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Is sleeping on your side the best?

25 października 2023
Sleeping on your side, sleep positions, which sleeping position, sleep expert
For centuries, it has been known that undoubtedly, how we sleep is of crucial importance for our health, including our spine. Sleeping on the side is one of the most popular positions for people. It can bring many benefits if done correctly. However, improper body positioning during side sleeping can lead to spinal issues that result in pain.

Sleeping on the side offers numerous benefits, among the most common are significant reduction in snoring and improved digestion. Nonetheless, it's important to ensure the proper body posture and support to avoid potential spinal difficulties. If you have any doubts, consult with a doctor or physiotherapist who can help adjust your sleeping position to meet your individual needs and maintain spinal health.
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How to sleep on your side and maintain a healthy spine?

It is incredibly important to maintain the head and the cervical and lumbar spine in a straight line while sleeping on your side. For most people, this means that the sleeping pillow should be high enough for the head to be in line with the spine. However, it's important to remember that a too low or too high pillow leads to an improper position of the head and spine, resulting in discomfort and pain.

During side sleeping, we should definitely avoid excessive body twisting. If one leg is significantly higher than the other, it can lead to not only an unnatural hip alignment but also spinal pressure. Therefore, it's beneficial to keep both legs in a parallel position, which can be aided by placing a pillow between the knees.

If you experience any discomfort while sleeping on your side, it's worth considering the use of additional support. Pillows or rolls placed under the knees, and sometimes under the abdomen, can help maintain the correct body and spine position.

Additionally, regular back exercises are important for maintaining spine health. In particular, strengthening the back, abdominal, and pelvic muscles can help maintain the proper sleeping position because maintaining spine flexibility is fundamental.

We must remember that we are all different, but we have the same spine. There are many different ways of sleeping on your side, but the basic principles are always similar. Some people may feel comfortable when their legs remain slightly bent, while others may prefer a straightened position. The key is to find a position that provides the greatest comfort, minimizing pressure on the spine.
Sleeping with discopathy, spine sleeping position

Who can sleep on the right side?

As statistics show, sleeping on the right side remains one of the most popular sleeping positions today, although it's not the best one. However, for some individuals, right-side sleeping is recommended due to certain health-related aspects. It's worth considering them to determine whether sleeping on the right side is suitable for you.

This position is suitable for some pregnant women, for whom it's recommended. Research has shown that sleeping on the right side reduces pressure on the uterus and blood vessels, which can provide relief and improve blood flow to the fetus. It may also help them relieve pressure on the spine.

Furthermore, right-side sleeping can, in some advanced cases, provide relief to individuals dealing with digestive system issues, such as acid reflux or heartburn. This position effectively prevents excessive stomach pressure on the esophagus, reducing heartburn.

Importantly, sleeping on the right side can also help reduce issues with snoring, especially for those who previously slept on their backs and tended to throat collapse during sleep. However, this is not the right position for everyone, especially for those with heart conditions.
Sleeping on the right side, post-operative sleep, back pain

Why is sleeping on the left side the best?

The best position is sleeping on the left side, which is gaining continuous popularity, particularly among individuals who prioritize health and prevention. This position offers tangible benefits for the heart, leading many doctors to consider it the healthiest sleeping position. It helps maintain the heart in a position where it works more efficiently, improving blood and lymph circulation throughout the body. This can significantly help in reducing the risk of heart-related diseases.

For individuals with digestive difficulties, sleeping on the left side can be a truly worthwhile consideration. This position helps keep the stomach and intestines in a favorable anatomical position, facilitating the digestive transport of food. This, in turn, can aid in preventing acid reflux and heartburn, although to a lesser extent than when sleeping on the right side.

People suffering from sleep apnea or other respiratory issues can finally find relief when lying on their left side. This sleeping position promotes better airflow through the airways, which can be effective in significantly reducing snoring and improving sleep quality.

It's worth noting that sleeping on the left side is sometimes recommended for a certain portion of pregnant women. This position helps ensure proper blood flow to the fetus and uterus, which is crucial for their health. The choice of sleeping position during pregnancy, specifically choosing one of the two sides, should be made in consultation with a doctor.

Not everyone can sleep exclusively on the left side, but you can consider this position as part of sleep hygiene, a component of healthy habits. For those who are not accustomed to sleeping on the left side, it's recommended to experiment gradually by introducing this position into their life to enjoy the health benefits it offers.
Sleeping on the left side, sleep apnea, sleep positions

Is sleeping on your back healthy?

Directly after side sleeping, various sleeping positions take their place in the popularity rankings. The suitability of back sleeping depends on an individual's needs and any potential health issues. Before evaluating whether sleeping on your back is suitable, it's worth considering the benefits and drawbacks associated with this sleeping position.

If you have a good mattress, sleeping on your back can be beneficial as it provides support for your head and spine in an anatomically correct position. However, for individuals without a functional mattress, it may not be very healthy. Only proper support will allow you to sleep on your back with your head, neck, and spine in alignment. For some, this can reduce lower back pain and other aches. However, for individuals with back pain in general, sleeping on their back is not recommended as it may cause discomfort during sleep.

Importantly, back sleeping may lead to or worsen sleep apnea and similar conditions in many individuals. In this position, the tongue falls back, and the functionality and flexibility of the throat muscles decrease. This results in significant restriction of airflow through the airways, leading to increased snoring, which becomes more intense.

Sleep hygiene, side sleeping, a good mattress

Why avoid sleeping on your stomach?

Approximately 3-4% of the human population sleeps on their stomach, which should be avoided. There are indeed a number of reasons for which doctors and physiotherapists usually recommend avoiding this position. Although some people feel comfortable sleeping on their stomach, it can potentially lead to health issues associated with it.

The main reason is the pressure on the spine caused by sleeping on the stomach. Additionally, the head is turned in one direction, resulting in increased neck tension and pain, among other issues. The unnatural bending also affects the lumbar spine, which may start to hurt over time. When you add head retraction, or bending it backward using a pillow, the difficulties are exacerbated.

It's worth remembering that sleeping on your stomach can also limit free breathing because it presses on the chest and lungs of the sleeping person. This, in turn, leads to sleep difficulties, but above all, it significantly impedes breathing, which is particularly dangerous for individuals with respiratory system conditions such as asthma or other respiratory ailments.

Another drawback of stomach sleeping is that it can lead to excessive pressure on the heart and circulatory system. This, in turn, affects the functioning of the heart and blood circulation, which is problematic for people with various cardiovascular conditions, including atherosclerosis and anemia, for example.

Remember that sleeping on your stomach contributes to digestive issues because the stomach is compressed. As a result, this can lead to acid reflux and heartburn. Prolonged stomach sleeping can result in the appearance of wrinkles on the face and neck due to skin compression. There are also several symptoms that are atypical and result solely from individual predispositions, which this particular sleeping position can induce. It's essential to be aware of potential difficulties to be able to adjust your habits to your body's requirements.
Sleeping on the stomach, pillow under the stomach, side sleeping

How to change the habit of sleeping in the wrong position?

Changing the habit of sleeping positions can be quite a challenge, especially when you're accustomed to sleeping in an unhealthy position daily. It's important to remember that the choice of the right sleeping position significantly impacts your sleep quality and health. So, if you have the habit of sleeping on your stomach, try to change it.

Start by setting a goal and try to find your inner motivation, which could be related to various aspects, such as health, sleep quality, or solving specific issuesessence and reason for change is important for motivation.

Next, choose a health-friendly sleep position, preferably sleeping on your side, based on credible information about their characteristics. Make it your new goaldoctor or physiotherapist to determine which of the several sleeping positions is best for you.
Changing sleep-related habits requires determination.
Introduce changes to your habits gradually, taking small steps and starting with one or two nights a week. Then, try to increase the number of nights until you achieve the desired effect. Sometimes, it may take longer, which is an individual characteristic. It's important to remember that changing your sleeping habits is not easy.

The key to this process is a mattress that should be fully functional to facilitate a comfortable sleep every night. Properly selected and crafted sleeping pillows can also help make this endeavor a complete success for many years. If changing the habit of sleeping on your side is causing back pain or spinal issues, a physiotherapist or orthopedist can help, although it often comes down to time.

Changing your sleeping habit to an improper position always requires patience and perseverance, so it's not worth getting discouraged. Even if the initial difficulties are unpleasant, it's important to remember that the ultimate health benefits are worth it. Any changes leading to improved sleep hygiene are incredibly important.

We also encourage you to explore other articles on the best sleep and health blog, as well as the Encyclopedia of Healthy Sleep prepared by the ONSEN® team of specialists. For those who care about spine health, we recommend a set of spine exercises prepared by our physiotherapist.
Mattress, mattresses Bydgoszcz, mattress manufacturer, sleep store

FAQ: Sleeping on your side

What does sleeping on your side mean for the body?

Sleeping on your side is one of the most popular sleeping positions, adopted by over three-quarters of the human population. It means sleeping while lying on one of your body's sides, with your arms and legs extended in front of you, sometimes slightly bent. This is a natural sleeping position for humans and is extremely beneficial for health. Sleeping on the left side, in particular, can help prevent many sleep and health problems, including those related to the stomach and heart.

Why does the lower back hurt after sleeping on your side?

Lower back pain after sleeping on your side is mainly a result of improper body posture during sleep. To avoid this type of pain, it is important to maintain the spine in a neutral position, which can be aided by proper support while sleeping. Therefore, when experiencing lower back pain during or after sleep, it is essential to replace the mattress with a functional and healthy model and use orthopedic pillows and cushions between the knees.

How to sleep on your side correctly?

Sleeping on your side correctly is quite easy. To sleep on your side properly, you should support your head with a properly contoured pillow and have a body-contouring mattress. Your head and spine should remain in a straight line throughout the night. It's also a good idea to gently bend your knees and place a pillow between them to stabilize your hips. Avoid excessive neck bending, and evenly distribute your body's pressure on the mattress.

In what sleeping position does the heart rest best?

For most people's heart health, sleeping on your side is recommended. Sleeping on the left side, in particular, is when the heart rests best. Sleeping on the left side can help improve circulation and significantly relieve the entire cardiovascular system. This position makes it easier for the heart to pump blood because it exerts the least pressure on the aorta and inferior vena cava.

How should you sleep for the spine to rest?

To allow the spine to rest during sleep, it is important to ensure that the mattress and pillow provide strong support. You should also choose a sleeping position in which the spine is aligned straight, maintaining its natural curves, including lordosis and kyphosis. Adhering to universal principles of sleep hygiene is key to maintaining proper spinal health.

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