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Sleeping on your side and hip pain - how to deal with it?

22 stycznia 2021
Sleeping on the side and hip pain, sleep after hip surgery, hip joint relief
Sleeping on the side with hip pain raises legitimate concerns about our health for most of us. The hip joint is one of the largest joints in the human body. The role of the hip joint is to transfer the weight of the body from the torso to the lower limb. Therefore, hip pain is extremely severe and has a significant impact on daily functioning in every aspect.

The hip joint is composed of the head of the femur and the acetabulum of the pelvic bone. Understanding the anatomy of the hip is crucial when considering hip pain while sleeping on the side or when it continues to hurt, even after trying different sleep positions. This suggests a serious medical condition that requires urgent intervention.
Hip pain, aching hip, hip replacement
The head of the femur performs movements within the acetabulum of the pelvic bone during every activity performed in a standing position. It is loaded during standing and also undergoes stress during walking, running, or jumping. The acetabulum of the pelvic bone is lined with cartilage and synovial fluid, whose task is to reduce friction, allowing for smooth movements of the head of the femur.

This simplicity in the structure of the femur is crucial for performing complex movements in the hip joint. If experiencing hip pain while sleeping on the side, it may be related to limited mobility of this anatomical structure. There are several potential reasons for such a condition. In the case of persistent pain or mobility issues, it is always recommended to consult with a doctor or physiotherapist for an accurate diagnosis and to develop a treatment plan.
Sleeping on the side and hip pain, hip pains, mattress for the hip

Causes of hip pain during sleep

Hip pain during side sleeping or in other sleeping positions can have various sources. Therefore, the likely causes of hip pain should always be determined by a doctor after performing physical and imaging examinations, of course, following a thorough interview.

Often, individuals reporting hip pain are actually referring to discomfort related to the pain of the iliac crest, which is located on the sides of the body at the level of the navel. This is an area that many people automatically identify as part of the hip, which can lead to misunderstandings in the interpretation of pain symptoms by specialists.

Meanwhile, pain in the iliac crest is very rarely caused by the hip. The hip joint is located below it. Therefore, a damaged hip most often hurts in the joint itself. In addition, hip pain is also manifested by pain in the groin area or radiating to it. It is worth noting that pain in the iliac crest is not always associated with the hip bone, but often results from discomfort related to muscles or ligaments, and sometimes adjacent structures.
Hip pain is sometimes confused with pain in the crest of the hip bone.
Many patients describe hip pain as pain felt on the outer side of the thigh or around the buttocks. Most often, this type of discomfort indicates soft tissue disorders related to the hip. Primarily, these are the surrounding structures of the hip, such as muscles, tendons, ligaments, and part of the fascia, i.e., non-bone structures.

As statistical data show, the most common causes of hip pain are:
  • degenerative joint disease of the hip;
  • damage to the hip joint cartilage;
  • bone fractures;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • inflammation of the hip joint capsule;
  • inflammation of the hip tendons;
  • overuse of muscles involved in hip movements;
  • hip joint tumor;
  • osteonecrosis.
Degenerative joint disease of the hip causes recurring inflammatory processes that lead to irreversible damage to the joint cartilage inside the hip joint. This results not only in hip pain but also significant restriction of its mobility.

Damage to the hip joint cartilage can result from mechanical injury or congenital anatomical disorders. The injury usually has a sudden nature, but it increasingly consists of many overlapping micro-injuries, which ultimately produce this effect.

Bone fractures most often affect older people. They occur due to osteoporosis. The weakened bone, due to a reduction in density, is unable to withstand high stress. This most often leads to a fracture of the femoral neck. Such fractures usually occur as a result of trauma caused by a fall.

Rheumatoid arthritis in the hip area usually results in limping and intense pain. It is a chronic inflammatory process that begins in the synovial membrane of the hip joint and then leads to the destruction and stiffening of the hip, requiring treatment.

Inflammation of the hip joint capsule is a very serious soft tissue disease, occurring extremely rarely. It manifests as inflammation within the hip joint capsule, leading to its thickening and contraction, and then to the formation of adhesions. As a result, the volume of the hip decreases.

Inflammation of the hip tendons most often occurs due to overloads associated with sports activities, and increasingly also with physical work on hard surfaces. In most cases, it results from prolonged strain on the tendons around the hip, leading to micro-injuries. These become larger over time. Inflammatory conditions here are a natural reaction of the body, which accumulates fluid in and around the tendons.

Overuse of muscles involved in hip movements results from their excessive stretching. This injury causes a loss of up to 5% continuity of muscle fibers. It is usually not sudden but the result of accumulating micro-injuries due to repeated injuries. While muscle strain related to the hip is not dangerous to health, ignoring this condition can lead to muscle tears.

Tumors of the hip joint are extremely rare. They are a type of musculoskeletal tumors. The most commonly encountered hip tumors are bone sarcomas, which can be genetically induced. Often, however, the location of the tumor is related to inflammation of the hip joint. Most often, hip cancer begins with benign tumors, which, if untreated, transform into malignant tumors. These can then metastasize to the bones, so it is essential to take preventive measures.

Avascular Necrosis is the sterile necrosis of the femoral head. It can result from a blockage, blood clot, or injury in this area. In most cases, it stems from a disruption of blood supply to the bone's growth center. Furthermore, the bone of the hip affected by necrosis often undergoes deformation. Avascular necrosis of the hip is medically known as Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease, also referred to as Perthes disease.

Every hip pain should be thoroughly differentiated. Never should a final or even a preliminary diagnosis be based solely on the hip pain itself. Difficulties related to the functioning of the hip joint should always be consulted with a specialist. Besides pain, it's essential to pay attention to other symptoms, such as limping, stiffness, swelling, or tenderness around the hip joint.
Osteonecrosis, hip necrosis, hip pain

How to sleep on your side with hip pain

Statistics show that the phrase "sleeping on the side and hip pain" is a common search among Europeans who do not maintain proper sleep hygiene. However, hip pain and the consequences, such as hip replacement surgery, can be avoided. This can be achieved by applying simple principles when choosing products for your bedroom.

In the case of hip pain, a memory foam mattress will definitely help, allowing for an anatomical, neutral alignment of the hip joints during sleep. It is essential to ensure a physiological alignment for both hips, even when only one of them is in pain. This will help distribute body pressure properly.

The hip joint has its natural range of motion, which is essential for maintaining physical fitness. Care should be taken to ensure that the alignment of the hips on the mattress does not reach their maximum range. When the hips are positioned on the mattress in a way that does not favor the natural curves of the spine and the anatomical alignment of the joints, it can lead to excessive stretching of muscles, ligaments, and other soft structures around the hips.

Unnatural hip flexion occurs during sleep on an improper mattress. Therefore, it is crucial to pay close attention to the functionality of the mattress we have in the bedroom. Sleeping on the side is recommended, as this sleeping position effectively supports the natural curves of the spine, allowing the maintenance of joint anatomy. It is essential to remember about a knee pillow and the daily use of ergonomic sleeping pillows.

Although for some people, a soft mattress may seem like a comfortable solution, in reality, it leads to adverse effects on joint health, especially the hip joint. The lack of support while simultaneously sinking into the mattress generates too much adduction of the hip on which one lies. This results in a unnatural alignment of the hip joint, which can lead to various health issues.
Sleeping on the side and hip pain, sleeping after hip surgery, adducted hip
While sleeping on a soft mattress, the hip joint tends to be in a harmful position that does not promote its natural alignment. A mattress that is too soft affects the adduction of the hip joint, bringing the legs closer to the center of the body. As a result, the hip joint is in a unnatural and unhealthy position, contributing to discomfort and pain in many patients and negatively impacting joint stability.

Individuals who regularly sleep on soft mattresses may experience an increased risk of hip problems, such as muscle pain and tension, and even chronic joint conditions. To maintain joint health, it is recommended to choose a fully functional foam mattress that provides support for the spine and joints, allowing them to maintain a natural position during sleep.

Unfortunately, some people still adhere to the harmful myth that a firm mattress is a remedy for hip pain. This is a remnant of ancient thinking that stiffening a body part will heal it. It is now known that medium firmness provides the best dynamics, translating into an appropriate balance between comfort and support.

On a firm mattress, weight accumulation points are formed, specific areas where bodies rest on the support surface. When sleeping on a firm mattress, the hip joint becomes the main area of weight accumulation during side sleeping. This means that during the entire night, the hip is exposed to excessive pressure, which can lead to irritation of the hip joint. As a result, it increases hip pain rather than alleviating it.

As a rule, a firm mattress is not elastic, which consequently means that it does not adapt to the natural curves of the body, leading to excessive pressure on specific areas, especially the hip joint. Therefore, individuals with hip pain should avoid excessively firm mattresses and consider choosing a medium-firm mattress, which will provide proper support for the spine and joints.
Firm mattress, hip pain at night, hip compression
It is crucial to know that the harder the mattress chosen for sleeping, the more severe the hip pain will be in the long run, regardless of the sleep position. It is essential to overcome the false belief that sleeping on a very firm mattress is beneficial for the health of hips and spine. Similar to the mythical sleeping on a board, which leads to many health problems.

When choosing mattresses, as in most life situations, achieving a balance and compromise is very important, which involves functionality. Individuals suffering from hip pain should consider choosing a moderately firm mattress that provides proper support for the joints and, at the same time, ensures sleeping comfort.

Recommended by specialists, the Osaka Air mattress offers what is most important in sleep, namely comfort and support at the highest level. Thanks to this iconic foam mattress, you can achieve the proper alignment of the hip joint and minimize the force of weight accumulation points by distributing it appropriately. Moreover, its proper dynamics contribute to alleviating discomfort.

Our mattress is the ideal choice when considering which mattress to choose after hip surgery, but also how to avoid hip surgery, including endoprosthesis implantation. It also helps enhance the effects of hip joint rehabilitation, which is worth doing under the supervision of a physiotherapist.
Sleeping on the side and hip pain, proper hip alignment, spine mattress
Often, during side sleeping, there is a tendency to bend one leg and then extend the leg forward. This position may cause the body to align in an intermediate position between side and back sleeping. This contributes to the exacerbation of hip pain for several reasons.

Bending one leg and then extending it forward results in improper positioning of the hip joint. This, in turn, affects uneven loading of the joint, which directly leads to muscle tension and nerve compression, causing biomechanical abnormalities.

This sleeping position contributes to increased pressure on the hip joint. When the leg is extended forward, the load on the hip joint increases, which can lead to an increase in pain symptoms, especially in individuals who already have certain hip discomfort.

To minimize hip pain during side sleeping, it is recommended to maintain the natural body alignment. Therefore, it is advisable to use an appropriate pillow to support the head and neck, and also ensure a pillow between the knees to keep the hip joint in a stable and neutral position. This will help in reducing pressure on the hip joint and improving sleep comfort.
Pelvic pain, hip rotation, roadkill position
Another intermediate position, also known as the roadkill position, is particularly dangerous for the health of the hip joint. Although initially, partial side sleeping may seem beneficial for individuals with hip pain, prolonged maintenance of this position leads to discomfort and exacerbation of symptoms.

In the presented roadkill position, the upper hip undergoes significant adduction, meaning bringing the legs closer to the center of the body, while the lower hip experiences excessive rotation, or turning to the side. Strong pelvic rotation directly leads to lower back pain. On the other hand, the unnatural positioning of the arm during intermediate sleeping results in limb numbness upon waking.

For individuals with hip pain, it is strongly recommended to avoid the roadkill position, regardless of the type of mattress. For hip joints, sleeping in the classic side position supplemented with a small pillow placed between the legs is much more favorable. This helps to maintain the hip joints in a physiological position, providing the desired relief.
Sleeping on the side and hip pain, pillow between the legs, thigh support at night
The size of the pillow placed between the legs during side sleeping should always be adjusted to the individual. Women, who naturally have a wider pelvis than men, leading to a wider spacing of the hip joints, should use a slightly larger pillow. Additionally, the height of the pillow should be varied based on the amount of fat tissue in the thighs.

The best type of pillow preventing hip adduction is a traditional jasiek with polyester or bamboo filling. It should be moldable to provide the necessary comfort. Moreover, it should be large enough to support not only the thigh and knee but also the lower leg.
Hip pain at night, wedge between knees, sleeping roll

Proper sleeping with hip pain

Individuals with hip pain may find relief through a well-tolerated position, such as sleeping on the back. Nevertheless, a crucial element of this experience is proper support, especially the need to choose the best mattress that will support the healing process. The mattress should provide adequate support for both the spine and hips to minimize discomfort to the greatest extent, even after waking up.

An element that contributes to alleviating hip pain is investing in a special wedge. This should be placed under the legs during sleep, helping to elevate the legs, leading to a slight bending of the hips. Such an angle often brings relief and reduces tension in the hip area, which is particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing discomfort.

One of the recommended products that meets these requirements is the rehabilitation roller from the Polish brand Dr Sapporo. Thanks to its construction and functionality, this roller enables comfortable leg support, improving sleep quality and significantly alleviating hip pain. Investing in such a product can provide relief alongside supporting the healing process.
Sleeping on the side and hip pain, wedge under the legs, hip relaxation
Regardless of hip pain, sleeping on the stomach is strongly not recommended for several reasons. This is primarily due to the unfavorable positioning of the cervical spine and the significant load on the hip joint, especially when the mattress firmness is not properly chosen.

In this sleeping position, the body tends to sink excessively into the mattress, leading to an extension of the hip joint, which is undesirable. This extension often results in severe hip pain, which most people would like to avoid. Additionally, lifting one leg upwards can intensify the pressure on the acetabulum of the hip joint, increasing the risk of discomfort and pain.

Individuals dealing with hip pain should especially avoid sleeping on their stomach. This sleeping position is not recommended for those who prioritize the prevention of spinal and hip joint disorders. Proper adjustment of mattress firmness is also essential to ensure optimal support for the spine.
Mattress for hip pain, orthopedic mattresses, how to sleep with a hip replacement

Mattress and sleeping on the side with hip pain

Offered by ONSEN®, the highly elastic Osaka Air foam mattress is the best on the market, ideal for people dealing with hip pain or those who have undergone hip joint surgery, especially hip endoprosthesis implantation.

It is characterized not only by being medium-firm but also by an innovative, unique ventilation system. Its layered construction ensures proper body support as well as support for the hips and spine. It guarantees the highest comfort and health benefits.

So, if you feel hip pain at night, the first step should be a mattress change. With a properly selected mattress made according to the design thinking method, we can prevent further damage to the hip joint and thus avoid surgery, a serious procedure such as hip surgery.

The functional Osaka Air mattress is delivered to customers within 48 hours, and its delivery is always free. Additionally, it is covered by up to 15 years of warranty and a program allowing returning the mattress within 100 days of delivery. All of this guarantees a risk-free purchase.

For those affected by soaring inflation and who do not have the financial means to buy a mattress, and yet want to ensure a comfortable and healthy sleep, there is an opportunity to buy a mattress in installments under very favorable conditions, including 0% interest. Thanks to this, it becomes accessible to everyone who suffers from hip pain, wants to support hip joint rehabilitation, or needs optimal sleeping conditions after hip endoprosthesis implantation.

We also encourage you to explore other articles on the best sleep and health blog, as well as the Encyclopedia of Healthy Sleep prepared by the ONSEN® team of specialists. For those who care about spine health, we recommend a set of spine exercises prepared by our physiotherapist.
How to sleep with a hip replacement, medical mattress, mattresses for health

FAQ: Hip pain while sleeping on side

How to sleep with hip pain?

To sleep with hip pain, it is essential to relieve the pressure on the hip by ensuring that you sleep on a mattress that allows for proper, neutral positioning of the hip joints. Therefore, you should avoid adducting your hip, which can be prevented by sleeping on a high-density foam mattress with a firmness rating of 6.5 on the American mattress hardness scale. You should avoid sleeping on memory foam or spring mattresses, as well as mattresses that are too firm or too soft.

What type of mattress is best for hip pain?

People with hip pain should sleep on a high-density foam mattress with a firmness rating of 6.5 on the American mattress hardness scale. The mattress should contour to your body, rather than pulling it inward or keeping it in a perfectly horizontal position. A medium-firm mattress is best for people with hip pain, with the first layer made of high-resilience open-cell foam providing optimal body support and spine support, and the second layer made of thermoelastic visco foam. The ideal mattress for people with hip pain is the Osaka Air mattress.

What type of orthopedic pillow should you choose for hip pain?

People with hip pain should choose orthopedic pillows that provide optimal spine support. Proper physiological alignment of the spine during sleep can reduce hip pain by promoting better overall body function. Additionally, a well-chosen orthopedic pillow increases sleep comfort and hygiene, which also translates to improved immunity and a stronger response by the body to the inflammatory condition causing hip pain.

What does hip pain at night mean?

Hip pain at night indicates that there is an ongoing inflammatory process in or around the hip. This is most commonly caused by degenerative changes in the hip joint, as well as rheumatoid diseases. It can also be the result of dysfunction of soft tissues around the hip, such as muscles, tendons, ligaments, or fascia. Hip fractures due to osteoporosis or injuries, as well as muscle strains, can also cause hip pain. Less commonly, hip pain at night may have its origin in tumors or osteonecrosis, which is sterile necrosis of the femoral head.

Why do hips hurt while sleeping?

Hips can hurt while sleeping due to an ongoing inflammatory process. This can have many causes, such as degeneration in the hip joint, rheumatoid arthritis, or abnormalities in the function of the soft tissues surrounding the hip. It is often the result of injuries, and less commonly, hip pain can be caused by tumors. Regardless of the cause of hip pain during sleep, it is important to consult a physician or physical therapist about the issue and invest in a high-quality, high-density foam mattress for optimal sleep hygiene.

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