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Migraine – symptoms, causes, treatment

6 maja 2022
Migraine, pulsating headache, throbbing temples, fatigue
Migrena to dolegliwość, która dotyka wielu osób i może być przyczyną znaczącego dyskomfortu. Jest to choroba neurologiczna, charakteryzująca się nawracającymi, silnymi bólami głowy. Często towarzyszą jej też inne objawy, takie jak światłowstręt, nudności czy zaburzenia widzenia.

Dowiedz się, jak migrena może zakłócać Twój sen i jakie strategie zastosować, aby złagodzić jej wpływ na życie. Zdobądź cenne informacje na temat migreny i jej wpływu na funkcjonowanie oraz odkryj skuteczne sposoby na zmniejszenie skutków migreny i znaczną poprawę jakości snu.
Migraine treatment, ways to manage migraines, headache

What is a migraine?

Migraine is a chronic neurological disorder characterized by recurrent, intensifying headache attacks. It is a common condition that affects the lives of millions of people worldwide. Individuals suffering from migraines experience severe pain that can last from several hours to several days, and sometimes even longer.

A typical symptom of migraines is throbbing headache attacks, often unilateral, which worsen during routine physical activities. They are usually accompanied by nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound, as well as an increased aversion to physical activity. Some individuals also experience migraine auras, which involve various symptoms such as visual disturbances, speech impairments, or sensory changes that occur before the onset of the actual headache.

The exact causes of migraines are not fully understood, but it is believed that genetic and environmental factors play a role in their development. Neurochemical imbalances, such as changes in serotonin levels in the brain, also play a significant role in migraine development. Triggers for migraines include factors such as stress, hormonal changes, weather, dietary habits, and improper sleep hygiene that disrupts sleep patterns.

Migraine has a significant impact on the lives of individuals affected by this condition. Frequent migraine attacks can greatly limit the ability to function and work normally, and lead to a significant reduction in quality of life. Therefore, understanding the condition, obtaining a proper diagnosis, and receiving appropriate treatment are important. There are various treatment options available, both pharmacological and non-pharmacological, that can help alleviate symptoms and prevent migraine attacks.

If you suspect that you suffer from migraines, it is important to consult a doctor who can conduct examinations and recommend appropriate management methods for the condition. Remember that each individual may have different experiences and symptoms associated with migraines, so it is essential to take an individualized approach to treatment and find a suitable strategy that best meets your needs.

Migraine, temple pain, aching head

What factors trigger migraines?

Migraine is an exceptionally complex condition that can result from various factors. Although the causes of migraines are not fully understood, there are several key factors that can directly trigger or exacerbate migraine attacks.

Hormonal changes, such as those associated with the menstrual cycle in women, can influence the occurrence of migraines. Some women experience migraines before, during, or after their menstrual period. Hormonal replacement therapies and hormonal-based contraceptive methods can also affect the risk of migraines.

Certain environmental factors, such as adverse weather conditions and the accompanying rapid temperature changes, also impact migraines. For some individuals, stimuli related to intense light, noise, or odors can trigger migraines. This is due to their heightened sensory sensitivity.

Significant stress is another factor that can trigger migraines. Other emotional factors, such as anxiety, frustration, or even joy, can have a similar impact. Regardless of whether the emotions are pleasant or unpleasant, they can be important triggering factors for migraine attacks.

Migraines can also be triggered by dietary habits, especially with a diet lacking in essential vitamins and minerals. It is often observed that migraines occur in individuals consuming foods with insufficient tryptophan. Common triggers for migraine sufferers include alcohol, caffeine, cheese, and chocolate. Many people also notice a negative impact from artificial sweeteners as well as various food additives and preservatives.

One of the most important factors triggering migraines is the lack of proper sleep hygiene. This primarily includes irregular sleeping patterns but also having a poor mattress and, in many cases, an inadequate pillow that doesn't provide proper support. Meanwhile, it is important for the head and spine to be in an anatomically aligned position during migraines.

Morning headache, migraine with aura, nighttime headache

How to recognize a migraine?

Diagnosing migraines can sometimes be a significant challenge as its symptoms can be similar to other types of headaches. However, there are certain distinctive characteristics that can help in identifying migraines. Among them, the main one is intense pulsating headache, which can be bilateral or unilateral in nature.

Some individuals experience migraines with aura, which is associated with neurological symptoms before the onset of a headache. Aura can involve visual disturbances, including spots or flashes of light, speech or sensory disturbances, or disruption of other neurological functions. Aura usually occurs a few minutes to hours before the headache.

Among the symptoms of migraines, nausea and vomiting are also frequently mentioned. Individuals experiencing this type of headache also complain of an unpleasant stomach sensation that may resemble heartburn. Some of them are also hypersensitive to stimuli, especially light, sounds, and smells. Therefore, they avoid overly bright rooms and places with noise.

If you have suspicions of having migraines, it is important to consult a doctor. The doctor will conduct a thorough medical interview, assess your symptoms, and exclude other possible causes of headaches. They may also use tests such as the International Classification of Headache Disorders (ICHD-3). If the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor will be able to recommend an appropriate treatment and management strategy for migraines.

Migraine without aura, triptans, paracetamol for migraines, good neurologist

How does diet affect migraines?

Contrary to popular belief, diet also plays a significant role in managing migraines. Certain foods act as migraine triggers, while others may have anti-migraine properties. There are many dietary factors that can impact the occurrence of migraine attacks.

In some individuals, certain foods can trigger migraine attacks. It is important to identify your individual triggers, which often include products such as chocolate, cheese, caffeine, alcohol, as well as common artificial sweeteners or foods containing unnecessary additives and preservatives. Keeping a food diary and tracking which products may contribute to the onset of migraine headaches is crucial.

Regularly consuming meals at consistent intervals is important for maintaining stable blood sugar levels. Sudden drops in blood glucose levels can provoke migraine attacks, including in individuals with diabetes. To prevent migraines, it is necessary to maintain a balanced diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain cereal products, as well as healthy sources of protein and fats.

On the other hand, foods containing monosodium glutamate (MSG), commonly known as sodium glutamate, should be excluded from the diet. It is also advisable to avoid artificial sweeteners and various types of dairy products. Some individuals suffering from migraines experience attacks after consuming these types of products. Therefore, considering an individual elimination diet is recommended.

Maintaining hydration is also crucial. It has a significant impact on overall health and helps prevent migraines. Many migraine sufferers report increased severity of migraines during periods of dehydration.

Certain dietary supplements are worth mentioning as well. Deficiencies in calcium, magnesium, and zinc are increasingly observed in individuals with migraines. Additionally, deficiencies in vitamins such as B2 (riboflavin), B6 (pyridoxal), and B12 (cobalamin) are noted. Coenzyme Q10, which is found in spinach, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cereals, also proves helpful in preventing migraines.

Migraine treatment, modern methods of headache treatment, sleep and migraines

How does sleep hygiene affect migraines?

Improper spinal alignment during sleep has a significant impact on the occurrence of migraines. Proper sleep hygiene, including choosing the right mattress and pillow, can help alleviate migraine symptoms.

It's important to note that the choice of the right mattress is crucial for maintaining the proper alignment of the spine during sleep. The mattress should provide adequate support for the spine, evenly distribute body weight, and reduce pressure on pressure-sensitive points. For individuals experiencing migraines, a medium-firm universal mattress is recommended, as it provides support for the neck, back, and hips. In this regard, the Osaka Air mattress stands out as a top choice.

It's important to remember that the pillow also plays an incredibly important role in maintaining the proper position of the neck and spine during sleep. For individuals with migraines, it is recommended to choose a pillow that provides neck support, which translates to reduced pressure on the cervical spine. A medium-firm foam pillow is the best choice for such individuals. However, they should avoid memory foam pillows and focus on those made of highly elastic foam.

In addition to the proper mattress and pillow, it is important to maintain a proper body position during sleep. Sleeping on the back or side is recommended, while avoiding unhealthy stomach sleeping, which can lead to improper spinal alignment. Additionally, it's important to avoid positions where the head is elevated or excessively bent, as this can contribute to neck muscle tension and potentially worsen migraine pain.

Watery eyes, migraine medication, triptans, headache treatment

What medications are used for migraines?

Various types of medications are used for treating migraines, aiming to alleviate symptoms and reduce the frequency of attacks. The most commonly used are over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). These are used to treat mild to moderate migraine attacks. Examples of NSAIDs commonly used for migraines include ketoprofen, ibuprofen, and paracetamol, as well as acetylsalicylic acid, commonly known as aspirin. It is important to use them according to the manufacturer's recommendations.

In some cases, antiemetic medications with a broad spectrum of action are also used for migraines. This is because migraines can cause nausea and vomiting in some individuals, and these medications help prevent these symptoms. The most commonly used medications for alleviating these symptoms are metoclopramide and drotaverine.

Triptans are significantly stronger medications available by prescription. They belong to a group of anti-migraine drugs that work directly on serotonin receptors in the brain, helping to alleviate pain and other migraine symptoms. They are effective in reducing symptoms and are often used for moderate to severe attacks. Examples of triptans commonly used include sumatriptan, rizatriptan, and zolmitriptan. In Polish pharmacies, there is also almotriptan available, which can be used without a prescription.

Tryptans, which have become popular for migraine treatment, are now available over-the-counter without a prescription.

For individuals with frequent and severe migraines, a doctor may recommend the use of migraine preventive medications. These are medications that, when taken regularly, aim to reduce the frequency and severity of attacks. A commonly used medication is the beta-blocker propranolol, antiepileptic drugs such as topiramate, or antihistamines such as cyproheptadine.

For individuals who experience migraines in relation to their menstrual cycle, hormonal medications may also be used. Among them, oral contraceptive pills are often prescribed to stabilize hormone levels. Hormone replacement therapy tailored to the individual's hormonal profile is also used to reduce the frequency and severity of migraine attacks.

It is important to consult a doctor to determine the appropriate pharmacological treatment for migraines. Only a doctor can assess the severity and frequency of symptoms and adjust medications to each individual's specific needs. Medications should not be taken without medical consultation as they can interact with other medications or food. Additionally, migraines can be a secondary symptom of other undiagnosed conditions.

Home remedies for migraines, self-treatment for migraines, migraine pillow

What are some home remedies for treating migraines?

Migraines can be alleviated with home remedies that can effectively complement pharmacological therapy. One of them is rest and relaxation. During a migraine headache attack, it is important to find a quiet and calm place to rest. Simply avoiding stress can help significantly in reducing tension and the severity of pain. Relaxation exercises, such as meditation or yoga, including those based on mindfulness, can be helpful in reducing stress and alleviating migraine symptoms.

Applying cold or warm compresses to the entire head or specific areas of the head or neck can provide relief and reduce the intensity of migraine pain. You can try placing a cold compress on the forehead or the back of the neck or use a warm towel on the area that is causing pain. It's worth combining this with aromatherapy. Some essential oils, such as peppermint, lavender, or eucalyptus, have relaxing and analgesic properties. Using aromatherapy through inhalation or massaging essential oils onto the temples can help alleviate migraine pain.

Regular meals and proper hydration are also of fundamental importance. Consuming balanced meals at specific times and maintaining adequate hydration helps prevent migraine attacks. It is also important to avoid fluctuations in blood sugar levels by regularly consuming meals and drinking an appropriate amount of water.

Migraine pillow, migraine tablets, headaches before sleep

What kind of pillow should I choose for migraines?

For individuals suffering from migraines, the choice of an appropriate orthopedic pillow with an anatomical shape and a shoulder cutout is of crucial importance. Such a pillow helps maintain the correct position of the neck and spine during sleep, improving the body's regenerative abilities and enabling proper functioning.

When choosing a pillow for migraines, it is important to ensure that it has the appropriate height. It should be relatively low when sleeping on the back and significantly higher when sleeping on the side. This is directly related to human anatomy. It is generally recommended that a pillow for sleeping on the back should have a height of 3-4 centimeters, while for side sleeping, its height should measure 10-13 centimeters. The size of such an orthopedic pillow is primarily selected based on body structure and height.

The material from which a headache pillow is made is also important. The material must be breathable and provide proper elasticity. Pillows made of memory foam or popular latex pillows are not recommended for migraine sufferers. Buckwheat pillows whose alleged properties raise many doubts are also not suitable for migraines.

Therefore, individuals experiencing migraines, as well as anyone else, are not recommended to use non-ergonomic pillows shaped like waves, rolls, or soap bars. Although their prices often reach even a thousand zlotys, in reality, they are usually low-cost pillows produced by cutting foam blocks using a string or knife. Regardless of the mark-up imposed by the manufacturer and the entire marketing packaging, they do not fully correspond to the physiological structure of the human body. Moreover, they are made of viscoelastic foam, the disadvantages of which are already well-known.

A true orthopedic pillow looks different from what is commonly believed.
When choosing the right orthopedic pillow for yourself, it is important to ensure that it is molded from molds made based on real human models. Such a pillow should be made of highly elastic foam that will provide stable support to the head and neck throughout the night. This ensures that the pillow has real health benefits while also allowing for air circulation.

ONSEN® is probably the only manufacturer in Poland that produces orthopedic pillows made in such a way. The production process is preceded by extensive research and testing. Our offer includes four models of iconic pillows that are selected based on body structure: ONSEN® pillows are designed to meet the needs of different body structures and requirements while following the jobs to be done principle. They aim to provide proper support to the neck, spine, and head during sleep to improve comfort and maintain it throughout the night. They are designed using the design thinking methodology, resulting in top-quality products. Additionally, they are classified as Class I medical devices.

We also encourage you to explore other articles on the best sleep and health blog, as well as the Encyclopedia of Healthy Sleep prepared by the ONSEN® team of specialists. For those who care about spine health, we recommend a set of spine exercises prepared by our physiotherapist.
Migraine pillows, orthopedic pillow, how to fight headache

FAQ: Migraine

What is a migraine?

Migraine is a chronic neurological disorder that causes recurrent episodes of headache. It is characterized by pulsating head pain that worsens during daily physical activities. Other symptoms that may occur during a migraine attack include nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light and sound, and aversion to physical activity. Some patients experience migraine with aura, which involves various neurological symptoms such as visual disturbances, speech or sensory disturbances that occur before the onset of the headache.

What triggers a migraine?

There are several factors that can trigger a migraine. These include hormonal changes associated with the menstrual cycle in women, environmental factors (including weather changes), sudden temperature changes, intense light, noise, and odors. Migraine can also be secondary to improper sleep hygiene and spinal disorders, which are related to the improper choice of pillow and mattress. Strong emotions such as stress, anxiety, frustration, or even joy can also contribute to the occurrence of migraines. Improper dietary habits, such as the consumption of alcohol, caffeine, cheeses, chocolate, artificial sweeteners, and foods containing additives and preservatives, also have an impact on migraines.

How to treat migraines?

Migraine has a significant impact on the daily lives of people suffering from this condition. Migraine attacks can greatly impair normal functioning, work, and lead to a decrease in the quality of life. There are many available treatment options, both pharmacological and non-pharmacological, that can help alleviate symptoms and prevent migraine attacks. It is also worth considering the purchase of an orthopedic migraine pillow and choosing the right mattress.

What should a migraine pillow be like?

A migraine pillow should be tailored to the anatomy of the human body in order to support the head and spine in a physiological position. It should be made of high-density foam to stably support the neck and head throughout the night. Additionally, it is important for such a pillow to have proper air circulation.

How long does a migraine headache last?

The duration of a migraine headache can vary among individuals. Typically, migraine headaches can last from a few hours to several days. However, there are cases where migraine headaches can last for weeks. The duration of migraines can also differ depending on individual factors such as the severity of symptoms, response to treatment, and overall health condition of the person experiencing migraines. It is important to consult with a doctor for a diagnosis and appropriate migraine treatment.

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