore, it's crucial to learn how to effectively cope with stress before bedtime.

However, there are techniques that can help with relaxation and stress reduction in the evening. The foundation lies in meditation and breathing techniques. They can assist in calming the mind and body. In practice, this often involves mindfulness, focusing on your breath and redirecting your thoughts. Regular yoga practice can also significantly aid in muscle relaxation and emotional tension reduction for many individuals. Look for simple exercises you can easily perform before bedtime.

If you tend to have intrusive thoughts, keeping a journal can help. It can assist in freeing the mind from worries before sleep. It's also worthwhile to maintain a feelings journal, which, in many cases, can be part of psychological therapy. Specialists also recommend setting aside one specific time during the day for worrying and postponing these thoughts to that time.

A warm bath or shower in the evening significantly helps relax the muscles and senses for many people, promoting restful sleep. You can combine it with relaxing music, which has the power to influence our emotions. Choose calm and soothing tunes to help you unwind.

Exposure to blue light emitted by TVs, computers, and mobile phones can disrupt the production of melatonin, the sleep-regulating hormone. Therefore, avoid using these devices for at least an hour before bedtime. If possible, spend time outdoors and observe nature. Contact with nature can help with relaxation and stress reduction accumulated during the day.

It's worth experimenting with various techniques and finding the ones that work best for you. Dealing with stress before sleep is a key step toward healthy and peaceful sleep, promoting restoration and well-being.
Sleep hygiene, blue light, phone before bedtime

The impact of screens on sleep quality

In today's digital world, screens are abundant. Ubiquitous and surrounding us, monitors, smartphones, and tablets are almost an integral part of everyone's life. However, they have a significant impact on the quality of our sleep, especially right before going to bed. Exposure to blue light emitted by electronic screens is one of the main factors disrupting sleep. That's why using electronic devices right before sleep can make falling asleep more difficult and sleep less deep.

By nature, blue light is a strong stimulus for the brain, which actually inhibits the production of melatonin, an important hormone that regulates sleep and thus oversees the circadian rhythm. This means that when exposed to blue light from screens, our body may have difficulty transitioning into a relaxed state to prepare for sleep.

Currently, the impact of screens on sleep is an important aspect of sleep hygiene to consider. By reducing exposure to blue light in the evening, we can help our body prepare better for sleep, and as a result, enjoy calmer and more restorative sleep. Therefore, it's important to understand the impact of light on sleep and try to limit their use before bedtime. This can be achieved in various ways, such as:
  • Try to limit the use of electronic devices at least an hour before bedtime.
  • Many devices have a night mode that reduces the emission of blue light. Activate it in the evening to reduce the impact of the screen on sleep.
  • If you enjoy reading before bedtime, opt for printed books instead of e-books on a tablet or phone.
  • Create a screen-free zone in your bedroom. Try not to bring electronic devices into the bedroom to create a peaceful and safe sleep environment.
  • Consider using screen filters. Special screen filters that reduce blue light emission are available on the market. They can help reduce the impact of the screen on sleep.
Nap, polyphasic sleep, nighttime awakenings

Catnaps can be deceptive

Naps, although they may seem like a perfect solution during moments of fatigue, can sometimes be a trap. Instead of refreshment and rejuvenation, excessive or inappropriate napping can disrupt your sleep rhythm and negatively impact your well-being.

One of the most crucial aspects of napping is their duration. Too long naps, especially those lasting more than 20-30 minutes, can lead us into one of the phases of deep sleep, making waking up difficult and disorienting. A short nap, especially around 10-20 minutes, can, however, help most of us gain energy and focus without delving into deep sleep.

It's also essential to consider the appropriate time for a nap. If you nap too late in the day, it may disrupt nighttime sleep because your body won't be ready for rest in the evening. Excessive napping, especially when unnecessary, can lead to difficulty falling asleep at night. This significantly disturbs our biological clock, affecting the quality of nighttime sleep.

Ultimately, naps can be beneficial, but only when taken in moderate amounts and at the right moments. It's best to listen to your body and adjust napping to your individual needs. Also, remember that naps cannot replace full night's sleep, which is essential for our health and recovery.
Sleep hygiene, alcohol before bedtime, lack of sleep

Alcohol and nicotine and sleep hygiene

The impact of alcohol and nicotine on sleep may be surprising to some, but it is definitely negative. Although they may sometimes appear as potential forms of relaxation or stress relief, the reality of their influence on sleep is much more complex.

Even though alcohol may initially seem like a means to fall asleep, its effects on sleep are, however, ambiguous. Alcohol affects our biological clock, disrupting the normal sleep pattern. It prolongs the time to reach the REM phase, which can lead to restless sleep and waking up during the night. Moreover, alcohol can make sleep less restorative, leaving us feeling unrefreshed.

Meanwhile, nicotine is a stimulant, which means that it primarily has a stimulating effect on our nervous system. So, if you smoke cigarettes or use other nicotine-containing products, it may make it harder to fall asleep and lead to more frequent awakenings during the night. The impact of nicotine on sleep is especially noticeable in individuals with nicotine addiction.

If you have difficulty sleeping or for any other reason, you want to take care of your sleep hygiene, it's worth seriously considering the influence of alcohol and nicotine on sleep. Avoiding these substances before bedtime can contribute to improving sleep quality and overall well-being. Long-term habits or addictions related to alcohol and nicotine can have a negative impact on sleep and health, so it's worth taking steps toward limiting or eliminating them.
Insomnia, sleep problems, sleeping positions

Noise, light, and other distractions

In our busy lives, we often overlook the significance of a quiet and peaceful environment for healthy sleep. However, the persistent noise, excess light, and other distractions can disrupt our ability to fall asleep and maintain deep sleep for the required duration. Therefore, it's important that we understand well how these factors affect sleep hygiene and how to deal with them.

Noise is one of the main enemies of peaceful sleep, also responsible for sleep disturbances in both children and adults. Not only severe street noises and neighborly commotion but even household sounds like working home appliances can cause sleep disruptions for some individuals. In such cases, consider using earplugs to mute the surrounding sounds.

Excess light in the bedroom can disrupt our biological clock and consequently make it difficult to fall asleep every night. Strive to keep the bedroom dark during sleep. Blinds, shutters, or curtains can help minimize the influence of outside light. Electronic devices such as televisions, smartphones, and tablets also emit the type of light mentioned above.
Distractions and sleep disruptions have a very negative impact on sleep quality.
The temperature in the bedroom, whether too high or too low, can also disrupt sleep quality. The optimal bedroom temperature is around 18°C (64°F), but it's essential to adjust it to your preferences. However, it's generally recognized that warm temperatures in the bedroom have negative health effects.

Other factors such as an unsuitable bed or bedding, as well as poorly chosen and non-functional mattresses or low-quality pillows used for sleep, can also disrupt sleep. Choose bedroom furnishings that provide maximum comfort and support during sleep every night.

Understanding the impact of noise, light, and other distractions on sleep is an essential step towards maintaining healthy sleep hygiene. Taking care of a quiet and comfortable bedroom environment can help you enjoy more peaceful and restorative sleep, contributing to overall well-being and health on every level.
Sleep hygiene, spine-supporting pillow, healthy sleep

Mattress and pillow in the service of sleep

A high-quality mattress and a properly supportive orthopedic pillow are not just bedroom furnishings but also key allies in ensuring healthy sleep. Choosing the right mattress and pillow can significantly impact sleep quality and overall well-being.

Both the mattress and the pillow tend to wear out over time. Sometimes, frequent replacement may be necessary to maintain their quality and comfort. It's recommended to replace a mattress approximately every 7 years, but an exception is the extremely functional Osaka Air mattress, which comes with a 15-year warranty.

When choosing a mattress, it's worth considering several important factors. First and foremost is functionality, which relates to the ability to address issues while also taking care of user needs. Proper spinal support is essential because a good mattress should provide adequate and physiological support for the body, regardless of the sleeping position.
Sleep hygiene also includes the bed, mattress, and pillow.
Choosing the right pillow for sleeping is equally important. Ideally, it should support your head and neck to ensure proper spinal alignment. For those who sleep on their side, a higher pillow may offer more comfort, while a lower pillow might be better suited for those who typically sleep on their back. When selecting a pillow, it's also worth considering the type of foam used, especially if you have allergies.

Ultimately, the choice of mattress and pillow is a matter of personal preference. Although there may be a universal mattress, selecting the right pillow is a more individual decision. Therefore, it's worth taking the time to choose the right bedroom essentials that will ensure a healthy and comfortable sleep. Quality sleep is crucial for our overall well-being and health, so investing in a mattress and pillow is an investment in our quality of life.

We also encourage you to explore other articles on the best sleep and health blog, as well as the Encyclopedia of Healthy Sleep prepared by the ONSEN® team of specialists. For those who care about spine health, we recommend a set of spine exercises prepared by our physiotherapist.
Memory foam mattress, bedroom mattresses, trendy bedroom

FAQ: Sleep hygiene

What is sleep hygiene?

Sleep hygiene is a set of practices, habits, and environmental factors that influence the quality and effectiveness of our sleep. Maintaining sleep hygiene aims to ensure an adequate amount of sleep, improve its quality, and promote a healthy sleep pattern. It also includes bedroom furnishings, including pillows and mattresses.

What can worsen sleep?

There are many factors that can negatively impact sleep, including:

  • Improper mattress;
  • Incorrectly contoured pillow;
  • Excessive exposure to blue light from screens;
  • Consumption of alcohol, caffeine, and heavy meals right before bedtime;
  • Inconsistent sleep and wake times;
  • Stress and emotional tension;
  • Noise and excessively high or low temperatures.

How to maintain sleep hygiene?

To maintain sleep hygiene, it's advisable to:

  • Ensure a functional mattress;
  • Select ergonomic sleeping pillows;
  • Maintain a regular sleep schedule;
  • Create a comfortable sleeping environment;
  • Avoid eating and drinking before bedtime;
  • Engage in regular physical activity several hours before sleep;
  • Reduce stress and tension;
  • Limit exposure to blue light before bedtime.

Does short sleep shorten life?

Research has shown that short sleep duration may be associated with an increased risk of various health problems, including an elevated risk of mortality. Every 5% reduction in the REM sleep phase was linked to a 13%-17% increased risk of death among older and middle-aged individuals. This highlights the importance of ensuring an adequate amount of sleep, especially in old age.

What are the risks of too much sleep?

Although sleep is incredibly important for health, excessive sleep can also have a negative impact. Prolonged oversleeping can lead to issues such as reduced intellectual functioning, weight gain, and an increased risk of certain diseases like diabetes. The ideal amount of sleep is individual and may vary depending on age and individual needs. Therefore, it's important to maintain moderate, regular sleep tailored to one's own requirements.

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