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Lumbar lordosis – what is it and how not to flatten it?

14 maja 2022
Lumbar lordosis, back pain, lower back, backache
Lumbar lordosis is often underestimated due to the popularity of correcting cervical lordosis. Many people ignore the symptoms related to lower back pain without prior consultation with a doctor or physiotherapist. Often, we do not know the cause of the reduction of lumbar lordosis or its deepening. Meanwhile, there can be numerous reasons for such a condition.

It is worth knowing that lumbar lordosis is an essential element of proper body posture, and maintaining it in the appropriate curvature is important for overall spinal health. Therefore, experiencing back pain or suspecting changes in lumbar lordosis should be the first signal for making changes in lifestyle. This also applies to sleep hygiene, which consists of several key elements.
Lumbar lordosis, lower back pain, tense back, improper mattress

What is lumbar lordosis?

Lumbar lordosis is a natural curvature in the lumbar region of the spine, which is the lower part of the back. It is characterized by a concave forward curvature, giving the spine a C-shaped appearance. Lumbar lordosis is extremely important for the functioning of the spine as it absorbs forces acting on the vertebrae during movement and maintains proper muscular balance.

In a physiological state, lumbar lordosis should have a moderate curvature that allows for maintaining spinal stability and evenly distributing loads with full functionality. Some individuals may experience excessive curvature of lumbar lordosis, leading to health problems. The deepening of lumbar lordosis can be caused by weak muscle condition, but increasingly, it can also be related to factors such as obesity, sedentary lifestyle, improper posture, or congenital abnormalities.

Excessive lumbar lordosis can directly cause back pain, discomfort, or muscle fatigue. It can also create difficulties in maintaining proper posture and significantly limit mobility. In more severe cases, it can lead to vertebral misalignment, nerve compression, and sometimes even the development of intervertebral disc herniation. Therefore, it is important to take care of correct posture and muscle strengthening. Proper spine exercises are also helpful in maintaining proper muscular balance and preventing excessive lumbar lordosis.
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What are the conditions associated with lumbar lordosis?

Disorders associated with lumbar lordosis can involve various ailments. They are related to reduction of lumbar lordosis, which can be very unpleasant, but also to increased lumbar lordosis, which is a serious medical condition.

Currently, the most common condition associated with lumbar lordosis is hyperlordosis. In this condition, the lordosis is excessively curved towards the front, resulting in an increased concave curvature of the spine. It may be caused by weak abdominal and back muscles, but also other conditions, including obesity, sedentary lifestyle, improper posture, or congenital abnormalities. Hyperlordosis can lead to back pain and, in many cases, limited mobility as well as overloading and damage to spinal tissues.

A significant number of individuals also experience hypolordosis in the lumbar area. This refers to a reduced curvature of the lumbar lordosis, resulting in a less pronounced concave curvature of the spine. The causes of this hypolordosis can include factors such as muscle mass loss or degenerative spine diseases associated with aging. Hypolordosis can lead to muscle tension, stiffness, discomfort, and progressively reduced spinal flexibility.

Some individuals also experience pain within the lumbar lordosis due to muscle dysfunction. In particular, the back, abdominal, and pelvic muscles play an important role. Dysfunction of these muscles can affect spinal stability and curvature. For example, weakened abdominal muscles can lead to excessive spinal curvature, while excessive tension in the back muscles can cause flattening of the lordosis.

Difficulties can also include degenerative spine diseases and advanced discopathy. Any damage can result in structural changes in the spine and lead to loss of flexibility and significant reduction of lordotic curvature or deformation of the vertebrae. Consequently, this can cause back pain and associated limitations in mobility.
Lumbar lordosis is susceptible to various disorders, particularly in individuals who lead a sedentary lifestyle.
It is worth remembering that lumbar lordosis is also not conducive to lateral spinal deformities called scoliosis. This results in an asymmetric curvature of the spine, which affects lumbar lordosis. Additionally, it causes discomfort and balance problems.

This also applies to individuals with congenital scoliosis as well as those with other postural abnormalities. When lordosis is excessively pronounced, it may result not only from congenital spinal defects but even from flat feet, which seemingly do not affect the spine. Therefore, any non-physiological spinal curvature that is visible from early childhood, as well as any other congenital abnormalities, require specialized medical care.

Negative impacts on lumbar lordosis are also caused by dysfunctions encountered throughout life. This includes injuries and damage to the spine, including its joints and discs. A perfect example is a herniated lumbar disc, which is a severe protrusion of the nucleus pulposus through a rupture in the annulus, causing nerve compression. Consequently, it can lead to lower back pain.

Disorders of lumbar lordosis can have various causes and symptoms. If you frequently experience back pain, difficulty maintaining proper posture, or other concerning symptoms related to the spine, consult a physician or physiotherapist. This requires a thorough evaluation of the situation and implementation of appropriate treatment and rehabilitation. Pay attention to the sleep hygiene, which can be crucial.
Spinal disorders, reduced lordosis, deepening of lordosis

What are the treatment methods for lumbar lordosis?

The standard treatment for lumbar lordosis depends on the cause and severity of the symptoms. It also involves lifestyle changes and taking care of sleep hygiene. Physiotherapists may recommend specific exercises to strengthen the abdominal, back, and pelvic muscles to stabilize the spine.

These exercises help strengthen the muscles responsible for maintaining lumbar lordosis in its physiological position and promote muscular balance. Additionally, manual techniques and massages can be used to reduce muscle tension and improve spinal flexibility.

In cases of acute lower back pain associated with lumbar lordosis, a doctor may prescribe analgesic or anti-inflammatory drugs. These medications can help relieve pain and reduce inflammation in the spinal area. However, it's important to note that pharmacotherapy is typically used as a complement to other treatment methods and should not be considered a long-term solution. It addresses the symptoms but does not contribute to physical changes.

Manual therapists, such as chiropractors or osteopaths, may utilize spinal manipulation techniques to improve its condition. This leads to a reduction in discomfort related to lumbar lordosis. These techniques can primarily help in improving spinal mobility and also contribute to relaxing tense muscles, thereby reducing pain.

In the case of excessive lumbar lordosis, it is essential to improve the overall body posture. Therefore, in such cases, a doctor or physiotherapist may recommend specific exercises and techniques to help maintain proper posture and muscular balance. Often, conscious monitoring and correction of posture during daily activities such as sitting, walking, and lifting objects are necessary.

In very severe cases, when the pain associated with lumbar lordosis is exceptionally intense and the body does not respond to other treatment methods, a doctor may suggest steroid injections. These injections involve administering an anti-inflammatory medication directly into the spinal area using a syringe, which can help reduce inflammation, swelling, and pain.

As a last resort, when other treatment methods fail to provide relief and the symptoms related to lumbar lordosis are severe and persistent, surgical intervention may be necessary. This could include procedures such as spinal decompression, which involves removing tissues that compress the nerves, or surgical spinal stabilization using advanced methods like implant placement. However, these procedures are reserved for extreme cases and require careful evaluation and consultation with a specialist doctor.

Spinal degeneration, increased lordosis, reduced lordosis

How to protect lumbar lordosis?

To protect lumbar lordosis, it is important to take preventive actions. Maintaining a proper body posture is crucial for spinal health. Strive to maintain an upright posture with slightly retracted shoulders and avoid thrusting the hips forward. When sitting, make sure to keep your back against the backrest of the chair.

Exercises are also key to maintaining spinal stability. This includes strengthening the abdominal, back, and pelvic muscles. Therefore, regularly perform strengthening exercises targeting these areas, such as planks, bridges, or leg raises. Also, remember to exercise according to the recommendations of a specialist to avoid injuries and potential worsening of your health condition.

When caring for lumbar lordosis, we should also be cautious of prolonged periods in unfavorable positions: Certain activities, such as prolonged kneeling or working in improper positions, subject our spines to additional stress. Therefore, we should try to regularly change positions and take frequent breaks. It's beneficial to take breaks from work and perform stretching exercises to reduce this stress.

This also involves avoiding prolonged sitting. Prolonged sitting, especially in an incorrect position, can have a negative impact on lumbar lordosis. If you work in an office or spend long hours at a desk, try to regularly stand up, stretch, and take short breaks for a walk. Also, organize your workspace with ergonomic chair and desk settings to ensure proper posture during work.

If you care about your physique at the gym or engage in any sporting activities, pay great attention to maintaining proper form when lifting heavy weights. Lifting heavy objects can impose significant stress on the spine. Remember to use the correct lifting technique, which includes bending the knees and keeping the lifted object close to the body. If you regularly lift weights, consider using lumbar support belts to provide additional support for the spine.

This also applies to individuals who occasionally lift weights, such as during shopping or moving. During daily activities like carrying groceries, bags, or backpacks, it is important to ensure even weight distribution. This involves avoiding overloading one side of the body. Additionally, strive to maintain balance and avoid overburdening the spine with excessive weight.

Taking care of physical fitness is crucial, including monitoring body weight. Overall physical fitness and maintaining a healthy weight play an important role in protecting the spine. Regular physical activity such as walking, swimming, or yoga helps strengthen the muscles and improve spinal flexibility.

Moreover, stress and tension can affect muscle tension and, consequently, worsen posture. Find time for regular relaxation and stress relief. You can try various methods such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga, or massages. These techniques help reduce muscle tension, thereby improving the overall condition of the spine and body.

Lumbar lordosis requires taking care of sleep hygiene, which includes having the right mattress and pillow.

However, caring for lumbar lordosis requires attention to sleep hygiene. We spend up to 1/3 of our lives sleeping, which is a significant amount of time. The choice of a suitable mattress has an impact on spinal health. It should provide support for the spine while maintaining its natural curves. The Osaka Air mattress is such a choice, offering the best spinal support during sleep.

It is true that a proper mattress should generally be medium-firm, which in Polish terms corresponds to H3 mattress. According to the objective American mattress firmness chart, its firmness should range around 6.5/10, providing stable support for the spine. It should also distribute body weight evenly, eliminating pressure on specific areas, including the lower back.

Therefore, the Osaka Air mattress is an excellent choice for individuals who care about health and comfort. It not only offers the best support during sleep but also provides a range of benefits that make it stand out from other mattresses. It has the right firmness and the highest air circulation. It is made of high-quality materials. Additionally, it comes with a 15-year warranty and a 100-day return policy. This gives customers confidence in making the perfect choice and reduces the risk of purchase.

We also encourage you to explore other articles on the best sleep and health blog, as well as the Encyclopedia of Healthy Sleep prepared by the ONSEN® team of specialists. For those who care about spine health, we recommend a set of spine exercises prepared by our physiotherapist.

Mattress for the spine, firm mattresses, spinal treatment, comfortable sleep

FAQ: Lumbar lordosis

What is lumbar lordosis?

Lumbar lordosis is the natural curvature of the spine in the lower back, which helps maintain body balance. If it is too pronounced or weak, it can lead to pain and other health problems. Therefore, it is worth taking care that lumbar lordosis has its anatomical shape and does not flatten or deepen.

How to treat lumbar lordosis?

The treatment of lumbar lordosis depends on the cause and severity of the symptoms. It may involve physiotherapy, strengthening exercises, wearing specialized orthopedic equipment, and in some cases, surgery. The treatment method is chosen depending on whether we are dealing with hyperlordosis or hypolordosis. It is important to consult a doctor or specialist to determine the best treatment strategy.

How to reduce excessive lumbar lordosis?

Reducing excessive lumbar lordosis can be complicated and depends on many factors, including the causes of its occurrence. Nevertheless, there are several commonly recommended methods that can help manage lumbar lordosis. Among them are physical exercises, physiotherapy, and lifestyle changes along with ensuring proper sleep hygiene. In extreme cases, surgical procedures are performed.

What are the causes of excessive lumbar lordosis?

Excessive lumbar lordosis, also known as hyperlordosis, can result from various causes such as obesity, pregnancy, a sedentary lifestyle, weak abdominal muscles, and certain medical conditions. Among them is, for example, hip joint dysplasia.

In what position should you sleep with lumbar lordosis?

The best sleeping position for lumbar lordosis discomfort is lying on your back with a pillow placed under the knees. Sleeping on the side with a pillow between the knees or sleeping in a fetal position is also recommended. Sleeping on the stomach should be avoided.

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